Interstellar Miner

Chapter 772 The Second Battle

Chapter 772 The Second Battle

There was a lot of toasting and amicable atmosphere.

Hao Changsheng, Niu, and Brother A Niu got together and murmured for a while, they all nodded, and got up together holding the wine glasses to toast the mouse.

"Master Shu, the three of us offer you a toast."

The mouse had already been drunk with a lot of wine, and he was a little drunk. He nodded cheerfully to his brothers and drank it down in one gulp.

Hao Changsheng took a step forward, and said in a low voice, "Master Shu, the three of us have an unfeeling request, and I hope you will always agree."

The mouse blinked and signaled Hao Changsheng to speak.

Hao Changsheng took a look at Niu and A Niu, and said, "Master Shu, you know that the three of us have never been able to advance to Xuanxian because of our body training, and the other brothers have already been Xuanxian. , Brother Tie Dan is already well-known in the Xuan Bang, if this continues, we three brothers are doomed to become the tail of the crane."

The mouse nodded understandingly. Isn't body training so embarrassing? Although once you become a Profound Immortal, you will have unparalleled combat power, but after all, it is too difficult to advance.Old man, although I am also a way of body training, after all, I still rely more on racial talent. I can only say that I have only a half-knowledge of your ways of cultivating immortals, so I can't help you much!But if it's just sparring practice, that's okay, old man, I just happen to lack enough quality opponents.

Hao Changsheng really meant that. They have been training their bodies for tens of thousands of years. They have already reached the pinnacle of body training celestial beings. It is extremely difficult to improve and break through. Once you reach the peak of body training, you can leapfrog challenges. Body training definitely has a future.Brother San was really excited, and an idea couldn't help but hit it off.

However, the third brother has another meaning. If the body-refining celestial being wants to go further, it is not enough to just fight. Over the years, the third brother has often competed with his brothers, but it is difficult to cross the Tianxuan Gap after all, so The three brothers all followed Master Shu's move of barren chains by coincidence.

Hao Changsheng and the others have long heard about the mysteries of the ancient emperor's tomb on the top of the holy mountain at the top of the Endless Tower. It's a pity that they were still working hard on the third floor of time and space at that time, so they didn't have the chance to enter the experience. They could only be fascinated.And this time, after seeing the barren chains that Lord Shu can restrict and suppress the power of a first-rank golden immortal, the three brothers immediately connected it with the barren power of that mausoleum.

Since Huangli can suppress Xianyuanli, then the way of body training should also be able to suppress it.This is like letting a bucket that is already full of water drop down a lot so that new water can be filled.

This is undoubtedly equivalent to opening up a new way of cultivating immortals. After hard training, he will definitely be able to reach a higher level, and he might just smash open the gate of Xuanxian.

It turned out that this was the case, the mouse nodded suddenly, there was nothing to hide, it was just a matter of little effort, my barren chains just needed to be refined, and the three of you took the initiative to send them to your door.

The two hit it off immediately, they had already drunk enough, and they took a chance to pee directly.

Hao Changsheng, Niu, and A Niu eagerly rubbed their hands, choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun, Lord Shu, let's start right away.

Seeing you all in a hurry, the mouse gave you three blank glances, stretched your body a little bit, let out a mouthful of alcohol, then waved its paws at three brothers in a blink of an eye, patted its paws, it's done!
Huh?The three brothers Hao Changsheng blinked in a daze, is this the end?It seems nothing special.

wrong!Hao Changsheng and the others frowned, and their bodies froze immediately, as if they were suddenly tied up by five flowers!And the rope binding the body is getting tighter and tighter, whoops, it's so uncomfortable!
The three brothers grinned for a while, but still clenched their fists and resisted forcefully.

The mouse nodded secretly, but Sanxiao was really stubborn, and his endurance far surpassed that of ordinary immortals.

Finally feeling better, Hao Changsheng took a deep breath, and felt it carefully, wow, even the perception has become much weaker, Master Shu's barren chains are really all-round suppression!awesome!
Ah Niu couldn't wait to start practicing, so he first picked a 50-meter-high stone to practice his hands on.

Hey, why does it feel quite weighty?In the past, not to mention such a big rock, even a huge mountain could be lifted lightly with one hand. How much strength is he limited by the barren chains?
After some groping, the three brothers were shocked to find that the three brothers, who were originally body-refining celestial beings, had already degenerated to the strength of the golden core period. My dear, this is too exaggerated!Master Shu's move of barren chains is too incomprehensible!It's really thanks to Gan Yun and Da Neng that they can last for so long, the first-rank Golden Immortal is really not covered.

But it really feels good to practice like this, the three brothers started to practice with great interest...

A millennium chess game overcrowded the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Academy, but with the opening of the Ten Thousand Years Calamity of the Four Immortals Sect, most of the audience moved to the surrounding area of ​​the No. [-] Little Immortal Realm of the Four Immortals Sect. They didn't hear anything outside the window, and devoted themselves to delving into the miraculous thousand-year-old chess game.

The Chess Academy has finally been quiet for several years, and is gradually getting on the right track.

However, the good times don't last long, and the 1-year service life of the Yin-Yang Mirror is about to expire. Even the Xiaodao Lord is a bit greedy for such an ancient fairy treasure!

In addition, the first battle of the Ten Thousand Years of the Four Immortal Sects had consumed too much of the great powers participating in the battle. I am afraid that there is no way to participate in the second competition so soon. Therefore, the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Academy suddenly became full again.

Many Golden Immortals who hadn't participated in the excitement of the first battle of the Four Immortals' Ten Thousand Years Great Tribulation swarmed into the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Academy, staring at the yin and yang mirror eagerly, wanting to have a snipe and clam fight. Fishing.

In addition, the Golden Immortal Da Neng, who failed to grab the spot in the first battle of the Four Immortals, did not want to miss such an excellent opportunity, so they came one after another.

There are also many Xuanbang masters who want to show their faces.

There are even more people watching the excitement.

The Little Immortal Realm of Chess Academy is quite lively!

Mo Xuan and his party arrived at the Little Immortal Realm of the Chess Academy before the time limit for the Yin Yang Mirror expired.

After all, the first battle of the Four Immortals Sect used the sixteen hexagrams competition board. Although this yin and yang mirror is rare, it should be insurmountable, so the sixteen hexagrams competition board was set.

There are sixteen places, except for the one held by the Four Immortals at the home court, there are only fifteen places, which is still too small compared to so many golden immortals and Xuanbang greats present.

There is nothing to say, the battle for the quota has started, and if you want to get the precious quota, you must have that strength!

Although many Xuanbang masters want to fish in troubled waters, how can the Golden Immortal battlefield be a joke? In the end, only Zhou Fang, who was second on the Xuanbang, grabbed a spot, and the other fourteen places all went to the Jinxian Almighty. hand!
Darling, this is destined to be another battle between dragons and tigers!The enthusiasm of the audience is ignited again, wait and see.

Zhou Fang is worthy of the reputation of being the strongest defense. With his own strength, he forcibly held back the two golden immortals and won the precious top four places, but he couldn't continue. He said hello to Mo Xuan and his party. leave.

On the side of the Four Immortals, Dabao, who had been silent for a long time, fought twice in a row, and adopted the same procrastination decision as Zhou Fang, and won the top four places for the Four Immortals.

The other two top four places were won by Qingyuan Immortal World and Zhi Academy respectively.

In the semi-finals, Zhou Fang was absent, and the Four Immortals were lucky enough to be exempted from the competition; in another round, Patriarch Qingyuan played in person and defeated Lu Dajinxian Daneng of Zhi Academy, and won the final spot.

It can be said that Qingyuan Immortal World can be said to be out of the blue, out of the sky, out of the sky, out of the encirclement of two consecutive martial arts competitions, and reached the finals.

However, Qingyuan Patriarch obviously consumed too much and was unable to play in the finals. Qingyuan Immortal Realm You Gong and Chang Jinxian played with great abilities.

And the Four Immortals were played by Wu Nianxuan Da Neng.

The finals were indeed very exciting, but there were not many bright spots. Wu Nianxuan was able to guard against death, and dragged on until the end of the competition time limit, and won the right to use Yin Yang Mirror for the next 1 years.

It was still the same, the Four Immortals still kept the Yin-Yang mirror in the Chess Academy, and it was still done every ten years.

The second battle of the Four Immortals Sect's Ten Thousand Years Great Tribulation was thus settled.

(End of this chapter)

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