Interstellar Miner

Chapter 761 Misty Stars

Chapter 761 Misty Stars
Crescent galaxies are named for their crescent shape.

People living in the planets in the central concave area and Little Fairyland often look up at the starry sky at night, and they can see the colorful Rainbow Bridge galaxy relatively clearly.

In the night sky, there is a rainbow bridge spanning half of the starry sky. It is beautiful and can be said to be a unique beauty of the crescent galaxy.

The rest of the galaxies near the Rainbow Bridge are difficult to see the complete Rainbow Bridge galaxy because of the obscuration and angle.

As a result, many tourist attractions were born in the Crescent Galaxy. Tourists flock here to enjoy the magnificent mountains and rivers during the day, drink wine at night, look at the Rainbow Bridge in the distance, and recite poems.

Right now, the Four Immortals Sect is in a catastrophe, and the Zilin Galaxy, Rainbow Bridge Galaxy, and Feiyun Galaxy are really overcrowded, so don't try to squeeze in if you are a little late.

Although the crescent galaxy is not as popular as those three galaxies, it is much more popular than usual, and the major tourist attractions are full of people.After all, the Crescent Galaxy is not far from the Four Immortals No. [-] Xiaoxianjie, and the delay in watching the broadcast is not high, so it is considered a second-class seat for watching the battle.

The wonderful contests ignited the entire four layers of time and space.

The battle of Xuanbang is actually one after another, that's not counting, the hotter ones are yet to come.

The real Jinxian Da Neng, Yu Tianrui of the Tianxiahui, was chopped into a dead dog before he could even hold his breath for a quarter of an hour under the hands of Huo Qingling Da Neng. It's unbelievable, but the entire fourth layer of time and space has witnessed this legendary battle!
At this moment, Lei Batian's power is fiercely fighting Dongfang Qingtian's power. Although Lei Batian is attacking fiercely and Dongfang Qingtian is defending, it is still so shocking.

Well, the snowflake picture will become a little clearer during the intermittent period for Lei Batian to change his ultimate move, and he can barely see some dry goods.And the Crescent Galaxy can also feel the power of the aftermath of Lei Batian's powerful move from time to time.

Lei Batian is the idol of countless people in the fourth layer of time and space. Even if Lei Batian is not the opponent of Dongfang Qingtian now, he will definitely be able to fight in the future.

However, Dongfang Qingtian became powerful and relentless, and ridiculed Lei Batian as a wild way, forcing the angel Lei Batian to perform his unique skills.

That erratic, wobbly, unhurried golden lightning stunned countless audiences on the fourth level of time and space. What kind of trick is this?

But soon, Dongfang Qingtian disappeared from the competition arena without a trace, and the golden lightning burst out with astonishing speed and power, and then...the broadcast screen turned into snowflakes again.

The audience who have long been accustomed to it can only imagine and make up their own brains.

The adults are more patient, but the children are not. They are unhappy staring at the picture full of snowflakes in a daze. They are almost cross-eyed, playing and playing by themselves.

"Ah!" A little baby exclaimed suddenly.

What's the matter?The little friends looked over in unison, only to see the little boy staring at the sky stupidly, with snot almost running into his mouth, and he didn't know what to do.

What's so nice about the sky?Could it be that there are immortals fighting?The little friends followed and looked over, and suddenly exclaimed one after another.

The adults were also startled and looked up at the night sky, all dumbfounded.

Unknowingly, the very familiar Rainbow Bridge in the night sky was dyed golden in its entirety, the golden light was so dazzling!
Immortals with good eyesight can see that the Rainbow Bridge is not as simple as being dyed with gold, but is entwined with countless golden arcs. This... Could this be... the golden streak that Lei Batian can cast The effect of lightning?


This should be just an illusion!

No matter how powerful Lei Batian is, he is only a Xuanxian. Even if the ultimate move of Jinxian's power is fully exerted, it is impossible to spread all over the entire galaxy!Moreover, Lei Batian's great power was performed in the Zilin galaxy, but now the entire Rainbow Bridge galaxy has undergone shocking changes.But right now it seems that there is only one possibility, is it really because of that golden lightning?

Rainbow Bridge Galaxy.

All kinds of warships, large and small, filled the void of the Rainbow Bridge Galaxy.

The enthusiasm of the audience is extremely high. According to the scene of the contest broadcast by the Four Immortals, it seems that the contest between Lei Batian Da Neng and Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng has been transferred to the Rainbow Bridge galaxy. If we are lucky, we will be able to watch the battle live.

Of course, for the sake of safety, a sufficient distance must be ensured, otherwise one careless will become dust in the void.

Huh!What's this?
The immortals in the battleship suddenly noticed that the endless void had been covered with subtle golden arcs since some time ago.

At a glance, these tiny golden arcs formed a huge net, enclosing countless battleships.And those golden arcs are still expanding, at an astonishing speed.

The immortals were frightened for a while, isn't it, we have been covered by some super Taoism?
Mommy, it’s scary, what are you waiting for, run away!
But right now the battleship traffic is seriously congested, and the battleship can't move at all.

In just a few moments, countless battleship chain collisions occurred in the Rainbow Bridge galaxy, and many immortals threw their battleships in a panic and fled to the distance.

I really want to cry without tears, we obviously came here to watch the competition and watch a good show, how come we became the target of the crowd in a blink of an eye, and the target of the crowd is still in danger of life!help!

There are also some daring immortals with high skills who are more calm, trying to find out the truth of the golden arc.

Wow, what a wonderful electric arc, even if you actively reach out to touch it, the golden electric arc will scatter and avoid the palm of your hand very spiritually, just like running water and fine sand gently swipe between your fingers, grabbing every bit of it not!

Even if he took the initiative to activate the golden arc, there was no movement. Hey, this golden arc seems to be almost non-aggressive, but no one dared to underestimate its power.

The fleeing immortals quickly gave up one after another. The area covered by this golden arc is too terrifying, and it is impossible to escape in time with our pitiful speed.It would be better to return to a battleship with a strong defense than to be directly exposed to the void.

It is said that there are four Taoist monarchs sitting in the town, it should not be possible, let's wait and see what happens.

Countless immortals in the Rainbow Bridge galaxy are at a loss, and they really don't know what's going on. It's so good, how did it become like this?

The No. [-] Xiaoxianjie of the Four Immortals.

The audience looked up at the huge golden cotton in the sky in a daze. At this moment, they could only see the bottom of the golden cotton. It was so huge and incredible!This is Lei Batian's ultimate trick?It's so frightening to death!In the face of such a terrifying big move, the first-rank Jinxian can only run away with his head in his arms!
Even the four little Daoist Lords were stunned and speechless, should the little fellows be so fierce now?We have always looked up to boy Lei Batian very highly, but we never thought that we still underestimated this boy!We, as Taoists, can't even use such an exquisite trick. Where did the boy Lei Batian learn it?
But if it is left unattended like this, the entire Rainbow Bridge Galaxy may be devastated.The four Xiaodao Lords rushed over at the same time, and with their super speed, they arrived at the Rainbow Bridge galaxy in a blink of an eye.Fortunately, only some minor confusion occurred, and no major casualties occurred.

The four little Daoist gentlemen felt each other carefully, and couldn't help but be speechless.Although I don't want to admit it, Lei Batian's trick is indeed beyond our imagination!

Mo Xuan and his party were also smacking their tongues, darling, Lei Ba Tianlu's move was a bit exaggerated!

Xiaoyun Liumei jumped slightly, secretly thinking about how to deal with Lei Batian's move, it seems that there is really no good solution, so he can only give Lei Batian enough time to perform this move, just get down first .

Xiaoyun groaned and touched his chin. He had a preliminary understanding of the battle of high-level immortals. It is really important to go first.

The disciples didn't expect that Uncle Lei Batian would be able to pull out such a unique move against a first-rank golden immortal. King Kong opened his mouth wide in astonishment, protruding his eyes, and uttered the hearts of all the disciples: "Oh my god! It's a fortress!"

At this time, Dongfang Qingtian, who was ashen-faced, suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the golden lightning had been following him like a shadow, but he did not attack him, so that he mistakenly thought that its speed was a little bit slower. Who would have thought that its shadow following him was just a cover to force himself Unable to distract him, it quietly set up a net of heaven and earth, and before it knew it, the entire Rainbow Bridge galaxy was surrounded by this net of heaven and earth!I have nowhere to escape!
What kind of supernatural power is this?The well-informed Dongfang Qingtian couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle for a while, he really couldn't understand it for himself at this stage!

Dongfang Qingtian can't wait to slap himself so hard that you owe me, this is all right, forcing Angel Leiba to perform such terrifying supernatural powers.

Seeing Yu Tianrui being hammered by Huo Qingling before, so desolate, I still didn't take it seriously in my heart, now it's all right, if I get laid down by Lei Batian's trick, how can I continue to mess around in the future? !

Dongfang Qingtian gritted his teeth viciously, and fought hard!Since you are destined to be unable to avoid it, then just resist it!Lei Batian must have spent a lot of energy in order to perform this move, as long as he resisted, he would be sure of victory.It doesn't matter if you get a little injury, you have to win this contest no matter what you say!
Dongfang Qingtian gritted his teeth, regardless of whether he used it well or not, he directly used his ultimate power at the bottom of the box!
"Misty stars!"

When this trick is used, the world, the sun and the moon will really be dimmed.The power of Feng Chang's Earth Explosion Flame Star is already astonishing, but compared with this move, it can only be regarded as a grandson's grandson!

Terrifying energy fluctuations surged in all directions, and soon collided violently with the sky and earth nets arranged by the golden lightning!

No matter how it is groped and stimulated by the countless immortals of the Rainbow Bridge galaxy, the lifeless and unresponsive golden arc suddenly jumped and shrank suddenly!

People in the Crescent Galaxy exclaimed, why did the golden light wrapping the Rainbow Bridge suddenly disappear again?What exactly is going on?

The immortals in the Rainbow Bridge galaxy also exclaimed incessantly, but most of them exclaimed with joy.

The endless golden arcs outside the battleship suddenly disappeared, it really disappeared!The immortals flew out of the battleship, looked around, and couldn't even see the golden arc!Are we safe?

The audience in the Little Immortal Realm No. [-] of the Four Immortals Sect also exclaimed again and again, the huge golden cotton that spanned the galaxy suddenly disappeared!Could it be that the power has been exhausted?Or is it about to explode?
What's going on, oh, I'm so anxious!

(End of this chapter)

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