Interstellar Miner

Chapter 570 Treasure Conference

Chapter 570 Treasure Conference
The four inspectors sent messages to all the teams that made it to the top 32, and gathered to distribute rewards!

The teams that broke into the top 32 in the fifth level of time and space are all refreshed. So, maybe we can see the true colors of the monstrous team in the fourth level of time and space?So what are you waiting for, hurry up, let's see who that team is!
Mo Xuan clapped his hands and said, "I'm going to get the rewards next time, everyone calm down, don't be laughed at by the team on the fifth floor."

The team members quickly calmed down, looked at each other, and helped tidy up the Taoist robes.

The supreme team packed up their mood and arrived at the awarding platform specially set up by the four supervisors through the teleportation array. The remaining 28 top 32 teams in the fifth floor of time and space had all arrived, and everyone was looking at the teleportation array eagerly.

The supreme team couldn't help being taken aback, but still couldn't lift their heads up.

At this moment, Yizun and other six venerables took the lead in applauding, and the rest of the trainees applauded hurriedly, and the applause became louder and louder until it was like thunder.

The members of Zhizun's team looked at each other, and gradually puffed up their chests. We won the runner-up with dignity, and there is nothing to be ashamed of!
Zhizun waved his hands several times, and the applause gradually died down.

Zhizun smiled wryly and said: "We appreciate everyone's kindness, we will be the defeated generals in the end, it's enough for everyone to express their gratitude."

Zhizun looked around and asked, "Will the team from the fourth layer of time and space come?"

Yizun replied: "The supervisor of the underworld revealed that the awards for the top 32 are all here."

Zhizun frowned, that's really great, then we must take a good look at that team, especially the commander-in-chief!
The 29 teams in the fifth layer of time and space waited patiently.

The teleportation array finally flickered with light.


The trialists of the fifth layer of time and space are all staring at the teleportation array!

Uh... The members of Feng Jiana's Golden Immortals team and Wei Zilan's Golden Immortals team were all frozen in the teleportation formation, my dear, there must be too many strong people in the fifth level of time and space.

Both Feng Jiana Jinxian and Wei Zilan Jinxian had numb scalps and found it difficult to move!The two Golden Immortal bosses secretly smiled wryly. We have obviously postponed our departure. Hasn't the Hua'an powerful team arrived yet?
The four inspectors showed up at the right time and coughed lightly.

The trainees of the fifth level of time and space just woke up like a dream, and quickly retracted the fairy pressure that was unintentionally released. Alas, if the team of the fourth level of time and space feels like we are bullying the weak and bullying the small with the big, then the sin will be big!Quality, pay attention to quality!
The two teams of time and space on the fourth floor timidly walked down the teleportation array.

Hey, there are so many golden immortals in the fifth level of time and space, wow, those few are not Xiaodao Lords, right?

These two teams are definitely not that team, and the trialists of the fifth-level time and space knew it.

After a while, the teleportation array began to flicker again.

This time it must be!Everyone is waiting to see, the monstrous team that fell below everyone's attention, won all the way from the preliminary rounds to the finals, and blatantly defeated Zhizun's team, finally able to see their true colors!

The brilliance gradually faded, and all members of Mo Xuan's team appeared on the teleportation array.

Mo Xuan swept his eyes and smiled lightly, there are quite a lot of people.

It turned out to be you!Let us almost lose face on the fifth floor, the trialists on the fifth floor gritted their teeth and glared viciously.

ah?Why can't you see a few golden immortals at a glance?How many non-immortal cultivators are there in the team?real or fake?

However, this team is indeed completely different from the other two teams in the fourth layer of time and space. Every member of the team has an inexplicable detached temperament, and they are harmoniously united. The momentum of the whole team is not ostentatious. But it is so heroic and majestic!
Facing the coercion we exerted intentionally or unintentionally, they were completely unmoved by mediocre strength, and their expressions were calm and calm.

Worthy of being a championship team!
Zhizun and the others glanced at each other, and they could tell that there was only one Golden Immortal in Moxuan's team, and less than one-third of the Xuanxians. This... This... Did we lose to this team?
Hey, why that team doesn't seem to be led by that golden fairy, obviously, it should be the male Xuanxian who is admired by all the stars, who is in charge. Is he the commander in chief?
Take a closer look, he seems to be an ordinary Xuanxian with thick eyebrows and big eyes, smiling gently all the time, without any special purpose, if it is not for being surrounded by stars, it may be difficult to be seen in the crowd Found out, is it him?

The seven venerables almost couldn't help rushing over to ask whether it was really possible to know the prophet, after all, they could only think about it.

Mo Xuan ignored the startled trainees on the fifth level of time and space, and smiled and led the team towards the team of Feng Jiana Golden Immortal and Wei Zilan Golden Immortal. Two fellow daoists, you have already arrived! !

Feng Jiana Jinxian and Wei Zilan Jinxian happily returned a bow, we just arrived.

The top 32 are all here.

There are a total of 29 teams in the fifth layer of time and space, but there are only three teams in the fourth layer of time and space.

Zhizun and the other seven venerables exchanged glances and walked forward together.

The trainees of the fourth layer of time and space saw it and fell silent. These seven... Good guys, are they all Xiaodao Lords?

Mo Xuan couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, he really is Xiaodao Lord!Tsk tsk, the little Daoist of the fifth floor of time and space can enter the endless tower trial, high-end!
Mo Xuan walked forward unhurriedly, Mo Que'er and the others followed closely behind, and the three Golden Immortals of the fourth layer of time and space also followed without hesitation.

There was a menacing attack on the opposite side, and the members of Moxuan's team hurriedly followed up to help out, and the members of the other two teams also hurriedly followed.

The trialists of the fifth layer of time and space secretly exclaimed, that person is really brave, yes, how could the commander-in-chief of that team be a small character.

In other words, the male Xuanxian in the lead is really elegant, and he is so easy-going, and he is very harmonious with the testers of the fourth layer of time and space. The dragon in the fairy is talking about him!

Mo Xuan and the seven venerables bowed to each other and looked at each other.

It's really a hero out of a boy, this male Xuanxian is really young!The seven venerables were amazed.

These seven are really personable, and they are also Xiaodaojun, but Qingyu old man doesn't have the temperament of Xiaodaojun!Mo Xuan also admired secretly, but Mr. Qingyu is definitely much more stable and experienced than these seven vicissitudes.

The leader Zhizun bowed to each other and said: "We are the seven venerables of the Ten Virtues Hall on the fifth floor. I am Zhizun, and I am also the commander-in-chief of your opponent team in the finals. This is Yizun, Lianzun, Renzun, Tizun , Renzun, Xiaozun. Dare I ask you how to call you?"

Mo Xuan smiled slightly and said: "You are welcome, the seven venerables. This junior is the suzerain of the Four Immortals Sect on the fourth floor, Hua An. These three are my wife: Wu Nianxuan, Huo Qingling, Huali, this is Shuiyue, These three are Yun Yuanjia, Feng Jiana, and Wei Zilan."

The two sides got to know each other and bowed again.

Hua'an, this name is really concise. The seven venerables exchanged glances, and then sincerely praised Mo Xuan for his good work, which is really brilliant.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and said: "Our team's victory is the result of everyone's joint efforts, and Hua dare not take credit for it."

The trainees of the fifth level of time and space watched from the side, sighing secretly, look at others, it is so calm, facing us, the seven venerables of the fifth level of time and space are still talking and laughing, honor or disgrace, such characters, we There are not many five layers of time and space!The four-story space-time transportation path is really good!

Seeing the two sides exchanged greetings for a long time, the four supervisors stopped waiting and clapped their hands lightly.

32 Tower Envoys in formal attire lined up and walked to the center of the platform. Each Tower Envoy held a tray covered with red silk in both hands.

The attention of the trialists on the two layers of time and space was all attracted. After working so hard for so long, it finally came to the happy moment to reap the fruits!
Supervisor You Lan cleared her throat, and said loudly: "This is a reward for all teams that break into the top 32. Please come forward and accept the award."

Mo Xuan, Feng Jiana Jinxian and Wei Zilan Jinxian went to receive the award, and the seven venerables also went together.

Lifting off the red silk, there was an emerald green jade talisman on the tray.

Mo Xuan picked up the jade talisman and scanned it with his thoughts. A not-so-detailed map was sealed inside. What is this?
The trainees looked eagerly at the jade talismans in the hands of the captains. Could it be the cultivation method of immortality in high-level time and space?just or what?
The captains looked at the four inspectors inquiringly.

Supervisor You Lan smiled faintly and said, "I'll talk about the map later, let's present the awards first."

The 32 pagoda envoys put away the jade plates, took out various musical instruments and began to play.

Supervisor You Lan smiled sweetly at Mo Xuan, and said in a loud voice, "I invite all members of the championship team to come up to the stage to accept the award."

Mo Xuan led the team members up to the awards platform.

You Lan described Moxuan's team's superb performance in this year's World Chess Game Competition vividly, and then clapped her hands, a huge stone monument rose from the ground, fully ten meters high and four meters wide!
"Everyone of the championship team, please engrave your names on the stone tablet so that future generations can look up to them."

is it necessary?Mo Xuan looked at the team members' enthusiasm and enthusiasm, so he had no choice but to follow the trend, and raised his right index finger and middle finger, facing the stone tablet from a distance, and engraved the word Hua'an on the top.

Kong Ling, Moqueer, and Huali were engraved with Wu Nianxuan, Huo Qingling, and Huali.

The rest of the bosses also engraved their names one after another.

After the bosses finished engraving, the rest of the team members rushed to engrave their names. This is definitely a glorious deed of Guangzong Yaozu, what an honor!
The inspector, You Lan, presented the champion reward again, but she thoughtfully did not reveal what the reward was, it was just a Na Baozhu.

Mo Xuan took a look inside the orb, there were a total of 150 treasures, all of which were of the highest quality, but not of the supreme treasure level.

Mo Xuan led the team members to retreat from the awarding platform, and when the other teams came to the stage to receive the awards one after another, they held a treasure distribution meeting on the sidelines.

"There are 150 treasures in total. First, each person chooses one item. The remaining [-] items will be rewarded to the players who performed well in the competition. What do you think?"

Everyone has scored, so how can the team members have any opinions? It can only be said that Hua'an is too capable and selfless!Of course you picked first!
Mo Xuan waved his hand, signaling for everyone to pick first.

The team members don't agree, of course it's Hua'an Da Neng that you pick first.

Mo Xuan still refused, Mo Que'er and the others took the Na Baozhu directly, and after careful selection, each of them picked one of them.

Mo Xuan smiled awkwardly. Although the 150 treasures are all good, there is still a difference between them. You don't need to think about it, but the best four were picked by Que'er and the others first.Mo Xuan didn't choose any more, and handed the Na Baozhu to Yun Yuanjia directly.

Yun Yuanjia was also polite, he made a selection, took one, and then passed it to Shui Wu, and Shui Wu passed it to Zhou Fang after making the selection.

The Na Baozhu was passed on one by one like this, the bosses are okay, relatively calm, the ordinary team members have never seen so many top-quality treasures, this Na Baozhu is so hot to hold in their hands, and even they can't help but feel swept away The idea of ​​running away, of course, is just to flip the idea a little bit, I have never seen so many good babies!
Oops, at a glance, all of them are of the best quality. Which one should I choose?My eyes are dazzled!

Mo Xuan smiled faintly: "Everyone, try to choose the one that is most helpful to you."

That's right, the team members forced themselves to calm down, don't choose the best one, just choose the one that is most helpful to them, there it is!That's it!

After the first round of selection, there were still 51 treasures left, and the Na Baozhu passed it back to Mo Xuan. Mo Xuan randomly picked a relatively novel one, but it was a magic weapon in the shape of a key. I don't know what it was used for.

Then Mo Xuan looked around and said: "Everyone in Tianxia Chess Game performed very well and deserves praise. It's just that there are only [-] treasures left, and they can only be selected in half. Therefore, the players with outstanding performance and great progress are given priority to be selected."

The team members all nodded, this is necessary, we have already got what we want most, how can we be more greedy, besides, everyone has seen the rest, in fact, we just pick the rest and add a little bit of trouble .

The bosses must be indispensable, and then Mo Xuan selected those players who performed outstandingly and made great progress to make up 50 people.

Hua'an Da Neng himself was the last one to pick, and he was not included in the list of the extra 50 people. The team members all saw it in their eyes and admired it in their hearts.

In the end, the empty Na Baozhu returned to Mo Xuan, and the treasure distribution conference ended perfectly.

(End of this chapter)

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