Interstellar Miner

Chapter 759 Revealing one hand

Chapter 759

Wild way?
The majestic Lei Batian's legendary power is actually said to be a wild way!

This makes countless Xuanxian powers who have been beaten down by Lei Batian in seconds!
If Lei Batian Da Neng is a wild way, then we are not even a fart way?

It can be said that Dongfang Qingtian, who said this, does have this strength and capital. Qingyu Immortal Realm is recognized as the first sect of immortals in the four layers of time and space. Yu Xiaodaojun's first-rank Golden Immortal.

The main reason is that only Lei Batian, who is unparalleled in combat power, can fight against the Thunder Sect. Ba Tian is capable of running around, diligently contributing to the Thunder Sect.

The Thunder Sect has indeed grown up bit by bit from a little-known sect, and it can be said that it is all supported by Lei Batian's great ability.Lei Batian Da Neng also often gives people the feeling of begging barefoot, playing autumn wind everywhere.

Every time Lei Tingzong is mentioned, Lei Batian's power will immediately flash in people's minds. Apart from Lei Batian's power, Lei Tingzong really doesn't have much to say.

The Four Immortals Sect is completely different. Although it started as a little-known sect, it was shocking as soon as it debuted.

Hua'an Da Neng has both civil and military skills, debuted as a professional chess player in the Chess Academy, and his combat power is even more impressive. Huo Qingling entered the Xuanbang in the two battles, Wu Nianxuan Da Neng is a direct disciple of Chef God, let alone Master Shuiyue .

That’s not to mention, the first-generation disciples and second-generation disciples cultivated by the Four Immortals are brilliant stars, and they are diligent in brushing up the Tianbang. The number one throne in the Tianbang has been occupied all the year round. The list has to be brushed by the disciples of the Four Immortals.

Dongfang Qingtian dared to say that Lei Batian was Ye Luzi, but he definitely did not dare to say that the Four Immortals were Ye Luzi.

Lei Batian's hardcore fans are all aggrieved, what, indeed, Lei Batian Da Neng is indeed no match for you now, but you are a dignified first-rank Golden Immortal, and Lei Batian Da Neng is a first-rank Profound Immortal. You have reached so many levels, you are so embarrassed.Hmph, when Lei Batian becomes a golden immortal, it seems that he still can't beat him, then wait until Lei Batian also becomes a top-rank golden immortal, and we will see who is more powerful!

But now it is an iron fact that Lei Batian's skills are not as good as people's, and the die-hard fans can only be aggrieved, hoping that Lei Batian can become a golden fairy as soon as possible and get back his position.

Mo Que'er twitched her small mouth, and cut it, Lei Batian is a direct disciple of the Thunder Sect, a powerful sect at the universe level, and you, Qingyu Immortal Realm, are considered to have a head and face in this small universe. He is not even worthy to carry the shoes of the Thunder Sect, and he is still talking about it, which is simply a big joke.

Kong Ling and Huali were also quite indignant, what? It's just because you are a first-rank Golden Immortal that you can completely suppress Lei Batian. If you have to run away with your head in your arms, we will follow your last name!
Mo Xuan smiled, he didn't think that Dongfang Qingtian deliberately slandered Lei Batian, he probably planned ahead to pave the way for the future, planted a seed of fear in Lei Batian's heart while he was strong enough now, in the future even if Lei Batian achieves Jin Xian can still suppress him.

However, Dongfang Qingtian's wishful thinking was completely wrong!Brother Batian, since Dongfang Qingtian said so, then you, as the No. 20 eighth-generation heir of the Thunder Sect, should make some sense of it.

Lei Batian just frowned slightly, and said nothing, but Fenglei, the mourning stick, had already jumped and exploded, roaring again and again in Lei Batian's mind: "What kind of bird, a little golden fairy dares to be so arrogant, I killed him!" There are countless Xiaodao Lords and Dao Lords, what kind of onion is he on the ground! Batian, help me with all your strength, and see if I don't beat him into a dead dog."

Lei Batian comforted: "Fenglei, be safe and don't be impatient, I'm not suitable for being too aggressive right now."

Fenglei snorted in extreme displeasure, and said, "You can't just say nothing, it's a contempt for our Thunder Sect. Batian, you should show your skills, lest cats and dogs dare to make irresponsible remarks to our Thunder Sect. "

Well, since Big Brother and Feng Lei have the same meaning, how about showing off?
Master also explained before leaving, forbearance and so on, all go to hell!If you are alive and shrink like a tortoise, you will really become a tortoise!The disciples of the Thunder Sect will take action when it is time to do so, even if they suffer a lot or even fall, at least they will die a glorious and worthy death!

I have been too low-key and forbearing all this time, it's time to show off!

Lei Batian raised his silver sword eyebrows, shouldered Fenglei on his shoulders, and said to Dongfang Qingtian facing each other: "Since you think so, then I will make another move, and you don't need to take it hard, the range is not enough." As long as you can avoid it, I will immediately admit defeat and leave the field."

This is our idol bro!The audience was all excited.

Dry!Whoever he is, fuck him!
Lei Batian Da Neng is definitely going to use his ultimate trick!
With such a big tone, Dongfang Qingtian squinted his eyes, waved his sleeves, and immediately responded: "If you have any tricks, just say hello, and I will take them all." Even so, Dongfang Qingtian did not dare to take it lightly. Since Ba Tian dared to say this, he must rely on something, and nine times out of ten this unique move really cannot be avoided, hum, I will not be trapped by your words, I will just accept it directly, there is no need to dodge.

Without a word of nonsense, Lei Batian took a deep breath, held Fenglei with both hands across his chest, and calmed down.

Everyone involuntarily held their breath, looking forward.

Soon Fenglei shone with an incomparably bright light, however, this was actually just a cover-up.

Lei Batian was quietly awakening the treasure inherited from the Thunder Sect that had been intoxicated in his body all this time—the Thunder Pearl!
Since the inheritance of Leizhu was completed with the help of Master Lei Jingyun, Leizhu has been sleeping in Lei Batian's body. This is what Lei Jingyun meant. Just don't use it.

So these years, Lei Batian has been groping on his own, consolidating his cultivation, and temporarily forgetting all the 27 extreme lightning bolts sealed in the Leizhu, which can be regarded as a wild way.

Now that he has decided to show his hand, what he shows is naturally the authentic Taoism passed down by the Thunder Sect for hundreds of millions of years.

Among the 27 previous suzerains of the Thunder Sect, there were two extreme venerables, seven great sages, fifteen minor sages, and three dao lords.

Lei Batian is now the Xuanxian, even if he wants to use the most powerful Taoism, he is powerless, and can only use the Taoism of the three worst Taoists.

Lei Batian has already decided which suzerain's Taoism to use, which is the special skill of No.15 suzerain.

Strictly speaking, it was just a golden lightning bolt, but it left an extremely deep impression on Lei Batian when it was passed on.Cough, the golden lightning of the fifteenth suzerain is very gentle.Of course, this tenderness is relative.

Although the ultimate lightning comprehended by previous suzerains is sealed in the Leizhu, it cannot be used casually. Lei Batian awakened the Leizhu not to use it as a magic weapon.

After the completion of the inheritance ceremony, the extreme lightning of the past suzerains has already left a deep enough mark in Lei Batian's body, but Lei Batian's cultivation is limited, and he has not touched and comprehended it.If you comprehend it too early, you won't be able to comprehend much dry goods at all, and it will cause the imprint to fade prematurely, which is really not worth the candle.

This time, of course, an exception must be made.

Stimulated by the thunder and lightning in Lei Batian's body, Lei Zhu, who had been sleeping for a long time, finally woke up.

Lei Batian's whole body trembled violently, as if he had been injected with chicken blood, extremely excited.

Lei Batian let out a long breath, stabilized his mood, actively controlled the Leizhu, and awakened the golden lightning mark of No.15 Sect Master Ren who had also been sleeping for a long time in his body.

With the assistance of Leizhu and Fenglei, Lei Batian imitated the golden lightning in one go.

Temporarily limited in level and strength, Lei Batian can only be regarded as drawing a gourd; if he wanted to draw a tiger, he could only draw a cat in the end.

A small and exquisite golden lightning wrapped around the wind and thunder, constantly shining and dancing.

Fenglei curled his lips, this golden lightning is really not good, Batian is really too weak now, he can only go all out to this level, but it is enough to deal with a little golden fairy.

The audience wondered, could it be that Lei Batian's so-called ultimate top-of-the-box trick is this very inconspicuous golden lightning?No way, this is too thunderous and rainy. After a long time, it's just such a small and exquisite lightning, and the opponent is a first-rank golden immortal. Can this work?

Could it be that Lei Batian Da Neng felt that there was no chance of winning, so he tried to show his strength verbally, and then conceded defeat?It shouldn't be!

Hey, this... what kind of lightning is this?Never seen it before!
The Golden Immortals looked at Lei Batian's golden lightning in surprise. At first glance, it was nothing, but the more you looked at it, the more unpredictable and unbelievable it became!
Even the four little Daoist lords couldn't help frowning, looking at this golden lightning bolt again and again, but couldn't figure it out for a while.Good boy, there is such a pressure box bottom!

Dongfang Qingtian stared at the golden lightning for a while, his heart trembled suddenly, and the hair on his back suddenly stood on end, as if he was being stared at by a prehistoric poisonous snake!
Dongfang Qingtian was secretly startled, he hadn't felt this way for many years, what exactly is this golden lightning bolt from Lei Batian?
Lei Batian glanced at Dongfang Qingtian, didn't you say that I am Ye Luzi, then try if I am not Ye Luzi's unique trick!
Lei Batian let out a roar, and swung the wind and thunder violently, the golden lightning shot towards Dongfang Qingtian!
(End of this chapter)

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