Interstellar Miner

Chapter 747 The Dust Settles

Chapter 747 The Dust Settles
In fact, it’s not just Gudanshan, there are quite a few new and cutting-edge Xuanxians who have the same idea, but right now the big bosses of Jinxian are fighting, they don’t even have room to intervene, they can only keep away from the battlefield, and they can’t help but whisper in their hearts Complain a few words.

Usually, you don't see one of the golden immortals for thousands of years, but this time the Four Immortals came here in a swarm.None of the four masters of the Four Immortals Sect became a Golden Immortal, and only the magical stone named Dabao is the combat power of the Golden Immortal. This is too bullying to the Four Immortals!

It was supposed to be an arena for us to flex our muscles, but it happened to be taken over by the Golden Immortals. It is really helpless.

Wow, as expected of Lei Batian's idol, I admire him.

Lei Batian folded his hands on his chest, the old god was there, he looked around, hey, there are so many golden fairies?Hehe, this time I can finally practice my hands well. Apart from competing with the eldest brother and the others, the Xuanxian-level battles really can't arouse Lei Batian's interest.

Gan Yunhe and Dongfang Qingtian looked at Lei Batian secretly, almost all of them were sitting in the base camp of the fairy world. This was the first time for them to have close contact with Lei Batian. It is amazing, and it is indeed very good at walking freely on the unpredictable battlefield of Jinxian.But well, it's still too tender, if we happen to meet him, we must educate him, no matter how good a Xuanxian is, he is still a Xuanxian, even if he is barely linked to a low-rank Jinxian, he is by no means a middle-class Jinxian opponent.

Lei Batian also took a look at Gan Yunhe and Dongfang Qingtian. These two are both first-rank golden immortals. It's rare that even such a boss is dispatched. The face of the eldest brother, the Four Immortals, is really great.

Most of the immortal crowd who came to watch the fun never thought that the opening of the Ten Thousand Years Calamity of the Four Immortals would be a super melee of the Golden Immortals. This scene is too exaggerated!Deliberately want to take a closer look, but how can the golden immortal's mighty power be taken lightly, he doesn't have enough strength, if he gets too close, if he is not careful, he will be ashamed.

For the sake of safety, the immortals retreated as much as possible, and stayed away from the Golden Immortal Battlefield as much as possible. Even if they wanted to watch the contest, it was better to wait until the hot registration period was over, and then watch it closely during one-on-one.

Four of the sixteen places have gone, leaving only twelve places.

The Jinxian bosses who were fighting endlessly had to pay attention, they had already fought hard, if they couldn't win a spot in the end, it would be a big loss of face.

The competition for places gradually escalated, and the six huge light curtains arranged by the four little Taoist masters fluctuated violently.The brave immortals who were watching nearby couldn't help but also panicked, retreating again and again.

The competition for places may also represent the high-end combat power of all parties in disguise. Dongfang Qingtian and Gan Yunhe represent Qingyu Immortal Realm and Heihong Immortal Realm respectively.Lei Batian staged another super-difficult game of picking chestnuts from the fire.

The other three superpowers, Chiyan Immortal Realm, Zhishuyuan, and Jinxiumeng, didn't want to be overwhelmed by other forces, so they stopped holding back, and a few golden immortals who were hiding aside suddenly entered the battlefield.

Under the cover of Gongliao Jinxian and Qi Jiazhi Jinxian, Fu Haoqiong Jinxian from the Chiyan Immortal Realm rushed to the bottom of the sixteen hexagrams contest and signed up for the Chiyan Immortal Realm.

A total of five Golden Immortal bosses from the Splendid League came and signed up easily.

All the three golden immortals from Zhi Academy came together and worked together to successfully sign up.

The rest of the forces can only be patient for the time being. After all, Jinxian's own combat power is really limited, and it is obviously at a disadvantage. There is no need to fight the super giant so early.

The quota has gone to seven, isn't there still nine.

It's really a battle between dragons and tigers around the remaining nine places...

The four Jinxian deans of the Chess Academy wanted to help them grab one more spot, but right now there was a lot of melee, and the strength of the four was limited.The four deans exchanged a look, no matter what, grab a spot first.

The four deans worked together to cover Qu Caiyi's successful registration in the name of the Chess Academy, and then the other three deans were mobilized and attacked. They had no choice but to retreat from the battlefield, patiently looking for opportunities to see if they could win another spot.

Seeing that the time was almost up, it would be too chaotic if it was delayed any longer, and it was hard to say anything, and several giants of medium power broke out one after another.

With the help of Guo Nan Jinxian and Jiao Huai Jinxian, Yu Tianrui Jinxian of Tianxiahui successfully signed up for Tianxiahui.

Hanyun Jinxian of Hanlifang successfully signed up with the help of Taoist couple Woli Jinxian and Feng Gaojun Jinxian.

The Hundred Flowers Sect had some bumps and bumps, but fortunately, the three female Golden Immortals had a wide network of contacts, so they signed up without any risk.

The old god Feng Chang was standing on the sidelines watching the battle, the corners of his mouth were slightly slanted, the so-called big bosses of the Golden Immortals, when they fight in groups, they are not much different from the rogues in the streets and alleys, they will go up and smash a brick when they get the chance, and if they can't beat them, they will run away , the same routine.

There are only six places left.

The high-rank golden immortals with superior combat power have basically signed up, and the remaining middle-low-rank golden immortals have lost a lot of taboos, and they immediately became a mess, and the scene became more and more chaotic.

At this moment, a loud voice sounded: "Since it's so lively, the old man should also join in the fun."

Who is this powerful?Just by listening to the angry voice, you know that you are definitely not an ordinary person.The onlookers whispered to each other for a while, but they couldn't see anything.

The big bosses of the golden immortals who were fighting fiercely also stopped for the time being, and were cautiously on guard. The top-rank golden immortals have basically signed up, who else?Oh, it seems that there is indeed such a first-rank golden immortal who has not signed up!

Patriarch Qingyuan smiled faintly and appeared under the sixteen hexagrams competition board, bowing to the surroundings.

There are so many golden immortals present, and they can count on one hand how Patriarch Qingyuan arrived.

Darling, I have long heard that this Qingyuan Patriarch is the most promising candidate to become the next Xiaodao Lord. Now it seems that it is not a rumor, but a real one!

Unexpectedly, even this big guy got involved!

That's right, the base camp of the Four Immortals is right next to the Qingyuan Immortal Realm, and the development is so fierce, how can the Qingyuan Immortal Realm be indifferent, this time it must take the opportunity to suppress the Four Immortals.

Dongfang Qingtian, Gan Yun, and the two first-rank golden immortals all looked at Patriarch Qingyuan deeply without saying a word. Experts would know if there was one as soon as they made a move. Immortal Battlefield, with just this one move, the two big bosses knew that the Qingyuan Patriarch was definitely a formidable opponent.This sixteen hexagram contest is really getting more and more interesting.

Lei Batian looked at Patriarch Qingyuan calmly, but was secretly shocked in his heart, he could barely see Patriarch Qingyuan's arrival, obviously this Patriarch Qingyuan was still able to do his job well, tsk tsk, the first-grade Golden Immortal is really not a cover, Now I am afraid that I am really not an opponent.

"Qingyuan Immortal Realm, Huang Hongzhuo." Qingyuan Patriarch Shi Shiran withdrew his hand and signed up with a faint smile.

Until then, the golden immortal bosses who were stunned on the battlefield woke up like a dream, and hurriedly fought together again to compete for the remaining five places.But before I knew it, I wasn't too concerned. The big bosses of the Golden Immortals were already clear in their hearts. With the presence of three first-rank Golden Immortal bosses, even if we got the quota, we could only become their green leaves and eventually be able to kill them. Those who will enter the semi-finals and the finals will definitely be the ones.

No matter what, grabbing a spot will save face for one's own forces, and the Golden Immortal bosses can still fight if they can.

Zhu Zhe Jinxian from Jianyang Temple took the lead in grabbing a spot, and there were only four spots left.

With the help of the other two deans, Yunyuan Jiajinxian of the Chess Academy also grabbed a spot and signed up in the name of Pingfuting.

However, the other two deans had consumed too much and were unable to compete for the remaining places, so they wisely withdrew from the Golden Immortal battlefield.

The last three places.

Most of the remaining Golden Immortal powers who are still competing for places belong to small and medium-sized forces, but there is no way to dispatch several Golden Immortal powers like those big powers. They can only fight on their own and fear each other.

Chance!Gu Danshan made a decisive decision and turned around to enter the Jinxian battlefield. Taking advantage of the Jinxian bosses fighting on their own, let's fish in troubled waters.

Seeing that Gudan Mountain was dispatched, several Xuanxian newcomers followed closely, wanting to fish in muddy water, of course the muddier the water, the better.

How could the golden immortal bosses let it go, and immediately free up their hands to intercept it.

Gu Danshan and the others were really struggling, but they still gritted their teeth and persisted. Even if they didn't win the quota, it would be an extremely rare opportunity to practice.

Ever since, the already chaotic battlefield suddenly became even more chaotic.

Quietly, a water drop the size of a sesame seed fluttered in the battlefield, and without being noticed by any power in the battlefield, it floated to the bottom of the sixteen hexagrams competition board.

Whoops, Lei Batian raised his silver eyebrows, you are here to join in the fun.

The water drop the size of a sesame seed burst suddenly, and a peerless beauty in an aqua-blue Taoist robe with a peerless face appeared with an exquisite figure.

She turned her shining eyes slightly, and a faint smile appeared on her hazy face. She bowed to all the great masters under the sixteen hexagram competition plate, and said modestly: "Shui Wu is not strong enough, so I can only make fun of it." , so that everyone can laugh."

That's right, the person who came here is the No. 1 water dance master who has always dominated the black list!

The bosses all smiled meaningfully. In many cases, it is much harder to please than not to please.

"Wow, it's the goddess of dancing water!"

"It's really the goddess of water dancing!"


Water Dance's fan group is no less than Lei Batian's, and there are countless immortals who can't wait to beat gongs and drums to celebrate the arrival of Water Dance Goddess.

In this bustling moment, the last two places were quietly settled.

The public ride Xuekuo Golden Immortal of Tianwei Pavilion and the Hongxiu Golden Immortal of Hongxiu Palace each get one.

The battle for places is over.

(End of this chapter)

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