Chapter 350

"Ah Guang, are you finished?" Mrs. Qiu chased He Jiaguang from behind.

He Jiaguang nodded.

Mrs. Qiu still asked: "Have you lost or won?"

He Jiaguang blinked and replied, "I lost Sanmu."

"It's a pity, but Mai Xia is indeed very good, and it's hard for me to beat her." Mrs. Qiu sighed and smacked her lips.

"Ah Guang, Mrs. Qiu, you two are very fast." Si Junxian chased up from behind.

Both He Jiaguang and Mrs. Qiu smiled slightly, you are also very fast.

The three people have similar booths, so they are naturally familiar with each other.

"Ah Guang, how about the Xuanxian who solved your endgame? I think he has been staying with you for several days." Mrs. Qiu asked.

"Senior Hua An is really old and powerful. If you count Bai Zi's four-eye advantage before, he has already turned Bai Zi's defeat into victory."

Both Mrs. Qiu and Si Junxian couldn't help being taken aback, what the hell?It's so powerful?
Si Junxian was taken aback, could it be the guy who chopped vegetables badly for him, he really is a fortress!

What's going on, Aguang, please tell us quickly!
He Jiaguang sincerely admired him: "In the first round, Senior Hua An's Bai Zi was only four eyes behind, which is considered a draw; in the second round, Senior Hua An used another method, and Bai Zi was only three eyes behind; in the third round, Bai Zi was behind five eyes; In the fourth round, Senior Hua An has narrowed the gap between Bai Zi and Hei Zi to only one eye."

Both Mrs. Qiu and Si Junxian couldn't help but be dumbfounded, amazing!How amazing!

Mrs. Qiu knew Ah Guang's endgame well, but it was a super endgame that the two [-]th-dan masters of Chess Academy had been studying for several years but couldn't solve!Although the two tenth-dan masters once said that Bai Zi's disadvantage can be reversed with that miraculous skill, but we mortals are really powerless!Now that such a great power has appeared, it's no wonder that Ah Guang suddenly became full of energy. Being able to compete fiercely with such a great power really benefits him a lot!

Although Si Junxian came from behind and was not very clear about what happened a thousand years ago, he also deeply knew the severity of Aguang's endgame, which he could not reverse anyway. It's already my limit!I didn't expect that someone could really bring the gap between Baizi so close!Isn't he really a professional chess player?
The three of them involuntarily quickened their pace and came to the special area of ​​the Go Sacred Academy on Go Street. Great, he is still sitting there!

"Senior Hua An." He Jiaguang bowed respectfully, and sat opposite Mo Xuan.

"Win?" Mo Xuan asked casually with a slight smile.

He Jiaguang hummed, and continued to face the endgame, preparing to continue the fifth round that had just been played for a little while.

Qiu Tai couldn't help being taken aback, didn't Ah Guang lose the Three Purposes, he didn't want to get entangled in such trivial matters as winning or losing.

"Little Fatty is here too." Mo Xuan happily glanced at Si Junxian.

Si Junxian's face froze, and he hummed weakly.

Mrs. Qiu and He Jiaguang both looked at Si Junxian curiously, what's the matter, they know each other?Seeing Si Junxian's embarrassing appearance, he must have lost miserably.

Mo Xuan said to He Jiaguang: "Xiao Guang, I have reconsidered these five rounds, but I still have no chance of winning. Please show me the replay of the endgame."

He Jiaguang nodded, and hastily cleared the chessboard, one by one to replay the previous game.

Qiu Tai had watched the battle live thousands of years ago, and watching it now, he was still in awe.

It was the first time for Si Junxian to see him, and the more he watched, the more surprised he became, so... so amazing!Both sides of the game are great!Is this the level of Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang thousands of years ago?Si Junxian brought himself into the chess game, and found that no matter if it was a white piece or a black piece, neither of them could be resisted by the current self!Si Junxian couldn't help but look at Ah Guang again, this former rookie king who was on par with Zi Che Liang!
Huh!He Jiaguang discovered a lot of problems in this replay, and the moves couldn't help getting slower and slower.

From He Jiaguang's point of view now, many of his white pieces are really immature, and Ah Liang's black pieces are also lacking, but the white pieces and the black pieces are fighting each other, not giving in to each other, but they often come up with clever tricks, and now looking back, I can't help secretly Nod in admiration.It's just that when the big dragons and little dragons were fighting together in the mid-table, one of my mistakes caused half of the little dragons to be strangled. Since then, Baizi has been at a disadvantage. Although he tried his best to save him, he was still dragged into the current endgame!

After He Jiaguang placed the last sunspot, he couldn't help sighing, 1000 years have passed before he knew it!

Si Junxian looked a little dumbfounded, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, how could he dare to have the slightest contempt for Ah Guang!

Oh, it turned out that this endgame came about like this, and Mo Xuan couldn't help but tsk-tsk, amazed.Although Baizi and Heizi are immature, they are really rare geniuses!Mo Xuan raised his head and glanced at He Jiaguang, you must be Bai Zi, it seems that you have been troubled by this mess for many years!Mo Xuan grinned, and immediately wanted to accept disciples again!
As the saying goes, one must tie the bell to untie the bell. After watching the whole process of the endgame, Mo Xuan has a deeper understanding of the endgame, and may be able to find the way to turn the world around.

"I'm going to take the exam for a while, you can do whatever you want." Mo Xuan looked at his eyes, his nose, his mouth, his heart, and didn't move a bit.

"Ah Guang, show us the four rounds." Qiu Taixin said itchyly.

Si Junxian nodded wildly, I want to see it too.

He Jiaguang nodded, okay.

Mrs. Qiu and Si Junxian hastily moved their chess pier over, borrowed two free pawns, and placed four pawns together.

The three of them worked together, quickly setting up the endgame of the three rounds.The fourth chess pier will not be placed for the time being, Qiu Tai and Si Junxian can't wait to urge Ah Guang with their eyes, hurry up!
He Jiaguang took a deep breath and played the first game.

Wow!Both Mrs. Qiu and Si Junxian couldn't help but stare at each other, they are so high-end, they can still play like this!The three of them immediately started discussing how to play this endgame. Every word you said, every word he said, gradually became more intense.

Just saying it was useless, the three of them played again, but it turned out that Heizi really had no choice but to deal with it that way, and other coping methods couldn't stop Baizi at all.

Qiu Tai and Si Junxian both smacked their lips and looked at Ah Guang. In this mess, Ah Guang's strength is really terrifying!
Then start the second round.

At this time, the college students had finished the round-robin competition one after another, and came over one after another.

Hey, why are Mrs. Qiu and Si Junxian gathered together, as if discussing the chess game!Although He Jiaguang is already a thing of the past and not worth mentioning, Qiu Tai and Si Junxian are both influential figures in the Chess Academy.Although Mrs. Qiu has not been able to obtain a rank, his strength is recognized as a rank strength. If you accidentally meet him during the competition, you can only consider yourself unlucky.Although Si Junxian is not as glamorous as the rookie Wang Maixia, he is still a top rookie. He is already at the top of the second class, and it is only a matter of time before he gets to the first class.

The students in the courtyard moved over to watch curiously. After seeing it, they couldn't take their eyes off it anymore!Wow, this... This is He Jiaguang's mess that was said to be solved only by the hand of a god. How could someone make it like this?real or fake?
There are more and more college students gathering together!
When there are too many people, there is no way for everyone to see it, and there are onlookers who are itching to set up a mess on the sidelines and study and discuss together.

Gradually, the entire Chess Academy area began to play out the millennium endgame and Mo Xuan's four-game solution!

When other Go lovers saw it, they were amazed again and again, but at the same time they also became unable to stop, scrambling to set up the game to practice and solve it.

The endgame was sweeping, and it was out of control, and gradually spread throughout the whole Go street, and even the entire Little Immortal World.

The thousand-year endgame that triggered the thousand-year chess game is so legendary, how can you miss it!If the thousand-year-old chess game can be solved before the thousand-year chess game, it will be a good story through the ages!The person who solved the millennium mess will be immortalized forever!

All of a sudden, everyone who knew how to play Go in the entire Little Immortal Realm began to delve into the millennium endgame!It's mesmerizing, insane!

However, the endgame of the millennium is worthy of the name of the millennium, and it is really impossible to solve it. Even if Baizi can win the opponent, he thinks he has solved it, but in the past, he was born with He Jiaguang or any other courtyard, and he was beaten all over the place. .

Oops, how to solve it, how to use the Hand of God?
The Chess Academy became lively all of a sudden, and all the students and professional chess players started to study the millennium endgame!

In Mai Xia's small courtyard, she is also thinking about the endgame with her best friend Zhu Fanrou.

Is the white piece in this end game really belonged to He Jiaguang, Mai Xia couldn't help hesitating.

Mai Xia recalled the game between herself and He Jiaguang. She was indeed influenced by underestimating the enemy, but her performance was actually pretty good, but she still lost to Sanmu. That guy was indeed very capable. The one who fell to the bottom of class ten?Had he been sleepwalking all along?

He Jiaguang, who had been silent for thousands of years, suddenly became a man of the chess academy. No matter how bad his current record is, at least the thousand years ago he was really shining, almost on par with Zi Cheliang!

Of course, Hua An, who was able to break the endgame into such a situation, is a full-fledged topic. Such a master with superb chess skills has been unknown before, and he is also a member of the Four Immortals of Master Shuiyue. It is said that he is also the suzerain !Obediently, it's amazing!

Kong Ling, Mo Que'er, and Shang Mengyu, who have been shopping for treasure all the time, were all amazed. They couldn't figure out what the charm of the endgame was.

At this juncture, the arbitration of the Ministry of Armed Forces finally came down.

The previous bet between Xiaoyun and Wang Xingde was witnessed by a martial arts contest and a notary, and it was under the watchful eyes of the public, so it could be established.But the Yin-Yang Mirror is an extremely precious ancient fairy treasure after all, even the gossip contest is not enough, and considering that the Yin-Yang Mirror is a defective product.

The final arbitration result of the Ministry of Armed Forces is still determined by the contest.

The bet between Xiaoyun and Wang Xingde can be regarded as a martial arts competition, and Xiaoyun won without a doubt. In addition, there will be four rounds of gossip contests, with three victories out of five!

The final winner will be able to obtain the Yin-Yang mirror of the ancient fairy treasure and the repair part of the Yin-Yang mirror made by Xiaoyun. The old rules allow the user to use it for 1 years.

Generally speaking, it is relatively fair and just.It's just that Xiaoyun and Wang Xingde are at a disadvantage.

The Yin-Yang Mirror was originally Wang Xingde's personal treasure, but it was exposed to the public all of a sudden. Obviously, those superpowers are extremely jealous, but because of face, they also know that the Yin-Yang Mirror cannot be separated from the repaired part of Master Shuiyue. It has a service life of 1 years.

When 1 years have passed, hum, it will be really lively!Maybe even the 32 hexagrams in the martial arts competition may not be enough!
Right now, the millennium chess game and the millennium endgame haven't been settled yet, yet another super big event pops up!Immediately, the Little Immortal Realm of Chess Academy became even more lively!Many immortals felt that they really made a lot of money by coming to watch this time. There are so many good shows to watch!It's a rare encounter in ten thousand years!

And Mo Xuan has been taking the long exam all the time, and he doesn't hear anything outside of himself. Xiaoyun and the others couldn't get in touch at all, so they had no choice but to go directly to them, but Mo Xuan didn't move at all.Forget it, then let our own women's army take over!Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu also made it clear that they can join the battle on their behalf!

Xiaoyun and the others combined for a while, three out of five rounds, we have already won one victory, that is to say, we only need to win two more games to win, if the opponent is just Xuanxian, we should use Xuanxian with the same attribute to fight, we should be sure !
And Hanlifang, the real backstage of Jasperfang, is bound to win the Yin-Yang Mirror, the ancient fairy treasure. The 1-year service life is not long, but it is not short. After all, it is the most popular initial stage, and it will definitely make a lot of money. sum!
It takes three wins in five rounds to win the Yin Yang mirror, so the three golden immortal bosses from Hanlifang went out together, aiming for three wins!In addition, Jingxi Xuanxian, who was ranked 26th in the Xuanbang, was dispatched, and he was directly ranked in the last game. In all likelihood, he would not have a chance to play, which was considered an insurance policy.

The competition is scheduled for a month later!All forces in the four layers of time and space are waiting to see!
(End of this chapter)

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