Interstellar Miner

Chapter 689 Sneak Attack

Chapter 689 Sneak Attack
The monster siege is still in full swing.

As the hunters, who had always been covert, officially revealed their sharp fangs, the situation of the human defenders became more and more difficult, and the losses were quite heavy.

Already, five small towns have been lost successively, and the towns have been occupied by monsters. The first to fall is the small town guarded by the faculty members of the college.

Unknowingly, five and a half hours have passed since the start of the big exam, and the sky-level earthquake class still maintains zero deaths.

At this time, the siege monster group has been almost wiped out, only a small number of scattered remnants are left, and the blood bar of the light curtain still has more than one-third.

Even if those hunters are quite troublesome and there is almost no loss, but as long as there is any sudden situation, it should be safe to hold the town.

The eyes of the students in the Sky Level Shock Class turned to those hunters. These are all monsters that are rare to see, and they will definitely reveal good treasures.

However, although the previous classes rushed out and put out a hunter, they were quickly counterattacked by the hunter and ran away with heavy losses.

Xiaodie pondered: "Those guys are obviously in the same group, and they don't attack the light curtain very much, they just keep staring at our single students and bullying them. We are afraid that such a small number of people in our Tianzheng class will be beaten by meat buns if they rush over. .”

Gonghu Nishiki suggested: "I think we should unite with other classes to act together, but now our human defenders have an absolute numerical advantage."

"But then there will be more wolves and less meat."


Squad leader Liang Qiu waved his hand to the right to signal for everyone to be quiet, and said, "It's not a problem for those big monsters to be wandering outside all the time, and it's also a big threat to our defense of the city. I'll discuss it with the squad leader, and it's best to act together. Get rid of them."

The squad leaders discussed it and quickly reached a consensus, let them go!

However, when the human army Haohao Tangtang pounced on the hunters together, those guys retreated back and forth slyly, not fighting the human army.

After all, the human army had to give priority to defending the city, not daring to stay away from the town, so they had to retreat.After a while, those hunters turned back and continued to stare at them.

"These guys are really not stupid."

"They will run away when there are too many people, and we may not be their opponents if there are few people, so what should we do?"

"Then dispatch the elite team and lure them into the bait."

"You can try."


The human defenders and the hunters fought a battle of wits and courage, and before they knew it, it had been six hours since the official start of the big exam.

ID card reminder: This monster siege is over.

The small town that successfully defended the city suddenly erupted in shouts, great, let's defend it!
The seven lost towns were dead silent, and the human defenders stared blankly at the towns that had been occupied by monsters, with only a long sigh.He had no choice but to go to a nearby town to seek asylum.

The seven human troops trekked through mountains and rivers, went through untold hardships, took more than a day, and finally arrived at a nearby town, only to find that the town was empty, and most of the people had been teleported to the advanced city.The condition for teleportation is to reach level [-], and they who failed to defend the city are still a long way from level [-].

What is backwardness?This is.

There is no medicine for regret, and there is no other way to go except to catch up desperately.

There are a total of fifty small towns, and a total of ten advanced cities.

A small town that has successfully resisted the monster siege can be teleported to the advanced city as long as all the members of the class meet the [-]th level, but it is just a random teleportation. Almost all the classes in the same small town were scattered before, and their faces changed even more. It's templated, and there's only one pseudonym, so it's hard to tell who's who.

It can be said that this is starting from scratch again.

The sky-level quake class was teleported to the city immediately, but it turned out that they were not the fastest. There was already a class teleported over before them. There were only 14 people. It was clear at a glance that it was the sky-level class. As for which one it was It's hard to say about the sky class.

Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others looked and looked at the Tianji Zhenban group, and finally they all stared at Xiaodie who was named Dieerfei above her head.

"Hey, it's Yang Die, it's the sky-level earthquake class."

Squad leader Cheng Huansi took the initiative to say hello.

"It's Squad Leader Cheng of Tianjikun Class." Liang Qiuyou smiled and stepped forward to say hello.

Cheng Huansi rolled her lips and sneered, glanced at Xiaodie, and said bluntly: "Squad Leader Liang, I thought your Tian-level earthquake squad would be dragged to death by someone."

Liang Qiuyou naturally knew who Cheng Huansi was alluding to, and said with a faint smile: "How could it be, all of our Heavenly Earthquake Squad performed outstandingly, otherwise we wouldn't have teleported here so quickly."

"Really?" Cheng Huansi smiled noncommittally, waved his hands, and said, "We have to get familiar with the city, let's talk."

Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others stared at Xiaodie meaningfully before leading the team to leave.

The students in the Sky Level Earthquake class frowned secretly, they encountered a big tiger just now.

Gonghujin curled his lips indifferently. The big exam is like this. It was relatively easy at the beginning, and the competition became fiercer as the competition became more intense.

Liangqiu clapped his hands to the right, and ordered: "Next, everyone spread out to dig out useful information, and give priority to finding the skill hall."

The students nodded, and they split up.

The skill hall is relatively easy to find, but the learning fee for level [-] skills is very expensive. If it weren't for the sky-level earthquake class's harvest during the monster siege, it really wouldn't be able to afford it.

It is conceivable that other classes will have to work hard for a while if they want to learn all [-]-level skills.

If you can save it, you can save it, if you can't save it, you can never save it.The sky-level shock class resolutely spent money to learn all the skills of level [-], bought more powerful red medicine and blue medicine, and then went outside the city to upgrade.

Why?Or a big white rabbit?
This big white rabbit looks no different from the big white rabbit outside the town, it's just a little bit bigger.

There was an incident where Gonghujin was killed directly by a big white rabbit, but this time no one dared to be careless again.

To be on the safe side, Liang Qiuyou arranged for three students in the front row to go over to find out the details of the big white rabbit.

As soon as the three students in the front row entered the two-foot range of the big white rabbit, the big white rabbit suddenly reacted, shaking its big furry ears, and a white ball of light appeared between the two ears, trembling and growing bigger and bigger.

Huh?what is this?
Could this big white rabbit still release skills?
In the blink of an eye, the white ball of light between the ears of the big white rabbit was the size of a fist, and then flashed five times rapidly, one divided into five, and five small white light balls flew towards the three students in the front row. .

After all, they were going to bottom out, so the three students in the front row didn't dodge and let the five white light balls hit them.

"I'll go, I only got two pills, and one-fifth of my blood will be taken off at once."

"So powerful! Is this still a big white rabbit?"

"Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

The three students in the front row yelled and rushed to the big white rabbit, and beat the big white rabbit together.Unexpectedly, the big white rabbit kept jumping and dodging, it was really not easy to fight, and after a while, two big white rabbits came to help.

If it weren't for Xiaodie and the others to help increase the blood, the three front row students really couldn't beat the three big white rabbits.

Finally, golden halos appeared on the heads of the three big white rabbits one after another.

The students in the Tian-level Earthquake class were amazed, and looking at the big white rabbits all over the mountains and plains, they really looked a little big.

Liang Qiu coughed right, and said, "Everyone, forget about all the previous monsters, and start from scratch from now on."

The students nodded cautiously and started brushing the white rabbit.

After a while, the Tianjikun class also came to brush the white rabbit.

Although the two classes do not interfere with the river water, they each farm their own, but they secretly compete to see which class is more efficient at spawning monsters.

Even if it is an advanced version of the white rabbit, it is just a mob after all, and the two classes are brushing faster and faster.

Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others focused their attention on Xiaodie. This little girl has good equipment, and the amount of added HP is obviously the highest in the Tianzheng Squad.

The two classes were brushing the big white rabbit vigorously, when suddenly there was a big thunderbolt on the sunny day, a thick lightning flashed not far away, and it struck straight from the sky to the ground.

Is this the birth of the demon king?Appeared so soon?

The two classes rushed over to take a look, and as expected, they saw a big white rabbit strolling far away.

A single class may not be the opponent of Rabbit King, and it is easy to be run away. If there are two classes, maybe you can try it.

Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others exchanged glances and nodded.

Cheng Huansi took the initiative to propose a joint operation, and the treasures will be split fifty-fifty.

The sky-level earthquake class discussed it and agreed.

Unsurprisingly, this White Rabbit Demon King is really not an idle person. He actually knows three skills, one single-target skill that can drop crispy skin in seconds, and two group-wide attack skills.

Even if all the students in the two classes have learned all the thirty advanced skills, the number is still too small.

In the process of dealing with the Rabbit King, it was really dangerous. Fortunately, they were all geniuses in the heavenly class, and they hardly made any mistakes.

The blood volume of the Rabbit King was abruptly worn away bit by bit by the joint efforts of the two classes.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the Rabbit King cooed and summoned a group of younger brothers.

Changing to other ordinary classes is mostly like flying around, unable to stand up.

But right now it is the Tian-level Zhen Squad and the Tian-level Kun Squad, with high-level equipment and good equipment, all kinds of exquisite positioning and operations, they just resisted the Rabbit King and wiped out the little white rabbit who came to support.

However, everyone's consumption of red medicine and blue medicine is also extremely fast, and there is not much left. Fortunately, the blood volume of the rabbit king is also very low, and victory is in sight.

Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others exchanged glances indiscriminately, and quietly made small movements.

"Oh, I'm out of red medicine, add blood to me quickly."

"I don't have any medicine anymore, Gagaga."

"I can't stand it anymore."

"Everyone hold on, the Rabbit King is about to die."


The Tian-level Kun class panicked for a while.

At this time, the students in the Tianji Zhen class had little medicine left, so they didn't think too much, and helped to increase the blood, and then went forward.

The blood bar of the Rabbit King was only left with blood skin, and the Rabbit King's left and right moves were always fruitless, and finally broke out.

The pressure on the students in the front row of the Tian-level Zhen class increased sharply, but the blood increase failed to keep up. The main reason was that the Tian-level Kun class was a little slower in adding blood. As a result, one student became heroic, and a golden halo appeared above his head.

This is not defending the city, but death will drop a whole level.

However, as long as the Rabbit King can be successfully won, a small amount of sacrifice is still acceptable.

Xiaodie frowned, kept adding blood rapidly, and hurriedly glanced at the positions of the Tian-level Kun class, it was too scattered.

Ah, not good!
It was too late, but soon, the students of the Tian-level Kun class suddenly turned their guns at the same time, no longer attacked the rabbit king, and released all their attack skills on the Tian-level Zhen class.

The blood volume of the students in the sky-level earthquake class suddenly dropped, and the blood volume of the three front rows with only a small half of the blood volume bottomed out.

Although Xiao Die reacted immediately and increased his blood with all his strength, one of the front row's blood volume became zero, and a golden halo appeared above his head.

How dare you!The students of the Tian-level Zhen class were furious at once, and decisively threw down the rabbit king, turned their guns and fought back bravely at the Tian-level Kun class.

However, if you are prepared against the unprepared, the Tian-level Zhen team has already reduced two people, and its blood volume is also greatly inferior to the Tian-level Kun team. If it continues like this, the Tian-level Zhen team will obviously suffer a big loss, and it may destroy the entire army. overwhelmed.

(End of this chapter)

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