Interstellar Miner

Chapter 348 Intense Game

Chapter 348 Intense Game

Chess Academy, the student dormitory area.

It is said to be a dormitory, but in fact, each student has an independent small courtyard, with a game room, a meditation room, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a bedroom. The treatment is evident.

In addition to the daily lecturer courses, college student round-robin competitions, and qualifying competitions, college students can freely spend their spare time and do whatever they want.

He Jiaguang stood blankly in the small courtyard, and instead of the millennium endgame, the eyes of Zi Che Liang staring at him outside the house seldom appeared in his mind.

He Jiaguang gradually clenched his fists. He and Zi Cheliang used to be rivals at chess, and it was hard to tell which was the best!But now, I have fallen into the tenth class of the lowest class, and I have to work hard to keep my status as a resident. I don't know when it has become so difficult to win a round!

He Jiaguang also knew what was the reason for him, but he just couldn't jump out and was trapped to death in the thousand-year chess game!

In the blink of an eye, 1000 years have passed, and Ah Liang has been promoted to the fourth rank, so high and unreachable.But the eyes of Ah Guang staring at him appeared in He Jiaguang's mind, it was the eyes longing for the opponent, hoping that he could catch up with him, and have a showdown with him again!

I... I... He Jiaguang's body trembled slightly, I really wanted to put the endgame that had troubled me for 1000 years completely out of the blue, regain my strength, rush to the ranks, and play against Ah Liang again!
But... but... I really can't get rid of it, and I can't jump out no matter what!He Jiaguang squatted down on the ground in pain, covering his face with his hands, tears overflowed from between his fingers and dripped onto the ground after a while.

After persisting for 1000 years and watching for 1000 years, I still haven't been able to find the miraculous skill that can turn the world around. Fortunately, the thousand-year-old chess game played by two masters, Qu Caiyi [-]th dan and Yun Yuanjia [-]th dan It's almost the end, and then the truth will naturally come to light, and my own demons will be wiped away.

The most important thing right now is to keep your identity as a student, and don't think about the endgame anymore!The next round-robin match is just three days away. You must adjust your state and win another round. Then you can temporarily escape the danger of being kicked out and take a breather.

He Jiaguang was stunned, and smiled bitterly, he had already fallen to this stage, he used to be so high-spirited, in the student branch, there was only one Zi Che Liang in his eyes!The other dean students themselves never took it seriously, and now, most of the dean students must no longer take themselves seriously.This time and that time!

Suddenly there was a commotion in the community, He Jiaguang vaguely heard Zi Cheliang's name, what happened to Ah Liang?When He Jiaguang went out of the small courtyard to inquire, he couldn't help but froze!

Zi Cheliang, who had already confirmed that he could advance to the fourth tier, resolutely gave up all the tier round-robin rounds in the second half of the round, and began to retreat to attack the gods!Obediently, as expected of Zi Cheliang's senior, you are so courageous!When the seniors become immortals, the professional chess players of the fourth, fifth and sixth ranks will have a pot to drink!It is estimated that even the top masters of the seventh, eighth and ninth ranks have to be careful.

Senior Zi Cheliang, we really admire you all the time!
Senior, I want to be your immortal companion!


He Jiaguang returned to his small courtyard full of bitterness. In 1000 years, he was still an ordinary fairy, not even an earth fairy, and even fell to the bottom of the tenth class, while A Liang was moving forward all the way. After rushing to the fourth stage, he will soon become a fairy!Is there any hope of catching up with Ah Liang in this life?

He Jiaguang lay on the bed tossing and turning, how could he fall asleep, so he had no choice but to get out of bed and go for a walk.Confused, He Jiaguang unknowingly walked out of the Chess Academy and came to Go Street.

He Jiaguang was taken aback, hey, why are you here again, how could you care about the endgame now!It has been placed there for a full 1000 years, and no one has ever been able to crack it, and no one has patronized my booth for almost 100 years.It's better to go back to sleep quickly and keep your spirits up so that you can cope with the next round-robin match.

He Jiaguang sighed and looked over there, before turning around and leaving.Hey, that' booth?Someone sitting over there at my booth?

He Jiaguang thought he was delusional, but when he took a closer look, he was right, it was my booth!That person was sitting on the futon that had been vacant for a hundred years!

He Jiaguang hesitated for a moment, but walked over resolutely. Since someone is willing to solve the mess, how can a master like himself ignore it!

He Jiaguang took a look at the immortal, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, extraordinary heroism, gentle and elegant, and his cultivation base is even more unpredictable, at least he is also a fairy.

He Jiaguang took a deep breath, sat down on his futon, and saw Mo Xuan staring at the chessboard completely and completely.He Jiaguang didn't disturb Mo Xuan, and looked at the chessboard sighingly. It's been 1000 years, and the thousands of changes in it have already been explored and understood by himself. How can Baizi turn the world around and turn defeat into victory?

Mo Xuan frowned, hey, the stall owner has arrived, what a young guy!
He Jiaguang smiled and bowed to Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan sat upright, bowed back, picked up a white stone, and made a move.

He Jiaguang was stunned, unexpectedly, Mo Xuan would start to crack it, and Mo Xuan's move was indeed very subtle, but someone had already made this move before, so it should be irreversible.He Jiaguang has long been familiar with thousands of countermeasures, and quickly picked up a sunspot and dropped it on the chessboard.

Mo Xuan frowned slightly, the move he made was suppressed in an instant, but there is still room to go, continue.

Huh!It turned out to be this move!This fairy is so good at chess!He Jiaguang sat up straight involuntarily.

Oh, is it still possible to do this?He Jiaguang really hadn't thought about it before, and he couldn't help being refreshed, his bewildered mind suddenly cleared up a lot, and he dealt with it cautiously.

Amazing!Really great!He Jiaguang couldn't help concentrating and concentrating again, but Bai Zi's disadvantage was reversed bit by bit by his opponent!
He Jiaguang knew that his opponent might not have discovered the god's hand, but his chess strength was obviously superior to his own!Once, He Jiaguang thought that in this endgame, except for the four tenth-dan masters, no one could beat him!In fact, there were two [-]-dan masters of the Chess Academy back then who played out this endgame, but they still couldn't get it back in the end!

Unexpectedly, today they met such a super strong opponent!

Two hours passed in a flash.He Jiaguang wiped the sweat from his forehead and finally finished.

At the beginning of counting, the two sides filled the space surrounded by the opponent's chess pieces that had been taken away by the opponent. In the end, the sunspots still won the four eyes!
Mo Xuan groaned at the chess game, it's really not easy to play, this young man is really different, he feels much stronger than those college students who played against him before!
That chubby even brags that he can chop vegetables, don't be kidding, you two are not at the same level at all, okay!

He Jiaguang was completely stunned. Although judging from the endgame, the black stones still won, but the situation at that time was that the black stones he raised were two more than the white stones that A Liang raised!If calculated according to the situation at that time, Bai Zi and Hei Zi had already tied!

What? !It's a tie!It was as if He Jiaguang had been splashed with a large basin of ice water, and he regained consciousness all of a sudden!

It's a tie!It was a tie! It's been 1000 years, but someone can tie the match!

He Jiaguang knew that on the one hand, his own chess strength was still somewhat lacking, and on the other hand, many of the opponent's moves were extremely sharp, and he had never thought of them before, but no matter what, the advantage of the black pieces was so obvious, but the white pieces were real, Little by little, the disadvantage was regained!
This has nothing to do with God's Hand, but a purely chess competition!
He Jiaguang suddenly realized that he had been trapped in this mess, unable to escape, and always wanted to seek the hand of the unattainable God, how ignorant and ignorant he was!

In fact, A Liang did not mean that he had completely abandoned this mess, he had also been looking for God's hand all along!Although Ah Liang has never been able to solve this mess, but he has continued to increase his chess power, step by step, climbing step by step, and sooner or later he will be able to reach the height of the hand of God!

As for myself, I foolishly stuck to this mess for a full 1000 years!Standing still, not only didn't even make an inch, but even went backwards!
He Jiaguang slapped himself hard, you fool, you idiot!clap clap clap...

Hey hey, what's the matter?Mo Xuan was puzzled, it was my Baizi who lost Simu, why did you suddenly harm yourself!Watch to scare me!

He Jiaguang slapped himself hard on the ear. Although his face was burning hot, he felt refreshed and refreshed like never before!He Jiaguang stood up and bowed deeply to Mo Xuan, expressing his gratitude!

Mo Xuan got up and bowed back, then smacked his lips and said, "This little brother, what's your name?"

"Boy He Jiaguang, I don't know the last name of senior Gao."

"My name is Hua An." Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and asked, "How much was Bai Zi and Hei Zi raised before the endgame?"

He Jiaguang replied respectfully: "Eleven black children were levied, and nine white children were levied."

Oh, it's a draw.Mo Xuan chuckled, sat back down again, and said, "Come again."

He Jiaguang was startled, then hurriedly sat back down.

Mo Xuan stopped being polite, and directly cleared the chessboard, picked up a white piece and made another move!
Hey, is there a different way to play?He Jiaguang cheered up and went all out to deal with it!
The two sides came and went, and two hours passed before they knew it.The chess game entered the final stage again. After the number, Heizi won Sanmu!

He Jiaguang couldn't help but clicked his tongue secretly, looked at Hua Guang who was opposite, and couldn't help asking: "Senior Hua, what level are you?"

Mo Xuan stared at the chess game and replied, "I'm an amateur, I don't have a rank."

No rank?Amateur chess player?so smart?He Jiaguang was stunned for a while, secretly swallowed his saliva, and nodded suddenly, yes, who stipulates that amateur chess players must not be as good as professional chess players?There are also top players among amateurs. Even if I am kicked out by the Chess Academy, as long as I keep working hard to study Go, sooner or later, I will be able to play against A Liang again evenly!

He Jiaguang is no longer confused, and has completely strengthened his belief.

Still lost Sanmu, Mo Xuan frowned, is there any other way?Have!Come again!
Mo Xuan fought again, but in this round Baizi lost to Heizi Wumu.Mo Xuan raised his head and glanced at He Jiaguang. This kid seems to be stronger than the last one. He can make progress in the battle, but he has two brushes!
Mo Xuan thoughtfully reviewed the previous three rounds, each had its pros and cons.After all, there is no absolute way to win or lose in this world. If there is a victory, there will be a loss. Any kind of tactic will have shortcomings, and once it is targeted, it will be at a disadvantage!
Heizi does have the upper hand, but he may not be able to win for sure. Which move can hit Heizi's shortcoming?
Mo Xuan couldn't help but fell into the long exam.

He Jiaguang was not idle either, he tried hard to think about the three rounds just now, he was really startled every step of the way, as long as he made a wrong step, he would be knocked down!He Jiaguang is really not sure whether he can survive the next game!However, He Jiaguang is more looking forward to, what kind of subtle tricks will Senior Hua An use?
He Jiaguang always thought that he had thoroughly studied the endgame, but now he really knows that he is still far from it!If you don't work hard, it won't work!
No!I have fallen too far behind, so I have to get up and catch up!
He Jiaguang clenched his fists again, feeling that his whole body was full of strength, and the palms of his hands hurt from being pinched!
(End of this chapter)

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