Chapter 799
In this deep underground, dark safe cave, the passage of time has become very blurred.

Among the 83 miners, except for the bull-like brain pumping, who had been standing and holding the huge boulder above their heads with both hands, the other miners were sitting and half lying down to rest, trying to save energy as much as possible.

But each time there was only a little water and dry food, and everyone was already hungry.

On the fifth day of being trapped, some miners couldn't stand it any longer, and couldn't help complaining weakly: "Mother Xipi, I'm so hungry that my chest is stuck to my back. If I knew this, I might as well just smash it to death." .”

The old miner scolded: "Comparing blindly, it's better to live than to die, I stand up for it."

"I'm hungry."

"Too hungry."

"I can't take it anymore."


The miners complained.

The old miner himself was very hungry, but the first aid kit was so tight that he had to hold on if he wanted to be rescued.

The old miner said in a deep voice: "Save your energy, as long as you don't starve to death. Da Zhuang has been standing all the time, and he is better than you."

He was out of his mind. The miners sighed a few times and fell silent.

Looking forward to waiting, finally came to dinner.

As always, with a creak, the old miner opened the first aid kit, ready to distribute water and dry food to everyone.

Suddenly in the darkness, a starving miner rushed to the first aid box, and reached into the first aid box involuntarily.

"What are you doing!" the old miner yelled, and hurriedly pressed the lid of the first-aid kit with his body, clamping the miner's arm tightly.

"Who the hell is going to die!" Fang Dali roared angrily.

The hungry miner ignored it and groped in the first aid box, but couldn't find anything, so he couldn't help being a little dazed.

The old miner gritted his teeth and whispered in the miner's ear: "Be obedient, draw your hands back, this is life-saving food for everyone, do you want to kill the big guy! At this moment, no one sees who you are, just back away obediently, I act like nothing happened.”

The miner was at a loss and groped for a while in the first aid box with his hands, and his heart became cold for a while. What kind of shit is full of food for a month, there is not much at all!
"Take your hand back." The old miner rebuked unquestionably.

The miner hummed in a low voice.

The old miner gently opened the lid of the first aid box, allowing the miner to pull out his arm little by little.

After the miner sat back quietly, the old miner coughed a few times, and then turned on the miner's lamp again.

The miners stared at a few miners near the first aid kit, who was it?
A very small number of miners stared at Bansha, who was silent with his head down, knowing that it was him just now.

The old miner coughed and said, "What happened just now was just an accident. Don't take it to heart. It's over. Now we all live and die together. If we all die, you will survive alone. How can you be worthy of your conscience?" ?”

The old miners no longer dared to leave the first aid box easily, and asked the miners to receive water and dry food in turn.

Only Niu Dazhuang still stood there holding the boulder above his head without moving.

"Da Zhuang, you must be tired from standing, come here and drink some water." The old miner mainly wanted to persuade Niu Dazhuang that you would be the first one to stand up like this, so why bother!

Niu Dazhuang smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, I'm neither thirsty nor hungry, let's keep it for now."

Stupid you, Fang Dali gave Niu Dazhuang a look, and went to fetch water and dry food for Niu Dazhuang.

Niu Dazhuang only drank his saliva, and asked Fang Dali to put the dry food in his chest pocket first.

Fang Dali returned the lid of the kettle, and sat next to Niu Dazhuang again.

The old miner looked at Niu Dazhuang suspiciously, then turned off the miner's lamp, and the safe hole was plunged into darkness again.

Day by day torment passed.

People are iron and rice are steel, and there is only a little water and dry food for each meal. After all, some miners can't hold on, dying, and falling into a coma.

"Wu Dong, what's wrong with you? You have to hold on!" Fang Dali shook Wu Dong, but Wu Dong still failed to regain consciousness.

The old miner didn't care to guard the first-aid box, hurriedly moved over, turned on the kettle and poured a few sips of water into Wu Dong's mouth.

Wu Dong opened and closed his mouth, sucking in the water desperately, woke up panting, and called, "Water, water."

The old miner weighed the water bottle that had bottomed out, licked his chapped lips, and still took a small sip into Wu Dong's mouth.

Wu Dong eagerly grabbed the water bottle, wanting to drink more water, but was pushed away by the old miner.

The old miner covered the kettle tightly and stuffed it into his bosom, gently stroking Wu Dong's chest with his hand.

Wu Dong opened his eyes and looked at the old miner, and then at the miners around him, pursed his lips, smiled bitterly, and said, "I just saw that the gate of hell was closed, but it turned out to be back."

Fang Dali lightly hammered Wu Dong's arm, gritted his teeth, and said, "You kid wants to leave us and go to the gate of hell first, hmph, there's no door, if we die, we'll die together!"

The miners couldn't help grinning bitterly.

The old miner bitterly touched the water bottle in his arms. In fact, this was the last pot of water, and there was not much dry food left, so it was really hopeless!No, before we reach the point of despair, we will drink urine if there is no water, we must hold on!
Of course, none of these can escape the bullish eye. It has been so many days since the mine disaster happened, but there is not even a search and rescue movement. Hmph, I'm afraid those guys didn't organize a search and rescue at all.

That's right, the miners couldn't survive the fall of such a large rock.

Finally, the last bit of water was divided up, and the old miner knew that if he kept it from everyone, he would be harming everyone.

The old miner could only cough in embarrassment and told everyone the news.

Although the miners were mentally prepared, they never expected that there would be no water so soon. Obviously, everyone didn't drink much water, and everyone's lips were chapped and their mouths were burning. How could there be no water?

At this time, even if you want to complain, you don't have much strength.

The old miner said bluntly: "There is no way, I will distribute the four empty jugs, and whoever needs to urinate will squeak and urinate in the jug."

The miners laughed wryly, never thinking that they would be reduced to drinking urine to quench their thirst.

The water is gone, what about the dry food?Some miners also thought of this question and asked it directly.

The old miner pursed his lips and said, "The dry food should be enough for a few days."

"How many days?"

"Hard to say."

The old miner’s ambiguous answer caused the miners to shudder in their hearts. After all, no one is stupid. The first-aid kit looks quite big, but only the old miner knows how much water and dry food is inside.

A lot can be seen from the distribution of old miners these days, but everyone is unwilling to think deeply about that!If you want to live, the first aid kit is the hope of everyone in the safe hole. Once the hope is disillusioned, you may not be able to last even a day.

Silence, dead silence.

Fang Dali sighed faintly, feeling that he might not be spared this time.Fortunately, I signed an agreement before coming to this new mine. Even if I die, my family can still have enough protection. I remember that it is a full 60 years of salary, um, not bad.If I hadn't died, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to earn that much money in this lifetime!
Fang Dali could only have fun in the bitterness and comfort himself.

Fang Dali had no choice but to glance at Niu Dazhuang who was standing beside him all the time, but it was a pity that brother Da Zhuang was implicated by himself.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Niu Dazhuang can no longer remain silent, coughed lightly, and said: "Everyone, listen to me."

The miners looked over in unison. After so many days, we have been lying down and resting, and we are exhausted. Niu Dazhuang has been standing, but he is still so energetic. Is there really such a big gap between people?

Niu Dazhuang first revealed his identity: "I'm sorry, I concealed it from everyone earlier, but I am actually a cultivator who went out to practice."

The miners all looked at Niu Dazhuang in shock. We have indeed heard about the experience of immortal cultivators, but it is too unbelievable to practice to be a miner!
Fang Dali was the most shocked. He never imagined that his buddy who has always called him brother and brother turned out to be a high-ranking immortal cultivator. He really couldn't tell it at all!But if you think about it carefully, there are indeed many mysteries in Da Zhuang, and now he is connected with the immortal cultivator, ha, isn't that all there is to it!Good boy, you are hiding deep enough!
Niu looked around for a week, and continued to preach: "Everyone, don't get excited, just listen to me quietly. In all likelihood, this mine disaster was not an accident, but man-made."

What?man-made?Are you trying to kill us on purpose?That is why ah?We are just some ordinary miners, no grudges in the past, no grudges in recent days.

Could it be... This mine disaster was deliberately targeted at Niu Dazhuang's murder, we were only implicated, then we are really in bad luck!
Right now, it's already so dead, it's useless to think too much, the real thing is to live first.

More miners' eyes lit up, thinking of the magical storage magic weapon only available to immortal cultivators, but a small object can hold many objects and food.Since Da Zhuang is an immortal cultivator, he should carry it with him. At this critical moment, he should take it out!
For a while, the miners thought a lot. Now that everyone lives and dies together, there is an immortal cultivator around, and everyone has an extra hope of survival!

Facing everyone's extremely hopeful eyes, Niu Dazhuang was also very helpless, and told the truth: "I practiced as a mortal, and I didn't carry a magic weapon for storage."

ah?Then...then we still have to die of hunger and thirst!

Niu Dazhuang said bluntly: "Everyone, don't panic. Although there is no food, I can store water."

water?have water?That's better than nothing at all, who would be happy to drink urine when there is water to drink!
"Hurry up, I want a drink!"

"Water, I want to drink a whole jug of water!"

"I'm dying of thirst!"


After Niu Dazhuang gave instructions, the old miner quickly took an empty pot, opened the lid, and put it on the ground in front of Niu Dazhuang.

Under the watchful eyes of all the miners, Niu Dazhou blew lightly on the spout of the kettle. Visible to the naked eye, a fine stream of water rolled and thickened continuously, and poured gently into the kettle.

Great, finally have water to drink!

Tears welled up in the miners' eyes, and they looked eagerly at this incomparably miraculous scene. What a cultivator, it was amazing!
After a while, a pot of water was filled.

Niu Dazhuang exhaled slightly, and said: "Although I can store water, it is impossible to store water indefinitely. Everyone, save some water."

Even if Niu Dazhuang is a mysterious fairy, it is really not easy to store water deep in the dry rocky layer of the ground. The water stored is actually the moisture evaporated from the miners' bodies. Niu Dazhuang used magical powers to collect the water vapor and store it It becomes a stream, so it is limited.

ah?Is it like this?Miners, you look at me, I look at you, so how should you drink it?

Niu Dazhuang smiled slightly and said, "It's okay to share a pot at a time."

This was much more than before. The miners immediately happily shared a whole jug of water, and their burning throats were finally much cooler.

Ah, I feel alive at last, water is indeed the source of life!The miners sighed and sighed.

The cow was big and cooked in the same way, filling two pots of water, and when the third pot was filled, it was only half full.

The old miner put three jugs of water into the first aid box as if he had found a treasure, and pressed his butt on it. Like other miners, he felt more at ease.

Fang Dali slowed down, patted the bull-shaped leg, and complained: "You kid is hiding deep enough, and you were almost fooled by you. What's going on with this mine accident, you have to tell me Let's talk about it."

It's this time, and Niu Dazhuang has nothing to hide. He looked up at the boulder above his head, nuzzled, and said, "Everyone has seen this boulder. They have known the existence of this boulder for a long time. Why? It was also blasting around this boulder, which continuously destroyed the foundation of this boulder, and then it fell."

The miners were stunned and speechless, it turned out to be like this, this is obviously to kill all of our miners... Whose bad idea is this, it's too dark!
Fang Dali raised his head to look at the huge boulder above his head, then at the hands that Niu Dazhuang had been holding up, swallowed secretly, and asked in a daze: "Da Zhuang, could it have been holding this boulder all this time?" Bar!"

ha?The miners all froze.

Niu Dazhuang smiled slightly, and said, "Yes, if I don't hold on, the big guy will be crushed into a pulp."

Really!The miners stared blankly at Niu Dazhuang, we have been acting like a Niu Dazhuang because we have a brain hole, it turns out that Da Zhuang is saving us!
For a while, emotions of gratitude, shock, and guilt lingered in the hearts of the miners.

Niu Dazhuang smiled faintly and said, "I'm also saving myself. After all, we all have to die and die together, and we all have to live together."

The miners were so grateful that they could only nod their heads fiercely. If Da Zhuang lives and dies with us, even if it really burps, it will be worth it!

(End of this chapter)

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