Interstellar Miner

Chapter 521 Immortal Fate Conference

Chapter 521 Immortal Fate Conference ([-])

Cracked?Someone actually cracked it!
After the broadcaster got the news, he immediately turned the screen over.

What, it turned out to be such a little kid with a chicken nest?real or fake?Could it be that since ancient times, heroes have come out of youth?
Jiwotou Xiaowa picked her nostrils as usual, and then stuffed a lump of steaming booger into her mouth in front of countless audiences on the fourth floor of time and space, and smacked her lips.

Countless viewers were blinded, ah, my eyes, hot eyes!What is this little brat doing, eating booger, it's disgusting!

Jiwotou Xiaowa is still undecided, and still goes her own way.

Unlike the three assessments on the first day, there will be one in the morning and one in the afternoon today, and another one tomorrow.That's good to be brave, and you can have a few more meals!

Jiwotou Xiaowa walked happily to the cafeteria, hey, why are they all staring at me, I don’t have any flowers on my face.Isn't it just rubbing rice, aren't you also rubbing rice.

Jiwotou Xiaowa snorted, didn't bother to pay attention to so many, went straight to the cafeteria through the teleportation array, and the meal is ready!

The huge cafeteria fell silent, and everyone looked at Jiwotou Xiaowa in unison.

Why!Jiwotou Xiaowa blinked in a daze, what's wrong?Why are you all looking at me like that?Could it be that the crotch of my crotch is torn?

Jiwotou Xiaowa frowned inexplicably, made a meal on her own, sat at an empty table with the lunch box and started eating, wow, it was delicious.

A fat bearded fairy sat across from Jiwotou Xiaowa with a lunch box, ate a few mouthfuls, and then quietly sent a voice transmission to Jiwotou Xiaowa: "This little brother, are you interested in joining Jianyang Temple?"

Jiwotou Xiaowa raised his head and glanced at Dixian, then lowered his head and continued to eat.

The bearded and fat immortal did not give up, and began to vigorously promote the various benefits of Jianyang Temple.

Jiwotou Xiaowa looked up again at the bearded and fat fairy, and said speechlessly: "Are you talking all the time, don't you know you shouldn't talk when you're eating?"

The bearded and fat fairy grinned awkwardly, this... I'm just a voice transmission, so it can't be regarded as talking.Besides, when you say that, I'm completely exposed!

The bearded and fat fairy gave up so easily, and still spared no effort to promote Jianyang Temple.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that the bearded and fat fairy is a scout sent by other forces to poach the wall.Really know how to pick the time, I think it is to seize the first opportunity, no matter whether this chicken nest boy is gold or not, let's talk about it after grabbing it.It's a pity that the little boy doesn't care about you at all.

An immortal who was in charge of guarding the cafeteria of the Four Immortals Sect hurried to the side of the bearded and fat immortal, and raised his hand kindly, please.

The bearded and fat fairy sighed secretly, then took another look at the little boy who was only busy eating the chicken nest, got up helplessly and left with the fairy.

It was finally quiet, and the chicken nest head continued to eat and eat.What a ruined temple, the young master is not happy to be a vegetarian all year round!
Another celestial being from the Four Immortals Sect came over, smiled faintly and glanced at Jiwotou Xiaowa, then stood aside with his hands behind his back, showing the position and attitude of the Four Immortals Sect.As long as it is gold, our Four Immortals will never let it go!Those who want to poach the wall, you have come to the wrong place!

The little boy in Jiwotou had enough food and drinks, picked his teeth, and went back to the house to take a nap.

"Why do you keep following me?" Jiwotou Xiaowa turned his head and gave the angel who was guarding him a sideways look.

Tianxian rolled his eyes speechlessly and said, "I'm not following you, I'm protecting you."

"Are there any bad people here, why are you protecting me?"

"It's not bad people, I'm just worried that someone will come to harass you again. How about this, you keep this talisman paper, tear it open if you encounter trouble, and I will rush over as soon as possible."

"Okay." Jiwotou Xiaowa took the talisman and stuffed it into her arms, and said, "I'm going back to take a nap, don't follow me anymore."

Jiwotou Xiaowa returned to the dormitory, and just squinted for a while, when a buddy from the dormitory next door came rushing out the door.

"Brother, how did you come up with the idea of ​​pouring water to freeze it? Do you know that you solved a huge problem once, and you are already a super celebrity."

Jiwotou Xiaowa turned over and muttered, "What's so strange, the river freezes in winter, and when you open a hole to fish, the water will be compacted again as soon as it freezes."

That buddy leaned close to Jiwotou Xiaowa's ear and whispered: "Brother, I'm from the Heihong Immortal Realm. Hei Hong, one of the three super immortal realms, are you interested?"

"Not interested, I want to sleep, don't disturb me." about kidnapping him?Hei Hong's buddy hesitated for a while, did not dare to make a move, and asked without giving up: "Brother, why do you want to participate in the Xianyuan Conference of the Four Immortals?"

"Isn't that nonsense!" Jiwotou Xiaowa rolled his eyes.

Hei Hong's buddy laughed at himself, that's right, of course all those who came to the Four Immortals Sect's Xianyuan Conference wanted to worship Hua'an Da Neng as their teacher.

"Cengfan." Jiwotou Xiaowa yawned, took out the talisman paper from his arms, and warned, "If you bother me any more, I'll make you hiss!"

Brother Heihong staggered, stared at Jiwotou Xiaowa for a long time in extreme speechlessness, forced a smile on his face, and said coaxingly: "Brother, in fact, we Heihong are also free of food and shelter, as long as you are willing to go there , we cover everything! You can get whatever you want!"

"You're abducting a three-year-old child! Think of me as an idiot!" Jiwotou Xiaowa was about to tear off the talisman paper.

"Don't, don't, I'm leaving now." Brother Hei Hong could only retreat for the time being, and after leaving the dormitory, he was invited away by a fairy from the Four Immortals Sect with a wry smile.

Jiwotou Xiaowa was sleeping soundly, suddenly her nose twitched, she sat up with the scent, opened her eyes and saw it was a black and oily chicken leg, wow, it smells so good, what kind of chicken leg is this, too Smell, I have never smelled such an attractive fragrance in my life!The saliva in Jiwotou Xiaowa's mouth was splashing.

"Do you want to eat?" A voice that made Jiwotou Xiaowa's heart skip a beat sounded from the side.

Jiwotou Xiaowa turned her head to look, but it was an old beggar carrying five cloth bags full of patches. Hey, did this old beggar also come to participate in the Xianyuan Conference?The Four Immortals really want everyone!
However, the little boy's attention was quickly attracted by the black chicken leg, and the saliva overflowed from the corner of his mouth, wishing he could rush over immediately!But the last sliver of reason prevents Jiwotou Xiaowa from acting rashly, showing courteousness for nothing, rape or stealing, this old beggar does not look like a good person, this chicken leg must have come from something wrong, maybe it was drugged of!I'm not so stupid to be deceived, but it's really delicious!
The old beggar smiled, stuffed the chicken leg into his mouth, took a big bite, and chewed loudly.

Jiwotou Xiaowa watched eagerly, drooling uncontrollably.

"You can eat if you want, but you have to join our Qingyu Immortal Realm." The old beggar made a condition.

Jiwotou Xiaowa was puzzled: "What are you all doing, I have a good stay in Four Immortals, and you all come to bother me. When I was begging for food, who ever ignored me!"

Uh... Mr. Qingyu is really speechless. If you hadn't participated in the Four Immortals Sect's Xianyuan Conference and performed so well, who would have known that you were such a little beggar.

Jiwotou Xiaowa snorted and said, "I have eaten, drank, slept, and played in the Four Immortals School for so many days. The Four Immortals School didn't say a word of nonsense. If I pat my ass and leave, then who am I? Even if the Four Immortals don't want me in the end, then I should leave, and now the Four Immortals have always been so kind to me, if I leave, then I am nothing."

The old man Qingyu nodded approvingly, and said: "Just say this to you, and you will be rewarded with this chicken leg." The old man directly threw the chicken leg that was missing a big bite.

The little boy at the head of the chicken nest caught the chicken leg, hesitated for a moment, still couldn't stand it, opened his mouth and took a small bite, woo, he couldn't control it immediately, woo, woo, finally chewed the chicken bones and swallowed it .The little chicken coop head sucked his fingers happily.

One doesn't seem to be enough, Jiwotou Xiaowa looks at Old Man Qingyu eagerly, is there any more?
The old man Qingyu shook his head and said: "This is the last one on the table today. If you join Qingyu in the future, the delicious food will definitely be enough. I'm not bragging, our Qingyu Immortal Realm is in charge of food, and three-year-olds can eat delicious food." I know, you sure do too."

Jiwotou Xiaowa shook her head, and said, "I don't know, this is the first time I've heard of it. I used to be able to eat enough, so I don't care if it's good or not."

Uh... Old Master Qingyu was once again speechless.

"Then let's talk about it later." Old Master Qingyu shook his head, turned around and left the dormitory, and shrugged his shoulders at Mo Xuan who was quietly standing outside the door.

Mo Xuan smiled faintly, stepped aside, waited until old master Qingyu left, knocked lightly on the door of the dormitory, and walked in.

What are you doing again?Jiwotou Xiaowa looked at Mo Xuan impatiently, but she just ate another chicken leg and was a little bit stretched, so she could only sit on the bed and rest for a while before going back to sleep.Huh, this one seems very unusual, is he a fairy? Jiwotou Xiaowa looked at Mo Xuan curiously.

Mo Xuan said lightly: "The next few assessments will not be easy, you have to put your heart into it and concentrate on it."

Seeing the nonchalant behavior of Jiwotou Xiaowa, Mo Xuan smiled, and added: "As long as you make it to the last level, even though you can't say that you can eat the chicken legs just now, you will still have them every New Year's Eve."

Really?Jiwotou Xiaowa immediately regained his spirits.

Mo Xuan nodded resolutely, and said, "Have a good rest, I am looking forward to your next performance."

Jiwotou Xiaowa nodded happily, then she must work hard!

"By the way, don't eat boogers in the future. This habit is very bad. See you later." Mo Xuan gently closed the dormitory door.

Oh, this fairy is so powerful, he even knows that I eat boogers!My stomach is empty, why don't I eat, now that I eat so well, I really don't need to eat boogers!I hope I don't have to eat it again!
Jiwotou Xiaowa smacked his lips, looked forward to it for a while, and quickly lay down to take a nap. After a beautiful sleep, it was time for the afternoon assessment.

Although I saw such a disgusting scene in the morning, the sub-venue that Jiwotou Xiaowa was assigned to this time has become the top three sub-venues in the broadcast ranking!

Oh, except for Jiwotou Xiaowa who are all relatively young players, all of them are full of heaven, and they are very smart at first glance.Chicken Nest Xiaowa is the most inconspicuous one anyway!
However, there are still many people paying attention to Jiwotou Xiaowa. Although he thinks that his previous assessment was just luck, it is still worth looking forward to. Anyway, it is a mule or a horse, and you can know it after pulling it out.

(End of this chapter)

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