Interstellar Miner

Chapter 345 Endgame Storm

Chapter 345 Endgame Storm
Mo Xuan still remembers when he went to the market when he was a child, there would always be adults setting up chess pieces on the street, which was very lively.

Before playing Go, Mo Xuan had always played chess with his friends. He admired his uncle's level the most. He could eat all the pieces of the difficult computer in the Xiaobawang chess game, but he couldn't even beat the simple computer. .When Mo Xuan played chess with his uncle, usually the uncle had to let two rooks or two cannons, or one rook, one cannon and one horse, otherwise the game would not be equal at all.

Mo Xuan was young and didn't have much experience. When he saw a strange end game, he couldn't help but go to join in the fun. At that time, the price was low, and it only cost one yuan per game, and if he won, he could win ten yuan!After I entered junior high school, I got ten yuan and 21 innings, and then I got fifty and one hundred.

The rules of the chess endgame are quite simple, the stalls are all holding black chess, and the red chess moves first!Every time Mo Xuan looked at the red chess, he should be sure to win, but every time he played by himself, he was checked to death by the black chess.In the end, there is always nothing left.

Afterwards my uncle found out, he laughed and patted Mo Xuan on the head, and revealed the mystery. It is basically impossible for black chess to lose in the end game of chess. Draw.

I go!Isn't that a liar!No wonder he couldn't win, Mo Xuan gritted his teeth in anger.

Uncle stroked his chin and explained that not all of them are liars, some are just for fun, some are just to pass the time, the strategy of willing people to take the bait, many players who end up in the end game will win even if they play chess, and of course there are also special groups to swindle money , anyway, if we see the endgame in the future, we should stay far away.

Later, my uncle saw that Mo Xuan still couldn't let go, so he signed up Mo Xuan for a Go class. Mo Xuan then switched to Go, and soon enjoyed the fun of eating pieces. Big loss, but still enjoy it.

When Mo Xuan was on Earth, there were no endgames in Go, only some life-and-death problems, but in this four-layer space-time, because of the increase in the number of Go boards and the changes in the rules of live chess, there are a lot of endgames!

Mo Xuan started to watch the endgame of the [-]th Road with great interest, and briefly asked about the rules, and was a little dizzy.When we were on Earth, anyone who has played Go knows that Heizi has a great advantage in going first. Regular Go games have a rule of first move, but here there is no such rule.

Mo Xuan watched a few more endgames, and immediately understood that the Go game here is similar to the fierce play of ancient Chinese chess, but the sunspots go first, and the diagonal layout is not easy to form because the situation is broken up. The advantage is smaller than that of the parallel layout; it also adopts the star positions that are easy to attack and difficult to defend, and it is easy to form a slashing and killing situation, and the first-hand advantage is almost negligible.

Finally, the number of rules to determine the outcome.

The number rule is to fill the chess pieces removed from the opponent back into the open space surrounded by the opponent at the end of the game, and then count them. The purpose of this is to ensure that the number of pieces placed by both sides on the chessboard is the same, and only the remaining open space can be used to judge the victory of the two sides. Negative, the common dual-active place is shared by both players, half of each player.

Tsk tsk, it's exciting to play like this, I like it!Mo Xuan really felt itchy.

The pieces previously dropped in the Jianghu endgame are all cleared and not counted, and will be counted again from the beginning of the endgame.

It's just that Mo Xuan looked at the endgame of Go, the stalls were all holding black pieces, and the white pieces seemed to be basically at a disadvantage. As long as the stalls didn't make foolish moves, basically the white pieces would not be able to win.Are there any white pieces that can win?Mo Xuan searched without haste.

Oops, Bai Zi in this endgame is absolutely dead at first glance, and he is still here, and he is asking for a third-grade immortal stone, why don't you go grab the money!Only a fool will play with you, ignore it.

This endgame is difficult, and Bai Zi's chances of winning are too small, so there is no need to waste time.

Oops, there are still white pieces to play in this game, so Mo Xuan Shi Shiran sat on the empty futon opposite the long-bearded and chesty fairy who set up the stall, tsk tsk, the chessboard on the 23rd road looks so big, three Eye-moving chess, there is a trick!

The long-bearded immortal silently pointed to the wooden tiles on the side of the chessboard.A third-grade fairy stone can be challenged three times, and Bai Zi can get three third-grade fairy stones if he wins a game.

Mo Xuan quickly took out a third-grade immortal stone and placed it on the side of the chessboard.

The long-bearded immortal bowed to Mo Xuan, please.

"Hey, look, someone actually wants to play chess with Old Monster Jing. Isn't this giving Old Monster Jing wine money for nothing?"

"That kid looks like he's new here. Now he's in a terrible situation, and he hasn't been caught by the old monster fishing to death."

"Poor baby!"


Some immortals who set up stalls around secretly shook their heads and sighed, but they were only envious. Who told us that none of us are as high-level as Boss Jing, and we only win one and a half goals every time, making the players want to stop!
Thirty years ago, the invisible well old monster caught an immortal for 30 rounds in a row, won a thousand third-grade immortal stones, and shocked everyone with his skills.Many immortals who claimed to be masters took the initiative to challenge, but no one could beat Old Monster Jing!According to the analysis of veterans, Old Monster Jing has at least the rank level of the Chess Academy, which is not something we amateur chess players can compete with!

Since then, only some newcomers will play against Old Monster Jing.

This chessboard is really good, the moves are crisp and pleasant to the ear, Mo Xuan played a few moves at random, and the long-bearded immortal made moves in a leisurely manner.

Huh!As the saying goes, an expert will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move. Although this long-bearded fairy does not show his mountains and dews, Luo Zi really strives for victory in a steady manner.

Mo Xuan stroked his chin and pondered for a moment, then immediately started attacking, attacking, and attacking again!OK, won.

The long-bearded immortal was stunned for a moment, raised his head and glanced at Mo Xuan, took out three third-grade immortal stones and handed them over, and said, "This fellow Taoist, can you still play two games?"

Mo Xuan didn't take the immortal stone, nodded his head, all right, it's time to practice.

The long-bearded immortal placed three third-grade immortal stones on the side of the chessboard, and quickly began to arrange the chessboard.

"Hey, what's the situation? Old Monster Jing lost? Did it on purpose!"

"It seems that Mr. Jing's fishing skills have improved to a higher level."


Immortal Long Beard arranged the mess, sat upright, and bowed to Mo Xuan, please.

Mo Xuan smiled lightly and made the first move, saying that attack is the kingly way.

The long-bearded fairy remained calm and responded calmly.

Both sides moved quickly, and it was over in a short while.

The long-bearded immortal counted the number of eyes, and he lost again!This... the long-bearded immortal frowned, and let go of three third-grade immortal stones, staring blankly at the chess game, why did he lose again?
"What's the situation? Boss Jing lost again?"

"Is the opponent that powerful?"

"It can't be a professional chess player from the Chess Academy."

"You are stupid, now the Chess Academy is conducting a round-robin round-robin competition, how can a professional chess player have time to come out and hang out?"

"That's right, what's going on? Is there really an amateur chess player who can win Boss Well?"


The immortals who set up stalls in the surrounding area couldn't bear it anymore, and all the idle ones gathered around to find out.

What's wrong?Where did so many spectators come from?Mo Xuan glanced around, but he didn't mind being watched.

The long-bearded immortal took a deep breath, and quickly put the chessboard back to the endgame. There is one more round, please.

Mo Xuan's first move was still called Chi Chi, and he blew the charge to attack.

The long-bearded immortal didn't want to repeat the same mistakes, so he dealt with it carefully and carefully, taking long exams from time to time (after thinking for a long time before making a move).

Mo Xuan almost made the move. Of course, he didn't think at all. He just took advantage of the time when the long-bearded fairy was thinking. In this way, he seemed to be able to do a job with ease and put strong pressure on his opponent.

It's human nature to like to join in the fun. Seeing Mo Xuan's sudden gathering, more and more immortals gathered around to watch. Oh, high-level chess, not to be missed.

Mo Xuan was calm and relaxed, while the forehead of the long-bearded immortal was gradually covered with beads of sweat. He only felt that the chessboard was full of wars, and wars were raging everywhere. How should we deal with it next?
The onlookers were also sweating profusely, oh my god, Mr. Jing's opponent is really formidable!
The long-bearded immortal looked at the completely unfamiliar chess game in front of him, and couldn't help swallowing secretly, what's going on?I have been in this mess for more than 50 years, and I face it every day. Even if I am an immortal with limited calculation ability, it has been a full 50 years.But what happened to this completely unfamiliar chess game in front of him?Never thought of it!
Beads of sweat dripped from the forehead of the Longbearded Immortal, and he had to take out a handkerchief to wipe off the sweat, took a deep breath, and continued the game.

Immortal Longbeard felt that it had been a long year, but the chess game had come to an end!Immortal Long Beard didn't think he could win at all, but in fact, he did lose!

Immortal Long Beard sighed, he was not wronged at all, his opponent was so strong, in these three games, he felt that he was stronger than the other, so unfathomable, unmatched!

Immortal Longbeard sincerely admired and took out three third-grade fairy stones and put them in the past. A total of nine crystal clear and shining third-grade fairy stones were piled up together, which was really cute.

"This fellow daoist, do you still want to play?" Although the long-bearded immortal knew that he was not Mo Xuan's opponent, he really benefited a lot from being able to play against such a master.

Mo Xuan waved his hand, no.Mo Xuan didn't go to get the small pile of nine third-grade fairy stones, but took back his own third-grade fairy stone, stood up and prepared to leave.

The surrounding immortals were already ten circles in and ten circles away. Seeing that Mo Xuan was about to leave, they couldn't help but move out of the way. The immortals all looked at Mo Xuan with admiration and admiration.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, nodded, and walked out leisurely.

A fairy who was familiar with the long-bearded fairy rushed to sit down on the futon, and said, "Daoist Jing, let me help you review the game. How did you play these three games?"

Another two immortals rushed to take out a 23-way chessboard each, Mr. Jing, you can put all three chessboards down, so that you don't remember them after a long time!
The long-bearded immortal nodded, and swiftly played out the three replays that he had just played.The onlookers were all stunned. The three sets were completely different. That person is really a master!
Surrounding these three discs, the onlookers immediately began to discuss and research in twos and threes, oh my god, there are too many changes, too profound!

Mo Xuan continued to wander around, picked and played a few more games, and won without any suspense. I feel that the level of street stalls is relatively limited, but it's not fun!
(End of this chapter)

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