I ordered takeout at Douluo

Chapter 16 The Pope

Chapter 16 The Pope
"You don't even know me?"

"Ju Douluo must know him, he asked me to come."

Tang Sheng pointed at himself, completely unbelievable that there are still people who don't remember his handsome face.

"Get out, don't leave again, kill without mercy."

The guards guarding the gate didn't bother to talk to Tang Sheng.

You think you are a gold coin, everyone knows you.

Even if Chrysanthemum Douluo came in person, they would report it, let alone you, a nobody.

"Damn, kneel down for the young master."

Tang Sheng took out the Pope's decree and placed it in front of several people. The material of this thing is special and it is extremely difficult to imitate.


Several guards knelt down on one knee and obediently saluted Tang Sheng. The papal decree in Tang Sheng's hand was given by the Pope himself.


Tang Sheng returned the word to them intact. If you say you are not angry, no matter how angry you are, you will not be able to help Tang Sheng.

"Elder, when you meet the Pope, you must report first."

Tang Sheng was about to go in, but several guards immediately stopped him, and he wanted to meet the Pope, the process was not over yet!


Tang Sheng's soul was shocked, and he shook several people away, and stepped into the Pope's Palace with a jug of wine in his hand.


Taking a sip of wine into his mouth, this feeling of being drunk and fluttering is the best way to make people forget their troubles.

Only when he was half-drunk and half-awake did Tang Sheng feel that the time passed quickly.

Such an unpretentious life is really boring.

"You go back."

In the Pope's Basilica, the woman sitting high on the main seat gritted her teeth, spat out a few words, and dispersed the guards.

On the other hand, Tang Sheng, who entered the Pope's Palace as if going home, went to the steps of the Pope's Palace and sat down, drinking leisurely.

"You can't drink less."

Tang Sheng suddenly smelled a fragrance, and Bibi Dong was already sitting beside him at some point.

The high and mighty Pope, at this moment, is also like a mortal, sitting on the steps, drinking with Tang Sheng.

That's right, as soon as Bibi Dong finished persuading Tang Sheng, she snatched Tang Sheng's Jiuxian pot and poured a sip of wine into her mouth.

"Alcohol can forget your troubles, and you don't have to think about anything."

Tang Sheng snatched back the Jiuxian pot from Bibi Dong's hand, and took another sip for himself. There was a lingering aroma on the Jiuxian pot.

Bibi Dong was very surprised, what happened to Tang Sheng in the past two years, and his strength became so strong.

She is the pope of Wuhun Temple, a level 99 Limit Douluo, it is not so easy to grab something from her.

Even an ordinary Titled Douluo couldn't do it, but Tang Sheng managed it.

In the past two years, what happened to make a 60-level quasi-hun emperor grow up to where he is today.

"What kind of hardships did you go through in the extreme north?"

"It takes two years to advance to Title Douluo."

The 20-year-old Titled Douluo, even Bibi Dong herself, couldn't compare with Tang Sheng.

"Huh? I drink every day."

Tang Sheng fell to Bibi Dong, with his head resting on Bibi Dong's thigh, feeling really comfortable.

Bibi Dong froze, and immediately snatched Tang Sheng's Jiuxian pot and put it on the open space beside her.

Her slender hand gently touched Tang Sheng's face, while the other hand touched Tang Sheng's head.

"I'm sorry, Miss Dong hasn't looked for you in the past two years."

Bibi Dong held Tang Sheng's head, and her thoughts drifted back to more than ten years ago. She led a team of Titled Douluo to hunt and kill 10-year-old soul beasts.

I happened to meet Tang Sheng, a child who had just awakened his martial spirit, and was alone in the Star Dou Forest, hunting and killing century-old spirit beasts.

She witnessed Tang Sheng holding a stone sword and killing a 400-year-old soul beast with his own strength.

Ever since, she brought Tang Sheng back to Wuhun Palace, and it has been more than ten years.

It wasn't until Tang Sheng reached Soul King that he left Wuhun Temple and went to Canghui College to be a teacher.

In Tang Sheng's body, Bibi Dong saw herself back then, with the same talent and stubbornness.

The only difference is that Tang Sheng is always alone. Even if he only has a martial soul and no soul skills, he can hunt and kill century-old soul beasts alone.

Tang Sheng was stronger than she was back then, until a year ago, when Tang Sheng left Wuhun Temple in anger, she never went to see Tang Sheng again.


Tang Sheng didn't know if he was really drunk, but he wrapped his arms around Bibi Dong's waist tightly and slept very peacefully.

In Bibi Dong's eyes, Tang Sheng was very different, he didn't want to be the Pope's disciple, nor the Holy Son of the Spirit Hall.

Tang Sheng has his own ideas, and doesn't even rely on Wuhundian. It is precisely because he doesn't fit in with the group that he is excluded by everyone in Wuhundian.

If it wasn't for the support of the pope, this group of people would have beaten him up long ago. You are also a soul master, why are you so arrogant?
Back then, Tang Sheng left Wuhun Palace directly in a rage.

Bibi Dong didn't care about this, a real strong man could resist all kinds of gossip and slap those people in the face with his strength.

Her only regret was that Tang Sheng disappeared in the Star Dou Forest two years ago, but she didn't send anyone to look for him.

It wasn't until Tang Sheng reappeared some time ago that Bibi Dong called Ju Douluo and called Tang Sheng back.

"Xiaosheng, it's not that my sister doesn't want to look for you, it's that I really can't do without you."

"Without me in the Wuhun Palace, the Shang Sanzong will attack at any time."

Bibi Dong couldn't let go of her hatred, she wanted to take revenge on everyone, the entire Wuhun Palace, and everything started with the destruction of the Wuhun Palace.

Bibidong picked up Tang Sheng, brought him to the wing of the Pope's Palace, put him on her bed, and gently covered Tang Sheng with the quilt.

"Smelly brother, maybe I'm really a bad person!"

Bibidong picked up the Jiuxian pot, sat beside Tang Sheng, and took a sip of wine for herself.

The taste of this wine was very good, and its soul power was faintly enhanced, so Bibi Dong drank a few more sips.

Put the Jiuxian pot away, and Bibidong went out to deal with the educational affairs. There are many trivial matters in Wuhun Hall every day, and she needs to handle them personally.

The title Douluo of the Wuhun Temple basically has their own affairs, and the people enshrining the Hall only obey Qian Daoliu's orders.

She, the pope, is just a display for those who enshrine the temple. Behind them, there is Qian Daoliu backing her up.

"Come on."

Bibi Dong sat on the main seat, called out, and immediately a guard came in, knelt down on one knee, and looked at the ground.

The guards have no right to see everything in the Pope's Palace, he only needs to obey Bibi Dong's orders and execute them.

"Where's Chrysanthemum Douluo?"

Bibi Dong planned to ask Ju Douluo to send Tang Sheng back after a while.

If Tang Sheng stayed in the Pope's Palace for too long, the old man Qian Daoliu would definitely find out, which would be bad for Tang Sheng.

So what about the Title Douluo, if he didn't reach level 99 Limit Douluo, to Qian Daoliu, he was like a chicken and a dog.

"Reporting to His Majesty the Pope, Elder Ju hasn't returned yet."

"Go down."

Bibi Dong frowned slightly, Tang Sheng wasn't brought by Ju Douluo, so what about Ju Douluo?

Has Tang Sheng surpassed Ju Douluo in strength?If Bibi Dong remembered correctly, Tang Sheng's martial spirit was a stone sword.

It's not some kind of speed and space martial spirit, even if the two compete for speed, Ju Douluo won't be that far behind.

Bibi Dong got up and walked to the wing. She went to see Tang Sheng first. After so long, he should have woken up too.

Bibi Dong was already outside, handling government affairs for two hours, Tang Sheng would be a pig if he slept any longer.

In the wing room, Tang Sheng had already woken up, but he was in a daze now, who could tell him what was going on.

"Sister Dong, what did you do to me?"

Tang Sheng noticed that Bibi Dong came in, wrapped him tightly in the quilt, and stared at Bibi Dong with an aggrieved expression.

Who can tell him why he slept on Bibi Dong's bed with all his clothes stripped off.

who is he?Where is he?What is he going to do?Death asks three times in a row.

(End of this chapter)

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