Interstellar Miner

Chapter 420 Confused Demon King

Chapter 420 Confused Demon King ([-])

The logo of Tianji Pavilion was printed on the body of the three-star warship, and Hao Changsheng had already removed it, secretly thinking about the logo of Changshengzong.

Niu Niu was neatly dressed and walked out of the Sect Leader's compound gracefully. The black soil girl back then is so beautiful and moving now.

Niu Niu walked to Hao Changsheng's side and looked at the huge dark battleship. This is the three-star battleship that is being transmitted. It really is not ordinary!

Hao Changsheng put his arms around Niu Niu's small waist, smiled, and said, "I was worried about how to get a warship, but someone came to deliver it to me without thinking about it. It seems that our Changshengzong is about to turn around."

Niu Niu smiled slightly and nodded, and glanced at Qian Pan lightly. Thinking about this round of ten-year summary, our Changshengzong must be the last one. After all, we are two people working together. The opportunity has come.

"Niuniu, what do you think about the logo of our Changshengzong?" Hao Changsheng didn't have any good ideas for a while.

Niuniu thought for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I don't have any good ideas for now."

Big brother Yu Nianzu raised his hand and said, "I have a good idea!"

The little ones also scrambled to raise their hands, I have it too, I have it too!

Hao Changsheng and Niuniu looked at each other, smiled, and nodded, then you guys have come up with your ideas and let us have a look.

The children immediately used the branches to draw ghosts on the ground, some with the word "beautiful body and long life", some with various small pictures, and some with large landscape pictures...

Hao Changsheng and Niuniu looked at it and shook their heads again and again. What is this? It's a mess. Is it reliable?

After the children finished drawing, they looked at others and felt that others' work was not good, and their own work was the best, so the quarreling turned into pushing and shoving.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, be honest, go back to class." Hao Changsheng scolded.

"No, no, Master, we finally got a battleship, why don't you take us for a ride!" "That's right, Master, we're going to take a battleship."...

Niuniu gave Hao Changsheng a look, and let the little ones take a ride. At the beginning, we traveled in the void with the master on the battleship, and listened to the master explaining the universe. Now it is still a dreamlike journey, and we still benefit a lot. Shallow.

"Okay, everyone line up." Hao Changsheng clapped his hands.

The kids joyfully followed Hao Changsheng and Niu Niu on board the Samsung battleship, wow, it's so high-end, the inside of this battleship is much bigger than our entire Changshengzong mountain!

Wow, Sister Jianling Xiaoyue is so cute, she still has a lifelike puppet body, I really learned a lot today!
Sure enough, what I learned in the book, I still have to practice it to deeply understand it!

take off!

After a while, the battleship flew into the void.

Wow, this is our planet, it's really round, it's not the master's nonsense!Here is the void, it is really dark, there are so many stars, and the small stars are actually big suns!The moon is really just a broken rock, it doesn't shine, it's just the sun's rays...

The little babies were amazed again and again, Hun'er was a little flustered.

Zhou Tang and the others got the news from Qian Pan in advance, hid in a small meteorite belt, and kept a close eye on the three-star battleship, don't they want to run away?
If the Changshengzong really wanted to run, Zhou Tang and the others really had no choice. After all, the speed of the three-star battleship was not something they could keep up with with their flying magic weapon!

The little ones felt a little bored staying in the battleship, and clamored to play in the void. It is said that there is no gravity in the void, so they can float freely!
Hao Changsheng couldn't help but smile, please, with your weak cultivation base, you will definitely die as soon as you enter the void, the void is not a place that brats like you can expect!
Hao Changsheng still couldn't hold back the little babies, so he had no choice but to release his fairyland and let the little kids really feel the void in his fairyland.

Zhou Tang and the others couldn't help frowning secretly when they saw Hao Changsheng's fairyland about [-] kilometers away. This fairyland is actually not that big. You must know that the fairyland of senior earth immortals is basically [-] kilometers away!
Zhou Tang gritted his teeth for a while, it was unreasonable for him to lose to such an earth fairy in a daze!It is simply a lifetime of shame!To actually casually play with my three-star battleship, which is intolerable!
Hao Changsheng gathered the children who were running around and gave them a good enlightenment course on the cultivation of immortals and the universe.

The children's enthusiasm for cultivating immortals is generally not very high, and they have to be coaxed to do so. The current series of events is really screaming, and it is a good time to strike while the iron is hot!

The little ones are all focused, they only heard hearsay before, and they couldn’t imagine it in their little heads. Only after seeing it with their own eyes, did they really know what galaxies, nebulae, meteorite belts, black holes, neutron stars, etc. look like!

"Wow, what a terrifying black hole!"

"It's pitch black, you can't see anything!"

"A black hole can absorb everything, so wouldn't the entire universe be absorbed in the end!"


The little ones exclaimed incessantly.

Hao Changsheng shook his head amusedly, and explained: "No, don't take it for granted. No matter how huge a black hole is, it is nothing more than a sesame seed in the universe."

"A black hole is actually an aging star. I have told you before that a star is the sun, which emits light and heat, and provides stable energy to the surrounding planets for them to breed life. Of course, this star needs young adults."

"When the star reaches middle age, it will become very unstable. It is difficult for life on the planet to survive, and it must be transferred to other planets in time."

"The star has made such a huge contribution. Of course, this universe is reluctant to let it die like this, allowing the star to be reborn. Therefore, there are black holes. Black holes are actually a process of absorbing the idle energy of the universe and gradually accumulating energy. When enough energy is accumulated , it will be able to break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly, and breed new stars."

"Powerful stars can directly turn into black holes, while weaker stars first turn into white dwarfs, neutron stars continue to accumulate power, and then turn into black holes. Then they are reborn. Of course, there are also stars that have exhausted their gas and have no choice but to fall; there are also two Neighboring black holes merge with each other, transforming into entirely new massive stars."

The children opened their eyes wide, looking at Hao Changsheng curiously, it turned out that this is the case, we really have nothing to worry about.

Hao Changsheng smiled and said: "The gravitational force of the black hole is still very strong. Ordinary immortals are in danger of being sucked in if they approach, so everyone should try to stay as far away as possible, so as not to become a great tonic for the black hole."

Babies stick out their tongues, you know!
Hao Changsheng rubbed his chin, saying that he had reached a bottleneck in his body training, could he consider going to the black hole to exercise and seek a breakthrough?That's a good idea.

Niu Niu smiled lightly, having a battleship is really good. You don't have to be bored in the Longevity Star all the time, you can go out for a stroll, which is very convenient.

Today's Lingdong faction only has two transport spirit ships, and the balance has not been paid yet, and there is obviously a big gap between the transport spirit ship and this three-star battleship, not bad.

After all, the babies are still relatively young, and their cultivation base is also very weak. After the passion, they feel a little bit sleepy.Hao Changsheng then returned to the Changshengzong in the three-star battleship, letting the babies rest.

Hao Changsheng raised his eyebrows at Niu Niu, our good business was interrupted by Tianji Pavilion halfway, so we should go back and continue.

Niu Niu gave Hao Changsheng a flirtatious look, and she knew that she was really a pure lower body animal for doing that.

Hao Changsheng licked his lips, and gave Niu Niu an electric look, what, don't you like it?
Niuniu blushes pretty, fuck you.

They are old couples, but Niuniu is still so shy and pleasant, I like it!Hao Changsheng chuckled, picked up Niuniu by the waist, and strode towards the small courtyard.

The little ones slept beautifully and had a very wonderful dream. After waking up, their enthusiasm for cultivating immortals skyrocketed!
The morning class passed by in a flash. I used to listen to a bible, but I didn’t understand it no matter how I listened. Now I find it much easier and I can already understand it.

The class in the morning was over, and after lunch, the energetic little ones had nothing to do, so they groped around the three-star warship on the square, tsk tsk, such a big guy can fly into the sky, and fly so fast, really High-end!

The kids got together to discuss the Longevity Sect logo that failed to come to fruition yesterday, and they all clamored that their own idea was the best.

Big brother Yu Nianzu snorted, and flew straight into the air, and began to graffiti on the hull of the Samsung battleship. It's no use talking about it, let's cut it first and then play it, just use my idea!
Big brother, you are cheating, I won't take you like this!

Several flying juniors scrambled to fly into the air and began to graffiti.

"Get out of the way, this is my seat!" "It's so crowded, it's so big, go to the side." "The opposite side is still empty!"...

Seeing all kinds of graffiti by the flying brothers, all kinds of envy and hatred, the little children didn't want to watch, and hurriedly folded paper airplanes, but they couldn't keep the suspension well after all. In the end, they had no choice but to divide the labor Collaboration, two or three people control the suspension of the paper airplane, and one person stands on the paper airplane to graffiti.

Zhou Tang, who was hiding in the meteorite belt, was so angry that he gnawed off all ten fingernails when he heard the news!You itchy little brats, this is my three-star battleship. How can you be so scribbled and scribbled? What the hell is Taoist Changsheng doing?
After a busy noon, the disciples of the Longevity Sect clapped their hands contentedly and called it a day when they saw that their graffiti had filled every corner of the three-star battleship, and there was no room left.

Zhou Tang was half mad with anger, and kept urging a few friends and a few others to recruit a new brigade, hurry up!I wait until the flowers all thank you!

The mobility of Tianji Pavilion is still very good, and several support troops rushed to the meteorite belt one after another.

Hey, a little Changsheng sect actually dared to compete with our Tianji Pavilion, and even dared to detain Senior Brother Zhou Tang's three-star battleship, how brave!
Anger is anger, the supporting immortals of Tianji Pavilion were not overwhelmed by anger. Even if it was a fluke, it was not a soft persimmon that could be pinched casually.The immortals of Tianji Pavilion advocate the strategy of being exhaustive, and do not fight unprepared battles.

The contest between Zhou Tang and Hao Changsheng was recorded by the observing immortals.

All the immortals watched it three times together, analyzing in detail Hao Changsheng's combat mode, application of Taoism, habits, specialties, etc.

The final conclusion is that Hao Changsheng may still have reservations, and it may not be a fluke to win Senior Brother Zhou Tang.

Zhou Tang frowned secretly. He took the bet without any information. It was really a bit reckless and conceited, and he lost money.However, his failure record will also be used as valuable experience for Tianji Pavilion's counterattack. As long as he wins back a victory, the lost face will naturally come back!
This immortal Taoist is obviously of the wood attribute, and there happens to be a senior Xian Ning Mingliang who has a metallic nature among us, so restrain him properly!
Zhou Tang didn't wait for all the support troops to arrive, he didn't need so many people at all for a big Changshengzong, relying on the large number of people, he confidently and aggressively killed it!
The good-looking three-star battleship is stunned by so many ghostly symbols, it's eye-catching!The immortals of Tianji Pavilion couldn't help frowning.

Zhou Tang roared and roared, Taoist, short-lived, come out quickly and die!
(End of this chapter)

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