Chapter 19

Murong Li took Xiangxiang with him and lived in Lingzhi County for about ten days.He couldn't stay long, and seeing that Xiangxiang was getting better and sleeping well at night, he set off for Jinyang.

Guo Tian, ​​Guo Chen's, Guo Yang and others were all sent to the gate of Lingzhi County. Xiangxiang didn't look back, no matter how reluctant she was, she would eventually have to part.Parting tears stained with towels can only make parents sad.Bizhu raised the curtain, and she got into the car.Guo Tian and his wife had nothing else to tell them.Although Murong Li still looks like he rejects people thousands of miles away these days, he treats Xiangxiang well, and the couple can see it.As long as my daughter is doing well, what else can I say?
The husband and wife stood together, looking at the distance of the carriage, King Xun's guard of honor was out of order, heading for Jinyang.

The moment the carriage left the city, tears finally came to Xiangxiang's eyes. She lifted the curtains, but the figures of her parents were finally out of sight.Outside the car, Murong Li was riding a horse, caught her gaze, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Xiangxiang said: "It's okay." She retracted her body.

Getting far away from people, looking back without a hometown.

Along the way, Murong Li was still working normally, and it was half a month before he arrived in Jinyang City.Guan Jue brought his servants to greet her personally, and Xiangxiang also missed Xiao Xuanxuan, so she didn't care about anything else and went straight into the mansion.

Murong Li did not follow, but listened to Guan Jue's report on the situation in the mansion.

In Xijiange, everything is still the same.The flowers and plants are already very luxuriant, and the nurse Cui is taking little Xuanxuan to learn to walk.Xiaoxuanxuan has been eleven months old, and she has been able to walk relatively steadily at this time, and she learns to walk early.

As soon as Xiangxiang walked to the gate of the courtyard, she saw that such a small child rushed over with open arms. Xiangxiang's eyes were filled with tears, and when she rushed over, she heard her call vaguely: "Mother..."

Xiangxiang hugged her in her arms, and Xiao Xuanxuan gnawed her with her mouth, gnawing a lot of saliva on her chin.

Cui Shi came over to salute, Xiangxiang supported her affectionately, and asked, "Is everything all right in the mansion? Where's the princess?"

Cui Shi led her into the room and said: "It's all good, but the princess often comes to play with the little princess, saying that she is very boring."

Xiangxiang smiled: "Her temperament is not about to get bored." Then she asked Hanlu to invite Xue Jinping to come over.Hanlu went obediently, Xiangxiang asked Bizhu to take out all the gifts prepared by Guo Chenshi and Guo Rongrong, and just waited for Xue Jinping to come and pick them.

Not long after, I saw Xue Jinping looking outside.Xiangxiang couldn't help laughing, and said, "The prince is not here, come in quickly!"

Xue Jinping just came in and saw that Mrs. Guo Chen embroidered a lot of things, and even dried some dried fish and fruits for her.Xue Jinping was so happy that he casually took a dried plum and put it in his mouth. Before he swallowed it, Murong said sharply behind him: "Have you grown so big?" Jinping was shocked, and the dried fruit got stuck in his throat!Suddenly there was an earth-shattering cough!

Murong Li grabbed her and slapped her on the back forcefully, he was also very angry, and said angrily: "Get out!" Just know how to eat, you starved to death in your previous life!

Xiangxiang was startled at first, but when she saw that she was fine, she was angry and funny. How can this princess be like this all the time?Seeing that the new year is over, Xue Jinping is also 13 years old, and in Dayan Kingdom, there are girls who consummate their homes at the age of 13.It's just that Murong Li didn't mean it at all, and Xue Jinping was even more like a tortoise shrinking its head.Xiangxiang sighed, these two people...

When Murong Li went out, Xiangxiang asked the boy to carry the things to the Fanxing Building in Xue Jinping, seeing that the room was a little messy, and the servants didn't pay much attention, this time she was a little unhappy.I didn't talk about everything in a hurry when I first arrived. Now that the princess has been at the mansion for several months, she is still so lazy?
She helped tidy up Xue Jinping's room, then turned to Guan Jue and said, "Sir, I don't think the maids in the princess' room are very dedicated, can you pick some obedient ones and send them over?" She was actually just saying casually. Said, unexpectedly after hearing this, Guan Jue immediately sent these girls and servants back to Xue Shaocheng's residence!Xiangxiang was taken aback. It would be a very serious matter if the girl who came over as a dowry was sent back like this!I'm afraid these servants will be sold out by Duke Pei at will.

Guan Jue didn't dare not to punish severely, if Xiangxiang said this to Murong severely, I'm afraid he will be punished again.No, as soon as Xiangxiang finished speaking on the front foot, he immediately replaced an honest and obedient person on the back foot.

Xue Jinping didn't find it strange that there was a sudden change of people around him.I just thought—hey, the servants have suddenly become sensible recently.

Seeing that Xiangxiang couldn't let her be so naive any longer, she said to her: "Princess..." Before the words came out, Xue Jinping became unhappy: "Sister Xiangxiang, didn't we all agree not to call me?" Is the princess already? It sounds weird!"

Xiangxiang sighed and said, "But you are indeed Princess Xun, the mistress of the palace. Jinping, you are already thirteen."

Xue Jinping didn't understand, and asked, "Yes, I celebrated my birthday two days ago, but unfortunately you didn't come back. What's the matter?"

Xiangxiang said: "Have you ever thought that you should be with the prince..." She also blushed, "The house is consummated."

When Xue Jinping heard this, his face turned red immediately.Before she got married, although her mother was not happy, she still taught her a little bit.But when she thought of Murong Li's fierce appearance, tears were about to come down: "Sister Xiangxiang, I... I'm still young! Besides, he didn't say that! Isn't there still you, I don't I don't!" He tugged on Xiangxiang's sleeves while talking: "Sister Xiangxiang!"

Xiangxiang said softly: "Jin Ping, actually this...isn't that terrible..." She blushed so badly that she couldn't speak any more.

Xue Jinping was not willing to listen, he bet against himself: Why am I going to grow up!It's good to never grow up!

At night, Murong Li came over.Xiao Xuanxuan can call her mother, but her father's call is more vague, and sometimes she can't hear it clearly.He liked teasing her.Xiangxiang also knew that he couldn't persuade him directly, and with his temperament, he would definitely be annoyed.It was just a very euphemistic mention: "My lord, my concubine is thirteen now."

Murong snorted, and didn't think about that at all - just that little girl?In his eyes, she was never a woman!

Xiangxiang didn't dare to say more.

Murong Li teased Xiao Xuanxuan for a while, seeing that she was tired, he let Cui Shi hug her to rest.Xiangxiang helped him change his clothes, and he asked, "How are you?"

Xiangxiang understood what he meant, blushed and said, "It's done."

Only then did Murong Li hug her, his slender waist was too tight to grasp, he was a little impulsive - since Xiangxiang fell ill, it had been a while since she had been close.Xiangxiang blushed, remembering the conversation with Xue Jinping during the day, she couldn't help laughing, and said softly: "I mentioned it to the princess today... the princess is very scared."

Murong Li kissed her delicate body and asked: "What?"

Xiangxiang said: "The concubine and the prince... consummated the house. Girls grow up fast, she..."

Before he finished speaking, Murong Li asked: "Whether this king consummates with her or not, does it have anything to do with you?"

Xiangxiang was taken aback, knowing that she was angry, so she quickly softened her tone: "It's just a private conversation between girls, and this servant has no intention of interfering with the prince."

Murong Li snorted coldly: "From now on, don't worry about things that have nothing to do with you!"

He hadn't said anything serious for a few days, Xiangxiang's face turned red, and she said softly, "Yes."

The next day, Murong Li had just woken up when he heard someone outside begging to see him, it was Xue Shaocheng, Duke of Pei Guo.

Murong Li went out to meet the guests, Xue Jinping came to play.Xiangxiang was surprised: "Duke Pei Guo is here, why don't you go see him?"

Xue Jinping dismissed it: "Never mind him! He only likes my sister, and he doesn't like me!"

Seeing her running over early in the morning, Xiangxiang was wearing thin clothes, so she quickly served her a bowl of Xuanxuan's meat porridge, and while watching her drink the porridge, Xiangxiang thought, Duke Pei should come here this time for the princess thing.The last time Guan Jue sent back all the maids and servants around Xue Jinping, he was definitely not at ease in his heart, so he had to come and have a look no matter what.If he exerts pressure, maybe Murong Li will consummate the marriage with Jinping, right?I didn't feel too sad or sour in my heart.After all, it's just pandering, not love, jealousy or something, I really don't have it.From marrying him to now, when did you forget your identity?

After all, it's just a matter of watching his face. Can you really expect him to be as good as a jade?Besides, Xue Jinping married at a young age, she is a serious princess, so she can't go on like this forever, right?She should bless her, and be thankful that with such a princess, her life with Xuanxuan should not be too sad. It's better not to have a boy.Just give birth to a few more girls, each of them is as cute as Xuanxuan, and they will all leave the palace in the future and have their own home, how wonderful!As she thought about it, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Murong Li was not happy over there, Xue Shaocheng, an old man, really dared to enter the mansion to discuss consummation of the house with him!How dare you take yourself seriously with a green onion in your nostrils!He didn't even see off the guests, he got up and left after hearing Xue Shaocheng's intention of coming, and directly left the old man in the main hall.It was Guan Jue who sent off the guest carefully at the expense.

That afternoon, Murong Bo came over, and Murong Li talked with him in the study for a long time, and when he came out, his complexion was obviously not good, and Xiang Xiang didn't dare to ask more, knowing that he would not come again at night.Murong Bo is one of the few people who can convince him.

At night, she rested early, and she didn't know what it was like to learn that her husband was sleeping with another woman.Maybe she was too self-aware, but she didn't think much about it.But I was quietly asking in my heart, if Han Xu got married tonight, how would I feel?I secretly imagined that scene, and it slowly revealed some sadness. After all, human emotions cannot be retracted freely. The more you control, the more difficult it is to control.She didn't want to, and soon fell asleep.

When Murong Li came over, he got angry for some reason!On such a night, how dare you fucking fall asleep so early!I think you want to die!
Xiangxiang was sleeping soundly when she was suddenly shaken awake. When she opened her eyes, she saw Murong's cold and angry expression.She was startled, and quickly sat up: "My lord?" It's late at night, what's going on?
Murong said angrily: "You are getting more and more arrogant. When you see this king coming back, you still dare to pretend to be asleep?" Damn it, you can't think it's because she fell asleep, it will appear as if I care about her very much!snort!
Xiangxiang got up quickly, originally wanted to find clothes to change for him, but suddenly remembered something, and asked: "Tonight, my lord, shouldn't..." Seeing that Murong Li's face was getting more and more ugly, he didn't dare to say anything.

Murong said sharply: "You are just a concubine of this king, who gave you the courage to meddle in the affairs between this king and the princess?"

Xiangxiang helped him change his clothes, and she was not angry when she heard the words, and said softly: "I don't dare, does the prince want to take a bath?"

Murong Li was like punching cotton, all his strength was lost, he can't really care about a woman, let alone his own woman.Immediately snorted angrily, hugged Xiangxiang and smacked her little mouth.Xiangxiang let him kiss, wondering if Xue Jinping made him unhappy again?

It's not too surprising, that girl, alas.But anyway, he is only 13 years old, and it is not too late to grow two years longer.Maybe Murong Li is right, she really doesn't need to worry about her future.Murong Bo still needs the Xue family, and it's only a matter of time before Murong Li is with her.

On the second day, Murong Li left the palace early, no one in the palace dared to ask where he was going.

Xiangxiang got up and made breakfast for Xue Jinping and Xiao Xuanxuan first.Maybe because she left for a while, Xiao Xuanxuan clings to her tightly.There was oily smoke in the kitchen, so she asked Cui to take the child out for a walk.For breakfast, I made egg pancakes, pickled a shredded radish, and cooked some porridge.While doing this, there was a sudden noise outside, vaguely as if Cui Shi was talking about something, Xiangxiang was taken aback, and went out to look.

Only Murong said angrily: "People watch the child, and you watch the child like this?"

Xiangxiang was startled, and stepped forward quickly, only then did she realize that it was Cui who let Xiao Xuanxuan walk away by herself, and Xiao Xuanxuan broke something in Tingfengyuan.When she arrived, she happened to see Murong Li snatching the child from Cui Shi.Xiangxiang exclaimed, and rushed over to snatch Xiao Xuanxuan from Murong Li's hand. The child was already crying in fright. Seeing her at this time, she hugged her neck with both hands and refused to let go.

Murong Li never expected that someone would dare to snatch the child from him, and he let her snatch it in a daze.Without saying a word, Xiangxiang turned around and ran away with the child in her arms.Murong Li looked at his empty hands and was furious: "You bastard! Stop!"

Xiangxiang ran back to Xijiange in one breath, Murong Li was furious and immediately followed.Xiangxiang rushed into the room, closed the door and bolted it, Murong let out a snarl, and she blocked the door with tables and chairs, refusing to open it no matter what.Murong Li roared a few times, and Guan Jue, Tao Yizhi and the others had already been alarmed.Of course Xiangxiang was scared, Xiao Xuanxuan was crying so hard.Xiangxiang coaxed her, and deeply regretted her recklessness, and now she really didn't know what to do.Murong Li didn't know how angry he would be.But at that time, Murong Li had an angry expression on his face, as if he was about to throw the child to the ground, how could she not be terrified?

Murong Li ordered people to open the door directly, and went into the room, and saw Xiangxiang trembling while holding the child.He was startled, and suddenly realized that this woman had never felt safe by her side.Why is she so scared all of a sudden? What does she think she is going to do?Amidst the overwhelming anger, there was suddenly a little sadness.She never felt that she was someone she could rely on with confidence. She took her daughter and lived by his side like a frightened bird. Seeing that she was docile, surrendered, and dared not resist, but she never trusted her.

He approached step by step, Xiangxiang backed away slowly, Murong Li lowered his voice and said, "I kept listening to Fengyuan, just because I don't want Lanyou to feel that the tea is cold. But I won't move because of Xuanxuan." Her things are for the child. Xuanxuan is my daughter, and even if Lan Yang is there, she will not embarrass such a small child because of anything."

Xiangxiang was stunned, and Murong Li stretched out his hand to her, suppressing his anger: "Come here yourself, I'm already very angry, don't mess with me again." You bastard woman!Xiangxiang walked over, Murong Li reached out to hug Xuanxuan in her arms, her eyes were still a little surprised.Murong Li hugged Xuan Xuan in his arms and raised her up high. Xuan Xuan slowly stopped crying and looked at him with dark eyes. Murong Li carried her out.Outside, Guan Jue and Tao Yizhi were still standing silently.

Murong Li said: "What are you doing standing around? You don't have to install the door and move the things back!"

The two quickly responded and started to do things.No one dared to ask what happened this early in the morning?The prince was clearly furious before, but now he seems to have calmed down again.Xiangxiang followed behind Murong Li, and Murong Li amused little Xuanxuan before saying, "What do you think this king is going to do?"

Xiangxiang didn't speak, of course she thought that Murong Li would directly throw the child to the ground.Although it was also his child, at that moment, this was the first thought in my mind.

Murong Li said: "In your heart, I would easily hurt or even kill my child, right?"

Xiangxiang lowered her head, wanting to say something nice, she opened her mouth, but she still didn't say it.She was really frightened, and at this moment, she was also afraid that he was just the calm before the storm.Murong Li said: "If you don't want to talk, don't talk. I'm trying to reason with you patiently. In fact, I'm very angry now!"

How sad that he actually tolerated and gave in in front of a woman, and forced himself to speak to her in such a calm tone under the rage.He couldn't slap her in the face, no matter how stupid the person in front of him was, he was only a woman, and beating a woman was not an honorable thing.The one in front of him was his own woman, and beating his own woman was even more disgraceful.But this woman actually thought that he would drop her daughter to death!

Oh shit!

He gritted his teeth, seeing that Xiao Xuanxuan was fine, and handed the child to Cui Shi, Cui Shi was very winking, and immediately retreated with the child in his arms.Murong Li turned around, faced Xiangxiang for a long time, and said, "I am your husband."

Xiangxiang lowered her head, and said softly: "I know I was wrong, I am just in a hurry, and I have no intention of disobeying the prince."

Murong Li asked: "You won't trust me anymore, will you?"

Xiangxiang was startled, and raised her head to meet his gaze.After some trade-offs on Jinji Ancient Road, you will never trust me again, will you?

Both of them were silent, Murong Li said: "One horse can't carry three people, they will catch up sooner or later. Fleeing to the dense forest is more hopeful than staying on the horse. Do you understand me when I say this?" Or , as long as I choose to give up, you will lose the value of being hunted.As long as you don't stand still, you have a better chance of surviving than running for your life with me.

How pathetic, is he explaining to a woman, explaining his abandonment, sadly trying to get her understanding and forgiveness?He turned around, that's all, after all, it was Xia Chong who couldn't say anything.He was about to leave, but someone behind him suddenly grabbed him, Murong Li turned his head, Xiangxiang hesitated and said, "My lord."

Murong Li looked at her, that woman was still delicate and weak, but he knew it was not the case.On the night when he was assassinated, she would brave the freezing rain and wind for several miles to find someone for help; in order to protect her daughter, she would try her best to deal with him, pretending to be attached, pretending to believe, and even trying her best to please him. to him.

Murong Li asked: "I just want to ask you one question, are you willing to have a good time with this king, or will you always think about other men and make false promises to this king? You have my child, even if this king doesn't care A woman, but you can’t let you leave with that damn thing as you wish. If you really can’t forget him, this king will never set foot here in the future. You will live here forever, and the child will stay by your side, Everything will be the same until she grows up."

He asked very seriously, and Xiangxiang believed that he was telling the truth at that moment.She suddenly really thought about it, if Murong Li never came to Xijiange in the future.It turns out that there will still be a little sadness in my heart.

Human emotion is the most unanalyzable thing, and she is not yet able to make such a cumbersome proposition.

The eyes of the two met across the Sword Washing Pond, and Murong Li was waiting for her choice.This kind of silence was beyond his tolerance, but he still didn't leave, wait a little longer, maybe her choice will be different?

How sad, it turns out that thinking about not having to set foot here again in the rest of my life, never seeing this woman again... I would feel bad.

It's true that he is nostalgic for the temperature of interlocking fingers.I was afraid that I would wake up suddenly one night and would think of the orange light reflected on the puddles by the lantern in her hand in that cold night.

Xiangxiang lowered her head and said slowly: "I... I am willing to follow the prince." She is not a child who likes to get into trouble, she knows what is the best choice. Is it the best choice to be confined in this garden forever after the age of 17 until old age?of course not.One can't be too hypocritical, and she didn't just think that Murong Li was bad.He is willing to open his heart, but she can't choose in this life, why not try to accept it?As for Han Xu... What position and qualifications does she have to consider for him?I just hope that Murong Li will calm down one day, and let it be nothing like this.

Murong Li stepped forward, held her hand, and brought her over for a long time, letting her snuggle up against his chest.He said softly: "Give me a son, and I will support you as a side concubine. From now on, there will be no other women in the mansion except you. This is... a promise." As for Xue Jinping, he didn't think about it. But—could that damned thing be called a woman?

Both Guan Jue and Tao Yizhi felt something different about their princes.Xiangxiang often made milk soup and sweet soup recently and went to visit him in the study, but Murong Li, who was always unhappy when there were people around, unexpectedly didn't chase her away.Sometimes she was allowed to stay inside for half an hour or something.Every time Xiangxiang comes out, the clothes and dresses are specially arranged, and the hair is also combed again, so everything is neat.Even Ran Yunzhou, who didn't come back often, said to Guan Jue, "My lord has a better temper recently."

Guan Jue said, "Are you itchy?" No matter how good-tempered he is, he wouldn't mind giving you a hard time.

Ran Yunzhou smiled, and said for a while: "The matter of Han Xu..." He has a better temper, can he mention it?

Guan Jue thought for a while: "This matter has to be put on hold for a while, it seems to have faded away, and mentioning it again will make the prince angry, which is not good."

Ran Yunzhou said: "You have always been by his side, and you will mention it when you find an opportunity. After so many years, brothers, even if there is something wrong, you can't really break up with him."

Guan Jue said: "It's very good, the prince didn't hack him to death."

Ran Yunzhou also laughed: "It's fate too. If the prince hadn't meant to be so indebted to Mrs. Xiang, he would have been sunk long ago."

While talking, Xiangxiang came out of the study.Ran Yunzhou and Guan Jue both saluted, Xiangxiang nodded with a smile, and left with a food box.Only then did the two go in.Guan Jue said: "My lord, the princess is about to turn one year old, the celebration..."

Because Murong Li didn't pay much attention to these things, apart from decorations for the New Year's Eve, there was never such a thing as a big banquet for guests and friends in the house.Guan Jue mentioned this because recently Murong Li coaxed his daughter when he was free, and got along very well with Xiangxiang, so he felt it was necessary to ask this question.

Murong Li didn't remember Xuanxuan's birthday at all, it was only after he mentioned it that he remembered, um, was it born in May?Uh, it seems so.He waved his hand: "You prepare it yourself."

After hearing this, Guan Jue knew that he was really in a good mood, so he took a look at Ran Yunzhou.Ran Yunzhou gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, my subordinates have brought over some newly bred stallions from the racecourse, please have a look at them."

Murong grinned, and left the mansion together with Ran Yunzhou.He's a good horse, and horses are too important for the national army these days.Xijing, Donghu, Zhongshan, etc., which one is more fuel-efficient?In this regard, he dare not relax in the slightest.

Murong Li followed him out of the city, there were more than sixty fine horses outside.Murong Li dismounted from the horse's back, stepped forward and touched a horse's nose, nodded and was about to speak, when he saw someone beside him carrying hay to the manger, took a closer look, it was Han Xu.

Han Xu was dressed in a rough indigo coat, and he was feeding the horses.Murong Li frowned slightly, and asked, "Why is this thing here?"

Ran Yunzhou smiled cheekily: "This bastard is too outrageous, and he wants to do some small business. What? Offended the prince and wants to live a leisurely life? Mr. Zhou ordered him not to do business, and he was fined Feed the horses to me!"

Murong Li snorted, knowing that they were brothers, they would never be so humiliated.Only then did Ran Yunzhou say: "My lord, if you are still not relieved, I will ask him to clean the stables and pick up horse manure for a lifetime!"

Murong laughed sternly, patted the horse's mouth, and said, "Let him come over."

Ran Yunzhou hurriedly went to call Han Xu, and Han Xu came over, kneeling on the ground without saying a word.Murong Li said: "It is impossible for me to give her to you." Han Xu's body stiffened slightly, Murong Li said, "She is my daughter's mother, even if I have no feelings for her, it is impossible." What's more, I treat her...

He was so straightforward that Han Xu didn't know how to answer the question for a while.Murong Li went on to say: "If you still have the slightest muddled thoughts about her, you should not appear by my king's side, otherwise, sooner or later, you will lose your life because of such thoughts. I can't forgive you every time , Han Xu. Brotherhood and friendship are also things that will be consumed slowly. So you have to think clearly, if you can't give up completely, it's safer for you to stay here and feed the horses."

Han Xu gritted his teeth and said with determination: "From now on, Han Xu will never see Mrs. Xiang again. If you break this oath..."

Murong Li interrupted him: "No, Han Xu, I won't obey the promise. Just remember, this is my last concession and tolerance, and you will never have another chance. If there is a next time, I will send you to fight to death directly. But I will support your elder family for life."

Han Xu was shocked. At this moment, he completely believed in the authenticity of these words, and he touched his forehead to the ground: "Han Xu, remember."

Murong Li said: "Since we've had enough rest, go back where you should go, stay in Jinyang and watch as an eyesore."

Han Xu knew that this was to allow him to continue guarding Pingdu Pass, and he solemnly kowtowed three more times: "The last general will never forget the kindness of the prince for knowing you."

Murong Li snorted, "Don't dare to be ungrateful, you still dare to think about Lao Tzu's woman!"Human relations can't take care of ungrateful things, how can you expect to repay your kindness?Promise with your body?snort!

On the little princess's first birthday, it was rare for Prince Xun's mansion to make a big fuss.Officials from Murong Bo's party in the DPRK and China congratulated each other, and even officials from the prince's party, who were afraid of making a fuss on the surface, also sent congratulatory gifts.

Xiangxiang is a concubine, so she can only follow behind Xue Jinping, hugging the little princess for everyone to see.Xue Jinping was not reliable either, Guan Jue didn't dare to let the two of them show up more, and when performing the Zhou ceremony, Guan Jue had only prepared things for his daughter such as knives, rulers, and needles.But Murong Li thought, why can't my daughter prepare something for a boy?So the bow and arrow, paper and pens were also well prepared, and the floor was covered with clean cushions.Little Xuanxuan was placed on the mat, surrounded by food, toys, treasures, etc. She crawled over and grabbed the bow and arrow without hesitation.Everyone around was laughing, Guan Jue had an expression that didn't dare to look at her again - she was so far away... But Murong Li was proud, look, my daughter even has the same hobbies as me!
Xiangxiang thought it was nothing at first, she would never be able to wield swords and guns in her life, but Prince Xun's mansion can be regarded as a general.It's nothing for a girl to learn some kung fu.

Murong Li hugged his daughter happily: "Grow up quickly, I will teach you to draw a bow and shoot an arrow in the future!"

Take a look, everyone, hurry up and write down the name of the little princess. When you marry a daughter-in-law or granddaughter-in-law in the future, remember to avoid her...

In late May, when the Great Wall was being built at Yuhouguan, Donghu attacked. Not only was a section of the Great Wall destroyed, but many people were killed or injured.King Yan was furious, and ordered Murong Li to go to Yuhouguan to supervise the work and prevent Donghu from sneaking up on him.Although this son is the most asshole and the most disobedient, King Yan still likes to use him—save food!Dong Hu, Tu He, and Shan Rong's gang of bandits fanned away as soon as they saw his commander-in-chief flag, and they basically would not fight head-on.

After Murong Li received the imperial decree, he entered the palace on the same day, and set off for Yuhou Pass the next day. When he was about to leave the mansion, all the people from the palace went to see him off at the gate of the mansion.Xue Jinping wished he could hide in the crowd, Murong Li only took one look at her, and said angrily, "Get out!" As if she had been pardoned, she hugged her head and ran away.

Xiangxiang was still a bit reluctant this time, after all, he was really kind to her these days, and when she arrived at the gate of the mansion, it was the first time that Murong Li saw the kind of nostalgia for parting in her eyes. Say, "Come."

Xiangxiang was puzzled, so she put her hand on his palm, and he took her gently, and she was already on the horse.Xiangxiang was taken aback, turned her head, her lips brushed against his chin, and she blushed suddenly in public.Murong Li beat the horse lightly, and suddenly remembered what Lu Jingxi and Zheng Guangcheng said when they joined the army - sharing a ride, not galloping a horse.

"I'll be back in two or three months," he said.

Xiangxiang hummed, and whispered for a long time, "I... Xuanxuan and I are waiting for the prince."

Murong Li hugged her slender waist and said: "After you come back, I will help you to be a side concubine." Forget it, Guan Zongzheng and those old bastards are talking so much!Lao Tzu's woman will be a little side concubine, can you control it?

Xiangxiang didn't think much of this, and said: "Anyway, I'm serving the prince, it doesn't matter if the side concubine or the concubine is in charge." Murong frowned sharply——I want to give it, how dare you not?
Seeing his expression, Xiangxiang couldn't help laughing again: "If the lord really loves Xuanxuan, when she gets married in the future, she will be recorded under the name of the concubine and married as a prostitute, and I will be satisfied."

Murong Li rubbed her into his arms, it was really a small and soft ball, the skin was fragrant, he picked her up and put her on the ground, saying: "Go back."

Xiangxiang blessed him and said softly, "My lord, take care."

Murong Li nodded, turned to leave, and Xiangxiang watched him off at the door.After a long time, Guan Jue came over and said, "Madam, there are people coming and going from outside the house, so it's not appropriate to show your face. Madam, you should go back."

Xiangxiang nodded, turned and entered the palace.

Murong Li traveled all day and night and arrived at Yuhou Pass within twelve days.Zhou Zhuo, Han Xu, Yan Qing and others all have other military positions, this time only General Huya Shen Yucheng and Lu Jingxi joined the army.The position of the Yuhouguan army is vague. Over the years, the queen and he have tried their best to put people in it, which caused the generals to be inconsistent.So in terms of prestige, the military discipline and popularity here are not as good as Pingduguan.

Murong Li couldn't help it, although he had expected this situation, he couldn't let the Queen intervene, he wasn't prepared, right?The enemy is sharpening their knives, if you put down the butcher knives, you will become a Buddha immediately.Fortunately, there are many literati in the queen's army, and only a handful of them have made military exploits in the army, so most of them have their own positions and are not very popular in the army.Only Murong Li and Taiwei Zhou Yi's subordinates are all capable generals who are good at fighting, and when it comes to war, they are the only ones who can rely on them.

After Murong Li arrived here, even the Queen's people had to tighten their tails and be human. If he really killed you, his death would be for nothing.Therefore, although the inside is complicated, the surface is still harmonious.This is the brilliance of King Yan, no matter when, there must always be one person who can control the scene.At this time, apart from sending Zhou Yi and Murong Li, anyone who went to a place like Yuhou Pass would be dragged and kicked by both sides.A general, if he can't convince the crowd, someone under him will dare to play tricks on you, and sooner or later he will stab you.

Murong Li didn't have any concerns about this at all, who would dare to play tricks, you are as bad as Lao Tzu?Dare to take a chance, I just dragged you to the front of the army, skinned you on the spot, and treated it as a fellow educator. I believe King Yan will thank you for your contribution to the Yan army.

Good good good good.

(End of this chapter)

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