Interstellar Miner

Chapter 400 Qingyu Xiaodaojun

Chapter 400 Qingyu Xiaodaojun ([-])
At the same time, in that remote corner, the old man happily sat on the ground, shaking his head and tasting the rice grains in the small bowl, woo woo, not bad!

This silky chicken is indeed the best chicken, but the chef's cooking skills are also extremely superb, completely condensing all the delicious essence of the silky chicken into the rice grains!
The old man raised his head and glanced at Mo Xuan and Kong Ling who were standing side by side, and continued to enjoy the food by himself, intoxicated.

Kong Ling coughed heavily, "Hey, old man, we've already found you, you're still so leisurely, I'm afraid it's not right!"
Mo Xuan frowned secretly, and tried to stop him several times, but failed. At first glance, this old man looked ordinary and full of flaws. He was just an inconspicuous old beggar. The old man is much richer, in fact, it is so impeccable!
This must be no ordinary fairy!
The old man chewed the rice in his mouth, and muttered: "Little girl, your cooking skills are quite good! You can definitely challenge a star chef, why did you go to Fuyu to learn? Who is your master?"

"Why should I tell you!" Kong Ling snorted, not buying the old man's account, the most annoying thing is relying on the old to sell the old!
The old man didn't take it seriously, turned to Mo Xuan, tsk-tsk said: "Don't wait for the good Chess Academy, go to Fuyu to be a Go teacher, you boy is quite thoughtful."

Mo Xuan was taken aback. Could it be that this guy has already discovered my true identity?Or just blind?

Mo Xuan remained calm and said, "Everyone has his own aspirations."

The old man was startled, savored these four words carefully, and nodded in admiration, what a person has his own ambition!
Kong Ling also noticed that the old man was extremely unusual, exchanged a glance with Mo Xuan, calmed down, and watched as the old man wiped out a small bowl of rice slowly, but he couldn't find a chance to make a move, good guy!

The old man wiped his mouth and praised: "Not bad, the old man eats all over the world, this chicken dish is enough to enter the top [-] poultry dishes!"

What a big tone!Kong Ling raised her eyebrows, but she didn't attack.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, bowed to the old man, and said: "Senior can eat happily, that's really great. However, the theft of senior is a bit of a joke!"

The old man smiled happily, and said: "The old man always eats whatever he wants, and does whatever he wants. The sky doesn't care, and no one can control me! I like to play like that, so what can you do to me? ?”

This guy is really unflattering, Kong Ling grinds her teeth, she has the urge to roll up her sleeves and clean up this old man!

Mo Xuan gave Kong Ling a look. Since the old man has already eaten her, let's forget about it. Our identities should be kept secret, and it will be bad for both of us if we make a big fuss.

Kong Ling naturally obeyed Mo Xuan's words, but she still gave the old man a big roll of the eyes and snorted.

Mo Xuan bowed to the old man again, not wanting to have too much interaction, so he turned around and left.

The old man raised his hand: "Wait a minute."

The bodies of Mo Xuan and Kong Ling were immediately frozen!
Ok? !

Both Mo Xuan and Kong Ling turned pale in shock. What kind of strange restriction is this?There is no celestial power and no fluctuations in the avenue!

Kong Ling gritted her teeth and tried her best, but she still couldn't move at all!If this was attacked by surprise, it would be absolutely tragic!Kong Ling couldn't stop regretting, why did she chase after this inexplicable old man to trouble her, she hit a super iron plate now!
Mo Xuan couldn't help but take a breath in his heart. He tried repeatedly and quickly, but he couldn't find a way to break the restriction. What kind of method is this? !

"The old man never eats and drinks for free. You can ask for the reward now, or you can ask for it later, it's up to you." The old man picked his teeth with a toothpick leisurely.

The ban is lifted.

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling regained their ability to move, but in such a split second, both of them were in dire straits, covered in cold sweat!
Facing this unfathomable and mysterious old man again at this time, both Mo Xuan and Kong Ling's scalps felt a little numb. There was no doubt that if the old man really wanted to deal with them, it would be effortless!

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling have a deep understanding of the gap in strength!Mo Xuan tightly clenched his fists, if this old man really wants to deal with us, can he stand it?

Mo Xuan's face was very ugly, he was afraid that even if he played all his cards, he might not be able to break the immobilization technique.This old man is really strong, even the ancestor of Qingyuan Jinxian is not his opponent!

Even more powerful than a first-rank golden immortal, the identity of the old man is clearly revealed!

Isn't this Feiyun galaxy the sphere of influence of the Qingyu Immortal Realm? Although it is only a small galaxy in the huge power of the Qingyu Immortal Realm, it should be fine if you contact the old man's terrifyingly powerful strength!

The four little Taoists on the fourth floor of time and space, among them, Chimian, Heihong, and Zhan Hongbo are obsessed with Go; and the oldest and most mysterious Qingyu Taoist, everyone knows that he loves food, and resets the game. The Wanchu Conference even specially created an authority for professional chefs, but this old man has always been a ghost, and few people have really seen his true face in Lushan!There are only countless legends about his old man!

And Taoist Qingyu Xiaodao is a famous solitaire, he even resists Taoism like avatars, only the deity!

Mo Xuan smacked his tongue secretly, never thought that Mr. Qingyu Xiaodao, an old man, would come to Jiwoxing in person, and he still looks like such a slovenly old beggar!

In fact, Mo Xuan is also an egoist, but he is really too busy, so he has to take care of others, but the more he divides, the more he has nothing to do.Kong Ling and Mo Que'er only had one clone, which was the last insurance.

"You two choose it." Qingyu Xiaodaojun, who was picking his teeth leisurely, looked completely harmless to humans and animals.

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling looked at each other, already had the skills, bowed to the old man, and said: "Dao Jun, we choose to have it now, and please release the restraint just now to us once, then both of us will be cleared." gone."

It was such a request, the old man gave a playful oh, which was equivalent to acquiescing his identity, and grinned: "I am not restricting it, but since you two have asked for it, then so be it." Qingyu Xiaodao-Jun Wave again.

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling were frozen again, unable to move, not even their eyeballs!
Qingyu Xiaodaojun chuckled, and said: "The old man will not help you untie it, but if you are willing to make another silky chicken dish for the old man, my little girl, the old man can reluctantly help you untie it."

Mo Xuan and Kong Ling couldn't move at all, and they couldn't even respond!

After all, it's not the most critical time yet, some of Mo Xuan's pressure boxes are not suitable to be used, otherwise he will run away and get out of control, and this chicken coop star may be completely finished, and hundreds of millions of living beings will be wiped out!
Mo Xuan adopted some gentle means to try to break the body-fixing technique, and the time for a stick of incense was soon enough, and Mo Xuan and Kong Ling were still unable to move at all!
Tsk tsk, Qingyu Xiaodaojun's move is amazing!In a battle between masters, victory or defeat can often be decided in an instant, and this stick of incense is enough to die countless times!

Mo Xuan admired him from the bottom of his heart. After all, it was the legendary Qingyu Little Daoist, who surpassed the power of the Golden Immortal. He was indeed super powerful!We still have a long, long way to go!

Oops, the little guy still doesn't admit defeat, Qingyu Xiaodaojun caressed his messy beard happily, took out the wine gourd and took a sip of fine wine, sat down on the ground, lay down on his side again, and muttered: "I'll wait For a quarter of an hour, if you still can't solve it, then I will revoke it, and the little girl will give the old man another silky chicken dish."

What Qingyu Xiaodaojun said, Kong Ling actually didn't listen at all. It was the first time for her to be so deflated. , can't he just let it live!

Kong Ling tried her best to break the body-holding technique, damn it, what the hell is this, why can't she move? !
After Mo Xuan worked hard, only his eyeballs and brows could move for the time being, and he couldn't help frowning. How does this unprecedented hold technique work?It's too unbelievable!It is true that the world is full of wonders, and what I have come into contact with is only the tip of the iceberg. After a small achievement, I feel a little proud and complacent, which is really unreasonable!

It seems that it won't be able to solve it for a while, and there is still a lot of time. Mo Xuan slowed down his mentality, no longer eager to solve the body-holding technique in the shortest time, and analyzed and tried slowly.

Many times you search hard, but you still can't find the answer, in fact, it is right beside you, you can find it immediately if you change your thinking or method!
Qingyu Xiaodaojun said that this is not a restriction. After Mo Xuan explored it, he found that it was not like a restriction. When it was activated, there was no celestial power or fluctuation of heaven and earth aura. So what is it?

In the final analysis, prohibition is the ingenious use of the laws of heaven and earth.

It is almost impossible for ordinary people to push down a big tree, even with natural supernatural power!And if people make axes, saws, shovels, etc., it is tantamount to using gold skillfully, and using gold to overcome wood, they can bring down big trees relatively easily.

For monks, it is even more convenient to use the laws of heaven and earth. Just pinch fingers, handprints, and recite mantras to invoke the laws of heaven and earth. No matter what kind of application in the five elements, you can easily bring down the big tree!
But often the ascetics are confused by the power of the heaven and the earth, relying on the power of the heaven and the earth all the time to do their best, but delusional to use this power to counteract and overpower the whole world, in the end it is nothing more than a fly shaking a tree, Suicide!
It's a rare opportunity, and Mo Xuan can't keep hiding the chance to get in touch with the supernatural power of Xiaodaojun level so early, otherwise, he will just miss this rare opportunity for nothing!

A drop of water can actually reflect the whole world!
If you can unravel the mysterious and unpredictable body-holding technique of Lord Qingyu Xiaodao, it will definitely be of great help to your future practice and growth!

Mo Xuan then used the magical power of going back in time, trying to find the true face of Lushan's body-holding technique.

Lying on his side on the ground, squinting his eyes and pouring wine, Qingyu Xiaodaojun suddenly opened his cloudy eyes, staring at Mo Xuan, this the law of time being activated? !Good boy, you can figure out the law of time at a young age, and you can use it so skillfully and delicately, you really are a hero out of a boy!
Xiaodaojun Qingyu sat up involuntarily, and wait and see, don't look at this is just a small body fixation technique, but it is a full manifestation of Xiaodaojun's supernatural powers. If Hua An, who is at the middle-grade Xuanxian level, can crack it now, then This kid will be very obedient in the future!

Mo Xuan went back three times, but each time he saw something different, he couldn't help frowning, the past cannot be changed, this is what Mo Xuan firmly believed, but he went back three times and saw it again and again What's the matter? !There is no reason!

Mo Xuan calmed down, and began to go back to the fourth time. This time, what he saw was still different, but Mo Xuan understood a little bit. It turns out that this is not a small body-holding technique, it is clearly the presentation of the will of the whole world OK!
No wonder we have been unable to move, because we have been living in this world since we were born.Even after cultivating the Tao and becoming an immortal, one will feel that one is detached from things and is not bound by heaven and earth, but in fact, the relationship between human beings and heaven and earth has always been fixed in the relationship between an insignificant small molecule and the mother!Even if you become a Profound Immortal, or even a Golden Immortal, you have always been!
Subtly, people are always restrained by the world, and they have long been accustomed to it, and this body-holding technique is equivalent to the world telling you not to move!Your body will naturally not move at all!
Although the body is controlled through the thinking of the brain, the will of heaven and earth is the ultimate existence far beyond the will of a single individual, and the priority is different!If heaven and earth don't let you move, you can't move!

As long as one truly transcends this world and is not bound by this world, this body-holding technique will be lifted naturally!

This is relatively simple to say, but it is unimaginably difficult to actually do it!

This is like allowing an ordinary person living on the planet to expel the gravity that has always existed in the body through thoughts or changes without the help of any external force, and become able to float freely without any help of Taoism or tools. Fly with the wind!You can give it a try, meditate on gravity exclusion, and see if you can float up, and how long does it take to float up?

In a life of poverty, how many people can float up?It's really floating, well, you can go to a relevant department to be a guinea pig.

(End of this chapter)

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