Chapter 733
Xiao Yun waved his hand, and said in a deep thought: "After all, the Martial Arts Hall has not officially operated at full capacity, so let's set up eight competition platforms first."

With flashes of brilliance one after another, the hall of the Martial Arts Hall was divided into eight huge areas.

The friends immediately geared up and started chasing each other two by two.

Tie Dan raised his eyebrows at Er Wazi, we haven't competed for a long time, how about a game?
Erwazi smiled lightly, okay.

Hao Changsheng bowed to Qi Haoxuan, junior brother, let's have a game.

Qi Haoxuan bowed back, wishing for nothing.

Kong Wuming bowed to Yu Wenyu, senior brother, please enlighten me.

Yu Wenyu bowed back, please.

Zhang Qinxin bowed to Niu Niu, let's compete.

Niuniu smiled sweetly, come on.

Niu Dazhuang eagerly raised his eyebrows at King Kong.

King Kong grinned even more eagerly, and started fighting without ink stains.

Five of the eight competition venues have already been removed, leaving only three. Monkeys and the others looted it all, and it was useless. Those who did not have a place could only wait patiently for the next round and watch the competition from the sidelines.

Oh, which side is better to look at, it feels like they are all first-class and exciting contests.

Liu Xing visited each of the eight martial arts arenas, and smacked his lips sighingly. He has been practicing hard for a hundred years, and even his cooking skills have fallen behind. He thought his progress was not bad, but now let's look at his brother The progress of senior sisters and younger brothers is really incomparable.

For a while, Liu Xing was inevitably a little disheartened, and at this moment, he was patted lightly on the shoulder.

Liu Xing turned around and saw that it was Master, Liu Xing hurriedly bowed to salute.

Kong Ling smiled slightly and said in relief: "Liu Xing, everyone has their own specialties. Your talent in cooking is absolutely unparalleled, and your talent in cultivation is actually quite good, but your brothers, sisters and brothers are too outstanding. Now, you don't need to have extra mental pressure, just practice step by step."

Liu Xing felt warm in his heart, and nodded viciously, yes, no matter how hard he tried, it was impossible to catch up with Tie Dan and Yu Wenyu, so he should practice step by step. Cooking is his specialty, so he can't just fall behind up.As long as you work hard and win a few more championships in the Ten Thousand Cooking Competition, you can also give the Four Immortals a face.

Liu Xing was no longer confused, but felt that his whole body was full of strength.

Xiaoyun clicked his tongue and nodded secretly, the growth speed of the little guys is really amazing, not inferior to Xuan, Que'er and the others back then.

Mo Que'er felt his hands itch when he watched the disciples' wonderful martial arts competition.

There are indeed many masters in the fourth layer of time and space, but they are all accumulated over the years, countless times of polishing, and precipitation. They are powerful, but their characteristics are not very distinctive. It is like a senior master with deep internal strength. It is really not easy to defeat them. ; but the little guys are completely different, they all have their own specialties, and their understanding of the Dao of Heaven and Earth is also unique, each has its own merits, and it can be regarded as a trick that is popular all over the world.

After 100 years of tempering in the four layers of time and space, the little guys have a deeper understanding of their own way, and their moves are more sharp.

It's not just Mo Que'er, Mo Xuan's hands are itchy just looking at it.

After finally waiting for a competition field to be vacated, Mo Que'er excitedly landed on the ground, beckoning to the little ones, come to practice with me.

Uh... little guys, you look at me, I look at you, it's really a bit hypocritical, there is no need to say much about the strength of Mrs. Mo Que'er, although they all want to ask Mo Que'er for advice, but they probably won't be able to last for a few rounds.

Mo Que'er curled her mouth, but hurry up, you guys won't be so cowardly, will you?

It is rare to get advice from Mrs. Mo Que'er, this is an extremely rare opportunity, Ji Chengyan gritted her teeth, floated forward, bowed to Mo Que'er, asking for advice from Mrs. Mo Que'er.

Mo Que'er smiled faintly and bowed back.

Ji Chengyan took a deep breath, and immediately went all out, using his best Taoism to attack Mo Que'er.

Ever since he was defeated by Tie Dan in three strokes in the last competition, Ji Chengyan has been practicing hard, hoping that one day he can catch up with Tie Dan.

Mo Que'er easily received Ji Chengyan's onslaught, Liu raised her eyebrows slightly, and commented: "Ji Chengyan, I feel that you are a little impatient. Although the attack is extremely fierce, there are also big loopholes. Cultivation is by no means a day's work, and steady and steady fighting is the key." kingly way."

Ji Chengyan was taken aback, he had indeed become a little impatient these years, and his mind was always unable to settle down.Ji Chengyan gave Mo Que'er a deep bow, and listening to what Master's wife said was better than practicing Bai Nian Kung Fu.

Mo Que'er smiled lightly, and said persuasively: "It's good to make great strides, but sometimes, when you slow down at the right time, you can learn more."

Not only Ji Chengyan, but also the disciples who were watching the battle were taught awe-inspiringly. Everyone was generally stimulated by the last competition. It's time to slow down.

The last competition was held one after another. Although each competition was controlled within three days, it was still too time-consuming.

This year, eight martial arts competitions can be held at the same time, which saves a lot of time. You can catch the competition at will, rest when you are tired, and continue the competition after you rest.

Iron egg courtyard.

Xiaodie looked at the sun suspiciously, the meal time was over, why didn't Master Liu Xing call for dinner?
Although Cheng Huansi and Yuan Meng were not ashamed to speak, they were all thinking about Liu Xing's good cooking skills.It's rare for Xiaodie to come over, so Liu Xing should think about it.

Xiao Die has such a good relationship with Liu Xing, so she directly sent a message to ask when the dinner will be served.

Liu Xing glanced at the message, and replied: Everyone is having a contest right now, and I have to participate too. I’m afraid I won’t be able to cook for a while, but I have prepared a lot of pastries in advance, you can eat first if you are hungry some.

Xiaodie blinked in surprise, Master and Uncle Erwazi have already finished the competition, why is there still a competition?Oh, Uncle Liu Xing did send news about the competition, but he didn't care because he was too busy chatting with his sisters.

Xiaodie said hello to the sisters, and I will gather here today, I will go to see the competition.

Cheng Huansi and the others wanted to learn more about the past, but they also knew that this was an internal competition of the Four Immortals, and outsiders were not allowed to watch casually, so they could only nod with regret, and left the small courtyard together.

Xiao Die rushed to Yanwu hall in a hurry.

"Master, grandma, Xiaodie misses you so much." Xiaodie called out sweetly.

Mo Xuan cheerfully stroked Xiaodie's head, the little girl had grown so big in a flash, how time flies.

Liu Xing took a free time and quietly gave Xiaodie a box of pastries.

Xiaodie smiled happily, Uncle Shi, you are the best.

Liu Xing smiled foolishly.

Xiaodie Benbuntiaotiao wandered around the Martial Arts Hall, although the martial arts contests were very exciting, but she was not even a fairy, so she really didn't see anything special about it, so she could only watch the excitement while eating cakes.

It's a pity that the sparring between Master and Erwazi is over, but I missed it.

Wow, Zi Cheliang and Uncle He Jiaguang are also very good. It turns out that they are not only superb in chess.

Xiaodie focuses on Erwazi,
When I was free in the martial arts arena, Mo Xuan and Kong Ling also appeared one after another to compete with the disciples.

Although the disciples were overwhelmed by the food, they all benefited a lot, and Mo Xuan and the others also learned a lot from the disciples.

This tournament lasted for half a year and ended successfully.

Xiaodie has always been thinking about the entrustment of her sisters, watching Yu Wenyu, Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang three uncles finally free, and hurriedly trot over.

"That... that..." Xiaodie faltered, a little hard to say.

"Xiaodie, if you have anything to say, you can just tell it straight, it's all from your own family, so why not be embarrassed." Zi Cheliang said with a smile.

Kocho said it.

He Jiaguang chuckled and said, "What should I do? If that's the case, then the three of us brothers and sisters should go to your master's small courtyard as guests."

Wow!Very good!Kocho jumped up happily.

Kocho hurriedly informs the sisters.

Cheng Huansi and Yuan Meng hurried to the small courtyard, and saw Xiaodie walking in the garden with Yu Wenyu, Zi Che Liang, and He Jiaguang, three super idols.

It's a real person!He is really an idol himself!
Cheng Huansi, Yuan Meng and the others' hearts were beating so fast that they almost jumped out of their throats.

Xiaodie saw that the sisters were not walking very fast, so she hurried over to say hello, come in quickly.Xiaodie winked at the sisters, the three master uncles have precious time, don't be dumbfounded.

It was the first time for Cheng Huansi and the others to get so close to their idols. When they looked at the three idols carefully, they were quite different from what they imagined, but they were so real. They were indeed the three idols in the legend!
The three of Yu Wenyu smiled and greeted Cheng Huansi and the others.

Wow, Cheng Huansi and the others almost screamed, the three super idols are really approachable!

Yu Wenyu greeted: "You all know how to play Go, so let's play a few guide games."

wish for it!Cheng Huansi and the others immediately set up the chessboard and played against their favorite idol.

With Yu Wenyu's current chess prowess, there is really nothing to say against Cheng Huansi and the others who are still far behind even the college students.

Fortunately, they were playing guiding chess, and Cheng Huansi and the others were guided to display their extraordinary strength, barely making it to the middle and back game.

After the three guide chess games were played, Yu Wenyu and the others got up and left in a hurry.

Cheng Huansi and the others are still in the fog, we are not dreaming!
Xiaodie shook her head speechlessly, well, it's time to wake up.

Cheng Huansi and the others are still giggling, they don't want to wake up easily, even if it is a dream, we have to carry this dream to the end.

It seems that it's not enough if you don't have a unique skill, Xiaodie shakes the pastry carefully made by Master Uncle Liu Xing at the tip of Cheng Huansi and the others' noses.

Cheng Huansi and the others twitched their noses, and immediately returned to their senses.

Happy time always flies by quickly, this competition has ended, Mo Xuan and his disciples started a new round of struggle.

It's time for Xiaodie to return to No. 58 Xiaoxianjie.

The sisters bid farewell, looking forward to meeting again at the next reordering.

(End of this chapter)

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