Chapter 352
Shang Mengyu exclaimed suddenly: "It's the owner of Hanlifang, Hanyun Jinxian!"

Hanli Square?Could it be that the backstage of Biyufang is Hanlifang? !Xiaoyun, Mo Que'er, and Kong Ling couldn't help but frown. Hanlifang is the second-ranked giant crocodile among the medium powers. Remember there are three golden immortals!Shouldn't...

Zhang Hailu gritted her teeth and said, "The three big bosses from Hanlifang are all here!"

Xiao Yun, Mo Que'er, and Kong Ling couldn't help but roll their eyes, and looked at each other speechlessly.

Shang Mengyu and the others kept laughing wryly, if there was only one Golden Immortal, it would be fine for us to concede one game, and we would just try to win two more, but now there are three Golden Immortals, it's still a feather!Just surrender and admit defeat!

Rao Mo Que'er is not afraid of anything, and his scalp tingles for a while, you must know that he is a golden fairy!We tried our best but we still haven't been able to complete the blow that Qingyuan Jinxian Patriarch sealed in the talisman paper!

Mo Que'er and Liu Mei trembled. After all, he, Xuan and Kong Ling had only advanced to Xuanxian not long ago, and now they can only be regarded as middle-rank Xuanxian. Although there is no pressure to win a high-rank Xuanxian, but against Jinxian, even If you try your best and show all your cards, the odds of winning will not exceed [-]%!This competition is simply incomparable!

snort!Jinxian is amazing!Mo Que'er gritted his teeth viciously, when we reach the height of the first-rank Xuanxian, we will have no chance against the Golden Immortal; when we become the Golden Immortal, we will beat you like a dog!But right now, there is really nothing to do!

The three daughters contacted Mo Xuan urgently, but there was still no reply. What the hell is this time? You still keep playing Mao's Go game. You are convinced!Hmph, I'll settle accounts with you later!

In fact, even if Xuan came over, it would be useless. Although we all have great confidence in Xuan, Xuan will definitely be able to beat Jin Xian without any temper in the future, but now Xuan has little chance of winning against Jin Xian. Instead, let our Four Immortals expose all their cards prematurely.According to Xuan's personality, he must keep a low profile!

Indeed, now it's just a wave of positive and exciting rounds, and then... hum, it can only be desolate, being suppressed by all kinds of forces, and being like a rat crossing the street, life is simply impossible!
We are newcomers, we have no foundation at all, so we will die with Hanlifang, that is to die!
The three girls curled their lips and looked at each other helplessly. Even if we could fight, we couldn't!The current Four Immortals can only accumulate a lot of money, as Xuan said, keeping a low profile is king!
Han Yun glanced at the opposing camp that was in turmoil, smiled calmly, reported his name to the gossip competition board, and then stood with his hands behind his back, so leisurely.

Hanyun thought about it, he hadn't fought Xuanxian for at least 5 years, bullying children is really meaningless.

Before the competition, the women's army was full of fighting spirit, gearing up and scrambling to get on the stage. When Han Yun showed up, they retreated collectively and fought against Jinxian?Do not make jokes!We have to fight to the death with Xuanxian, and we probably won't be able to last three rounds against Shangjinxian!
Seeing Shang Mengyu and the others, the three women couldn't help shrinking back, and looked at each other with wry smiles, how aggrieved today!Hanlifang, right? The future is long, and we will settle accounts with you slowly in the future!
Although both Kong Ling and Mo Que'er were tempted to confront Jinxian head-on and see how powerful Jinxian is, but the timing is too bad right now, so let's forget it!
Xiao Yun curled her lips in disdain, and said, "My repaired meteorite is just a temporary quick-finished product, and it won't be used a few times at all. The Yin-Yang mirror will still be a piece of scrap iron! You still have to cry and beg me!"

Mo Que'er frowned, and asked Xiaoyun through voice transmission: "Then Miss Xiaoyun, how effective is your imitation yin and yang mirror compared to the real one?"

Xiaoyun blinked, only the crescent moon fragment of the yin and yang mirror was left, and she was really not sure. Xiaoyun knew that Mo Que'er was worried about her mother, but it was really not the time to be impulsive, so she replied: "Come on!" With all the materials, at least [-]% of the effect can be achieved."

Mo Que'er nodded thoughtfully, that's good.

Three women and one together, we just abstained and won't play with you.

Just when Xiaoyun was about to speak, a message came.

It was from Ge Yixian, the head of the Golden Immortal Sect of Ruisi Garden. Xiaoyun glanced at it, couldn't help but gasped in surprise, and shared this news with the girls.

The seventh-rank Jinxian Feng Gaojun in Hanlifang, I am fully sure that I can beat him, and I am also 26% to [-]% sure to win the Wuli Jinxian, but Hanlifang also dispatched Jingxi Xuanxian, who is ranked [-] in the Xuanbang, if you are sure, you can If you win Jingxi, I can fight for you, and I will get [-]% of the income from Yin Yang Mirror in the future!

In order to repair the Qiankun Fan, Ge Yixian went bankrupt and had a lot of debts. He has already tasted the taste of being poor and crazy, and now he is only thinking of earning more extra money to subsidize his family!There is such an excellent opportunity right now, although the risk is not small, but if you advance bravely, if you don’t advance, you will retreat, so you can’t help but hesitate and hesitate!The fight still has to be fought!It's time for me and Qiankun Fan to show their faces. If others don't know, it won't be able to generate enough deterrence, wouldn't it be a waste of money!

Shang Mengyu and the others couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised when they saw this news. We can at least win another game and get two victories, but there is still Jingxi Xuanxian who is ranked 26 in the Xuanbang. This...we are really powerless ah!We don't even dare to expect to be able to enter the Xuanbang, let alone surpass the 26 powerful players in the Xuanbang!

Mo Que'er is about [-]% sure that he can take down Jingxi, so the next question is whether to fight or not?
The three women urgently analyzed that if they don't fight, it will be calm, and they will take a step back; but if they fight, there will be many sequelae. Targeting and suppressing our Four Immortals everywhere.However, our strength only exposes Mo Que'er alone, and other forces will not follow suit against us. They will only watch Hanlifang attack our Four Immortals with the mentality of watching a good show. After analyzing it this way, I feel It's still a loss if you fight!

"Fight!" Mo Que'er clapped his hands with a cold face, and snorted coldly, "There is no chance of winning, we have to endure it, we can win now, why not fight!"

This...Xiaoyun and Kong Ling looked at each other, a little uncertain, and Xuan, who was making up his mind, couldn't be contacted.

Mo Que'er continued to do the ideological work of the two daughters: "If our Four Immortals are suppressed by Hanlifang now, even if they become leaders in the future, there will be such a big stain!" The small calculation in Que'er's heart was crackling.

That's right!Our goal is not the middle power, if we make concessions now, we must not make any concessions in the future!Both women clapped their hands together, so let's hit!
Xiao Yun rubbed his chin, then who will play in the next martial arts competition?Although Jingxi's order of appearance is very likely to be the last one, the possibility of appearing in the second and third games cannot be ruled out!
It is best for Kong Ling and Mo Que'er to be ready for battle, and it is best for Mo Que'er to deal with Jingxi with stronger force.

Xiaoyun turned back to look at Shang Mengyu and the others, seeing all the girls were looking around, with a guilty look on their faces, it was too hard for them to ask them to go up and fight the third-rank Jinxian.Forget it, let me do it myself!
Xiaoyun then flew forward, Shi Shiran, and reported his name to the gossip competition board: "Shuiyue."

Why? ! !The first game was actually Master Shuiyue himself?No!Isn't Master Shuiyue an angel!He was about to face Jin Xian, could it be that he wanted to take the initiative to admit defeat and give up this contest.But seeing Master Shuiyue's face full of confidence and calm, could it be that there is some ultimate trump card?

The onlookers whispered to each other for a while, waiting and seeing.

Hanyun Jinxian couldn't help being stunned, and secretly focused his attention on vigilance. You must know that there are too many incidents of capsized boats in the gutter, so you have to be careful in everything!Master Shuiyue knows the ancient fairy treasure so well, could it be that she still has one in her hand?She is the strength of a celestial being, and she can't exert much power from the ancient fairy treasure.

The gossip competition board has already confirmed the two sides of the competition, and it flashes a light to signal the start of the competition.

Xiaoyun Shi Shiran flicked his sleeves and said to the gossip contest: "I admit defeat."

I pour!The onlookers immediately stumbled, didn't they, Master Shuiyue, since you are going to admit defeat, why are you still acting so confident!
Hanyun Jinxian couldn't help being stunned again, shook his head with a wry smile, bowed to Xiaoyun, and flew back to the battleship.

Xiaoyun also returned to the Detachment of Women camp with a smile on her face.

Shang Mengyu and the others couldn't help showing their thumbs to Xiaoyun, Master, you are awesome!
The immortals onlookers sighed and sighed, hey, I can only say that he really deserves to be Master Shuiyue, and he is so stylish in admitting defeat!Blinded us all!
In the second match, the Four Immortals' side will go first, and Xiao Yun, Kong Ling and Mo Que'er will discuss together and decide that Kong Ling will play.Xiaoyun contacted Ge Yixian again, I'll count on you for the third or fourth match!
Ge Yixian readily responded.

Kong Ling Shi Shiran flew to the Eight Diagrams competition table, and reported her name: "Wu Nianxuan."

In Hanlifang, Wuli Jinxian, the immortal cultivator and Taoist companion of the owner Hanyun, played the battle.Hanlifang was founded 50 years ago by Hanyun and Wally, each with a Chinese character, when they were just immortals.

However, both of them are obviously peerless geniuses in cultivating immortals. Han Yun is of the wood attribute, and Wally is of the water attribute, and water can grow wood!Tianxian, Xuanxian, and Jinxian were all rushed over by the two hand in hand, and Hanlifang also rose with the tide, becoming the second-ranked middle-level force today.

Kong Ling stared at Han Li relentlessly, wanting to see Jin Xian's astonishing supernatural powers!
Wu Li Jinxian looked at Kong Ling, she was a pretty girl, she was extremely resolute, she was by no means an ordinary female Xuanxian.

Wally smiled slightly, and reported his name to the gossip competition board.

Tournament begins.

Wally is also a golden fairy, he is calm and not in a hurry to make a move, he intends to see the depth of Kong Ling first.

Since you don't make a move, then I will be impolite!Kong Ling Jiao shouted, and took the initiative to attack Wally, and the first move was Mo Xuan's awe-inspiring giant palm!Kong Ling improved the changes and became her own Hongwu giant palm!

Kong Ling is of the earth attribute and restrains the water attribute.However, the level difference between the two sides is too great, and this restraint seems insignificant!

Wally smiled lightly, raised his hand lightly, and parried Hongwu's giant palm that blocked Kong Ling!
Kong Lingjiao shouted again and again, and slapped palm after palm, Hongwu's giant palm became more concise and powerful!
Hey, it's not bad, Wally pursed his lips and smiled, just resisting Hongwu's giant palm with one hand, it's so easy!
Kong Ling was secretly startled. Is this the Golden Immortal? She is indeed extremely powerful!Although there are still three palms behind Hongwu's giant palm, it is obvious that there is no way to do anything to Warli!Kong Ling low-keyly hid the three palms at the back, and smashed against Wally with the giant Hongwu palm in front of her!

Nothing else changed?Wally was a little disappointed, and felt that this giant palm could still be enhanced and improved a lot!With a light grasp of Wally's right hand, Hongwu's giant palm was crushed to pieces!

Be good, you really deserve to be a golden fairy, you are really tough!Kong Ling hastily pulled up her 12-point energy and focused her attention on vigilance.Unexpectedly, Wu Li Jinxian still didn't make any moves, just looked at himself with a faint smile, as if waiting for his next move.

Kong Ling gritted her teeth, since this is the case, then I will use my own moves to deal with it!
Kong Ling didn't hold back anymore, and used all kinds of magical powers she had comprehended to bombard Wu Lijinxian, but it didn't have any effect!
With only one right hand, Wuli Jinxian took all Kong Ling's attacks at will, and his body was completely motionless!

Sure enough, it is impossible for the current self to be able to defeat the power of Jinxian!After bombing indiscriminately for three days and three nights, Kong Ling had this realization, and had no choice but to admit defeat.

Wuli Jinxian nodded slightly to Kong Ling, the little girl is very good, and she will achieve extraordinary achievements in the future!
The onlookers watched the immortals quite lively, but the earth attribute mysterious immortals still lacked in attack power, and it was only natural that they couldn't beat the golden immortals, so there was nothing shameful about it.

By the way, what about Hua An, the Four Immortal Sect who broke the millennium mess?Could it be that he is still playing chess on the Go street? Tsk tsk, he is really a chess idiot. No wonder he can solve the millennium endgame, not an ordinary person!
Kong Ling pursed her lips and flew back to the Detachment of Women camp, feeling very unhappy in her heart!

Xiaoyun patted Kong Ling on the shoulder, okay, okay, this scene was about to be given up.

Jinxian's match against Xuanxian was clearly bullying the small by the big. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Hanlifang was also quite embarrassed, so Jingxi, who was ranked 26th in the Xuanbang, was sent in the third game, but in everyone's eyes, this was still You are bullying the small with the big!Shameless!

(End of this chapter)

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