Chapter 766
The audience pointed at the mouse and talked about it. From the side, it looked like a big mouse.

The big bosses of Jinxian also frowned secretly, not knowing what this unknown man wanted to do.

Hey, is it him?Yunyuan Jia Jinxian stared at the mouse for a long time, and finally recognized that it should be the mouse that came out of the tomb at the crater of the Holy Mountain with Hua An and his party!

I remember that this one was so old at the beginning, as if he would step into the coffin anytime, anywhere. Although this one is still old, it is obviously very different from before.

Is it possible... This martial arts contest is played by the Four Immortals?Could it be that this is a hidden superpower?

Back then, when I practiced on the top floor of the Infinity Tower, under the surprise attack of the Sirius, I almost wiped out the entire team of the Golden Immortals who benefited from the fifth floor of time and space!
This person is obviously also a great power of the Holy Mountain, maybe he really has the power to rival Jinxian's astonishing supernatural powers.

For a while, Yunyuan Jia Jinxian thought a lot.

Before you know it, the intermission is over.

Gan Yunhe woke up from his trance, and exhaled lightly. He had to say that the new generation is really ferocious. In order to preserve enough immortal energy, it was really hard for him to defeat Shui Wu.

Gan Yunhe smiled lightly, and Shi Shiran stood up. In this match against the Four Immortals, whether it was the golden immortal stone named Dabao or the Hua'an boy, Gan Yunhe was confident enough to win it.

Um?Gan Yun and he glanced contemptuously at the mouse in the middle of the competition arena. Where did this guy come from? Do you understand the rules?Is this the place you deserve to be?

Gan Yunhe flew into the competition arena unhurriedly, saw the mouse motionless, snorted unhappily, waved his sleeves, and a strong wind blew past, where did the idiot come from, where did he go back to where he came from !
The strong wind whizzed past the mouse, but the mouse's pale hair remained motionless.

Gan Yunhe was slightly taken aback, and looked at the mouse for the first time, a species that he had never seen before, so it wasn't because the Four Immortals were fighting this time, right?

Gan Yunhe fell in front of the mouse in doubt.

The mouse bowed to Gan Yunhe calmly, and said in his characteristic slightly hoarse and vicissitudes of life voice: "The Four Immortals will be fought by an old man, and I hope that fellow Taoists will give us some advice."


The audience was all dumbfounded, what is going on?
What's the matter, the Four Immortals actually played with such an unknown species?

We want to watch Hua'an Da Neng's martial arts competition, or at least watch the magical stone Dabao's martial arts competition. We have never seen this product before, and we don't even know where it came from. It turned out to be him. ?There must be a limit to joking.

One stone stirred up waves, and the entire martial arts arena suddenly turned upside down.

The viewers who watched the broadcast were also shocked and shouted, there is no such a sudden attack!Although I know that the Four Immortals are always unexpected, this is too unexpected!
There are also a few viewers who feel that since the Four Immortals have sent this person to fight, they are afraid that this person has amazing supernatural powers.You must know that it has been 1 years since the establishment of the Four Immortals, and it really has never lost even a single game at a critical moment.

Gan Yun and Jian Mei raised their eyebrows, just you?

You claim to be old, you don't want to take care of yourself in your hometown, but you come out to the Four Immortals to stand out, ah, you don't think about yourself, you old bones can't stand it.

Gan Yunhe ignored the mouse, turned to the camp of the Four Immortals, and raised his voice: "Hua An, your Four Immortals have always emphasized the need to respect the old and love the young, it's outrageous that you don't take good care of such an old man and even send out to fight. I think it's Hua An, you come here."

Mo Xuan came out, bowed to Gan Yunhe, and raised his voice: "Senior, the old man is going to fight. This is the result of our discussion with the Four Immortals. I hope that senior will be merciful."

Gan Yunhe glanced at the mouse and said, "Swords have no eyes in the martial arts arena, so I can't show mercy."

"It's okay, just say hello if you have the ability." The mouse said indifferently.

Oh, this old man has such a big tone!The audience were all amazed. Could it be that this guy is so talented that he dared to challenge the power of a first-rank Jinxian.

Don't be afraid of losing face, the Four Immortals sent out such an old man on purpose, just lay down on the ground and admit defeat at the beginning!

Gan Yunhe glanced at the mouse playfully, since you are so reckless, then I don't have to be polite.

Gan Yunhe asked directly: "Can the competition start?"

The mouse replied lightly: "Anytime."

Gan Yunhe stopped moaning, and directly slapped the mouse. With such a loud tone, you can only know if it is a mule or a horse by pulling it out for a while.

The seemingly understated palm is actually the epitome of the supreme supernatural powers of Gan Yun and Yipin Jinxian.

Mo Xuan couldn't help but nodded secretly. The palm of Gan Yun and Da Neng is stronger than the giant palm he had comprehended. It looks like there is only one palm, but in fact it contains countless palms. As long as the opponent can't handle one, he will immediately Will be crushed to death!
The mouse didn't even raise its eyelids, and raised its right hand unhurriedly, directly preparing to take Gan Yunhe's palm forcefully.

How dare you!Do you really think you don't dare to hit hard!Gan Yunhe let out a cold snort, and the palm that he sent suddenly exploded, and tens of thousands of palms crushed towards the mouse like destroying the world!
The audience was secretly shocked, Gan Yun and Da Neng were angry!It's no wonder that the old man's outspokenness is so ignorant!

The mouse was still the same, lazily waving its right hand a few times at random, catching Gan Yun and five palm strikes, and letting them imprint the rest of the palm strikes on his crooked body overwhelmingly.

The two sides passed a trick like this.

As the saying goes, an expert knows if there is a strike, Gan Yunhe's face darkened, his palm looked overwhelming, in fact, there were a total of five ultimate moves, all of which were taken by the mouse without making a sound, but the rest of the palms But it's not weak, I didn't expect the mouse to take it down with its body, and it's just like a human, this guy's body is too hard!
The mouse shook its body slightly, and the slap on the body felt like a massage. It felt comfortable all over, and it really wasn't a problem to be idle all the time. It was better to be more active. Life lies in exercise.

Gan Yun and Zheng Se looked at the mouse again, it seems that this guy really has two brushes, well done!Ever since becoming a first-rank Golden Immortal, it has been a long, long time since he has encountered a comparable opponent. It feels like his body is going to rust after such a long time of neglect.

Gan Yun and Su Mu bowed to the mouse, asking for advice.

The mouse bowed back, please advise.

The two sides fought together immediately.

The audience stared blankly at the empty arena. It wasn't that the arena was really empty, but that Gan Yunhe and the mouse were so fast that their eyes couldn't keep up.

Not all the golden immortals present could keep up, and many golden immortals could barely catch the afterimages of the two of them.

In other words, the mouse doesn't seem to be using Taoism. It has the shadow of Taoism, but it seems to be a way of body training. It's really hard to say the specifics.Gan Yun and Daneng launched fierce attacks again and again, but they all returned in vain.

No matter what, this is definitely a battle between dragons and tigers, and you will meet your opponent!


Although the audience didn't know the specific situation of the battle, after all, it had been a while, and there was still no winner. Obviously, the two sides were still fighting fiercely.

Be darling, the Four Immortals actually have such a level of super power!Originally, when the Great Treasure was born out of nowhere, defeating Yu Tianrui was enough to shock the world. No one would have thought that the Four Immortals would be able to fight with such great power in such a crucial contest!

By the way, who is this sacred person?It doesn't look like a human at all, could it be some ancient power from the Yaozu?Where did the Four Immortals come from?
The background of the Four Immortals is too deep, how many cards are there that have not been revealed?

Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help but secretly nodded in admiration. The old man is really strong and vigorous. Needless to say, the power of the first-rank Jinxian is so powerful. The old man can resist it head-on, which is the best proof of his own strength.

(End of this chapter)

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