Interstellar Miner

Chapter 763 Never Ending

Chapter 763 Never Ending
Fenglei reminded Lei Batian: "It's almost there, you can't bear it if you continue. I'm afraid that your silver hair will become white hair."

Lei Batian was startled, and hurriedly stopped casting spells, as expected, overwhelming fatigue swept over him, Lei Batian's figure was crooked and crooked, and he managed to stabilize himself.

Lei Batian took a deep breath, fell to the ground, thrust Fenglei into the ground, and then meditated on the spot to recover.

There is always an invisible golden arc at the top of Fenglei that connects to the golden mini-sun of the Rainbow Bridge galaxy. Fenglei sneers and keeps adding fuel to Dongfang Qingtian, making you pull like [-] to [-]. Now you can pull it again if you have the ability ah!
The audience in the Four Immortals Sect Tournament Arena stared blankly at Lei Batian meditating and recovering. Could it be that the battle is over?How long has it been since then?
The audience looked at the golden mini sun in the live broadcast, but they were still confused.

Shui Wu stared at Lei Batian's forehead with her shining eyes, turned slightly, and looked at the golden mini sun again, a faint smile appeared on her hazy face.

Wait and wait, the live broadcast on the side of the golden sun gradually zoomed in and became clearer.

The wide-eyed audience finally saw it clearly. It turned out that the golden sun was not a glowing sun, but countless layers of golden thunder and lightning densely intertwined together, which looked like a sun from a distance.

It can be seen that the intertwined golden thunderbolts are flickering and jumping rapidly, following some wonderful rules, and seem to have built a super huge magic circle. The specific level is really limited, so I can't understand it.

This...this is what...

The audience is still confused, unable to understand the situation.

Even the four young daoist spectators on the scene stared at the golden sun, feeling that the golden mini sun is so unpredictable, and it seems like a waste of life at this age.Strange, what kind of supernatural power is this?
An hour passed, and Lei Batian was still meditating to recover, while the golden sun was still the same, and there was no obvious change on both sides.

The audience whispered and speculated.Although more or less thinking in that direction, it still feels unrealistic. Dongfang Qingtian's great power is a dignified first-rank golden immortal, the ultimate existence second only to Xiao Daojun, no, impossible!

Before I knew it, one day passed, and half a month passed.

Lei Batian is still recovering from meditation, and the golden mini sun is still there, obviously smaller than half a month ago, but there are no other particularly obvious changes.

It's been so long, and even if the audience doesn't believe it, they have to believe it!

Nine out of ten Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng was trapped in the golden sun!

Be nice!

It can be said that there is a huge difference between a first-rank Xuanxian and a first-rank Golden Immortal, and it is a first-rank Golden Immortal who is trapped!
Obviously at the beginning it was just a flickering, dangling golden lightning, it was like a snail crawling, so inconspicuous.

However, who would have thought that the sudden burst of golden lightning could rapidly extend and expand throughout the entire Rainbow Bridge galaxy, and it even turned into the shining sun that is now besieging Dongfang Qingtian's mighty power!

Great, really great!
The audience can only be amazed again and again, as expected of Lei Batian's power, he really has two brushes!
But Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng is also a first-rank golden immortal, how long can this golden mini sun trap him?
There is a six-month deadline for this contest, and it has just passed one month, and there are still nearly five months left. Lei Batian obviously consumed too much to cast this golden lightning. As long as Dongfang Qingtian gets out of trouble, take The next match should not be a problem.

Then it depends on when Dongfang Qingtian can get out of trouble.

A month passed in a flash.

The golden mini sun shrunk down again, Lei Batian still meditated leisurely and recovered.

The hearts of the audience are getting more and more shocked. This golden mini sun is really powerful. It has been a month and a half in total, and Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng still hasn't been able to get out of trouble, but it should be soon.


Another month passed, still the same.

Half of the time for this competition has passed, and the audience couldn't sit still. Is Dongfang Qingtian in the golden mini sun?
But it is also a fact that Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng has not returned to the competition arena. If he is not trapped, what else could be the reason?
Master uncle is mighty and brave, Tiedan and Yu Wenyu didn't expect that Master Lei Batian's big move could trap Dongfang Qingtian for so long, this is a bit exaggerated.

At this time, the entire four-layer space-time is a bit messed up.

Although Huo Qingling's mighty defeat of Yu Tianrui was shocking, at least there is a saying that Huo Qingling is a super powerful first-rank Xuanxian, and Yu Tianrui is just a new Jinxian, and the difference in level is not too big.What Yu Tianrui did after his debut was obviously unreliable, and he lost to Huo Qingling Da Neng in the end.

And there is a big difference between Lei Batian's power and Dongfang Qingtian's power. Don't look at the same one as Xuanxian and the other as Jinxian, but you must know that it takes tens of thousands of years for Jinxian to upgrade to a higher level. Tens of thousands of years of hard work and polishing, and the higher the rank, the better the difficulty of promotion. How many middle and lower rank golden immortals have spent their entire lives without being promoted to upper rank golden immortals, let alone first rank golden immortals at the top of the pyramid.

It can be said that a middle-rank golden immortal has almost no chance of winning against a top-rank golden immortal, let alone a mysterious immortal vs a first-rank golden immortal!

The fact is indeed in front of his eyes, at the beginning of the competition, Lei Batian tried his best to use all kinds of big moves in turn, bombarding Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng indiscriminately, but he couldn't even touch a piece of Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng's clothes, The difference in strength can be described as heaven and earth!

No one thinks that under such a huge gap, Lei Batian Da Neng, the golden sun's big move, can keep Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng trapped. It is not certain that Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng will break through the golden sun in the next moment, showing Yipin Jinxian has an incomparably domineering side.

Soon, another month passed, and there were only two months left before the end of the competition.

The golden sun is obviously a lot smaller, but how come Dongfang Qingtian still can't break out of the golden sun?
It shouldn't be, what is going on?

Could it be that Dongfang Qingtian's power did not come out on purpose, and waited until the last moment to explode?With Dongfang Qingtian's powerful personality, it seems impossible!

The entire four layers of time and space were in shock, and everyone was staring at this shocking contest.

The power of Huo Qingling defeated the power of Yu Tianrui, broke through the eternal barrier, and let the world know what is called a top-notch Xuanxian!
But if Lei Batian Da Neng defeated Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng, it would really be a complete mess.

Even Lei Batian's die-hard fans, few think that Lei Batian's power can really defeat Dongfang Qingtian's power, and think that at most it will cause a lot of trouble to Dongfang Qingtian's power.

But what if it is true?The six-month competition time limit is over, Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng is still trapped in the golden sun, unable to escape, then...

No, no!

The great power of Dongfang Qingtian is a first-rank golden immortal!

Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, if that's the case, darling, then Lei Batian's power is really the number one Xuanxian who created the world and created the world!

The audience became more and more excited, and couldn't sit still anymore. They wanted to roar, roar, and vent their excitement and shock.

Even the Golden Immortal bosses are restless. Many Golden Immortal bosses rushed directly to the Golden Sun and did not search for the Golden Sun. He looked eagerly at the distance, but the more he looked, the more unpredictable he became.

The hearts of the Golden Immortals became more and more shocked. Could it be... Dongfang Qingtian was really going to be trapped by the golden sun until the end of the competition and lose the competition?
Tie Dan, Yu Wenyu and the others also didn't expect that Uncle Lei Batian's big move is so strong. Could it be that our uncle can really win this contest, so what a blockbuster!But right now the outcome is hard to say, or wait patiently.


Time passed by every minute and every second, and there was only the last month left!
People in the fourth layer of time and space only feel that every second is so long.

Even though they knew that the surrounding area of ​​the golden sun was dangerous, countless immortals rushed over. What's more, they stood a huge countdown hourglass in the void and counted down on the spot.

As time passed, the thought that people in the fourth level of time and space never dared to think about could not help but arise again and again: Is Dongfang Qingtian really going to be trapped by this golden sun until the end of the competition time limit?
Everyone thought it was impossible before, but now the facts speak louder than words. There is only one month left in the competition. Although the golden sun is shrinking, it still maintains its integrity. Apart from shrinking, there are no other major changes.

It's the last half month!
Are we really about to witness a miracle?
The hearts of the immortals on the fourth level of time and space swayed and trembled uncontrollably.

Even ordinary people are eagerly looking at the golden sun in the broadcast screen, only feeling that it is so radiant. I have heard the legend of Lei Batian since I was a child, and it really is a fortress. The idol brother is really not called for nothing.

The thin sand of the countdown hourglass has bottomed out, and the golden mini sun has shrunk by a large circle, but there is still no major change.

The last day.

The last hour!
It's the last quarter of an hour!
People in the fourth layer of time and space couldn't help but hold their breath and widen their eyes, ready to welcome the miracle!
There are still many viewers who feel that Dongfang Qingtian will not be trapped until the last moment, and will soon break out!
However, it was very peaceful, and there was no change. The countdown hourglass finished timing, and a beam of light rose into the sky!

The golden sun still shines!

Wow! !
Mrs. Lei Batian Da Neng is too strong!
unprecedented!Lei Batian's power is the eternal legend of our four-layer time and space!

Tie Dan, Yu Wenyu and the others blushed, trembling all over, their blood boiling like never before!At this moment, Lei Batian's status in their hearts is no less than that of Master Mo Xuan!

Xiao Yun curled her lips, as expected, the inheritance of the Thunder Sect has officially emerged in this universe, and it will be very lively in the future.

Wild way?
Ha, the words Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng has become the biggest joke in the world!Dongfang Qingtian Da Neng has already lifted the boulder and smashed his own feet to pieces!

Lei Batian's die-hard fans burst into tears, and they kept muttering: a lifetime of faith crowns you with glory, and you will never end at the peak of glory!

Gradually, more and more people chanted this sentence in the fourth layer of time and space. Lei Batian is no longer an idol brother, but has become the belief in people's hearts!

A lifetime of faith crowns you with glory, and you will never end at the peak of glory!


(End of this chapter)

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