I ordered takeout at Douluo

Chapter 161 Three Wild Boars

Chapter 161 Three Wild Boars
"Fourth, is that really Xue'er?"

Zhang Jingyang stared at Lin Ziping with a look of disbelief, this transcendent and refined girl was that strange lolita.

"That's right, it's that Xue'er who often abuses us."

Lin Ziping was weeping, his medicine seemed to be taking effect, and he felt that his hair had suddenly grown a lot longer.

It's over, this is the rhythm of changing into a woman's boss, with long hair, he is a man.

"Your fourth son, you have long hair and are quite handsome."

Hu Liena chuckled, Lin Ziping's appearance in women's clothing is actually quite handsome, and he can go out and hook up with people.

"Have you noticed that this monster doesn't have a soul ring?"

Zhang Jingyang pointed to the corpse next to him. The three-headed hellhound had its head broken and was obviously dead.

"Isn't this a soul beast?"

Hu Liena was also a little puzzled, it seemed that all the spirit beasts on Douluo Continent could produce spirit rings.

"Perhaps none of the monsters in the Slaughter City have soul rings."

Zhang Jingyang didn't know how to explain it, but only regarded it as the characteristic of the capital of killing.

The City of Slaughter has rules to suppress it, and it is normal without a soul ring. After all, there is no way to use soul skills here.

"Fourth, why did Xue'er suddenly grow up so big, and her personality changed so much."

Zhang Jingyang was a little skeptical about life. He stayed in the capital of killing for two years, and Xue'er was at least ten years older.

Whether his time has been delayed, or Xueer's time has been accelerated, no matter how you look at it, nothing is good for him!
"Jingyang, I know this."

"When the teacher came last time, I asked the teacher."

Since the first time Hu Liena met Xuedi, not Xueer, she was very curious.

How could a person's personality change so much? Once Bibi Dong came to visit her, she raised this question.

Bibi Dong must know more than she does. Since then, Hu Liena has been in awe of Snow Empress.

"Nana, tell me about Xue'er's situation, what did His Holiness the Pope say?"

Both Zhang Jingyang and Lin Ziping are very concerned about this issue, and Xueer is their little senior sister.

Just now I heard Xuedi's meaning, it seems that they have to be called Shi Niang, so Xue'er doesn't exist anymore?

"Ahem, in fact, Xue'er is the number one super vicious beast Xuedi in the extreme north."

"When Tang Sheng went to the extreme north, he hit it off with Snow Emperor and regarded him as a confidant."

"Xuedi transformed into Xue'er, Tang Sheng took her by his side and called him master and apprentice"

The three of Hu Liena chatted freely on the road, and Zhang Jingyang and Lin Ziping finally knew why Xueer suddenly grew up.

Don't even think about it, Teacher Tang must have contributed to the flames, and when they saw Xuedi in the future, they would all call them Shi Niang.

Hu Liena is actually a little afraid of Xuedi, because she is Bibidong's apprentice, and Bibidong is robbing Xuedi for a man.

Last time in the Slaughter City, Xue Di and Bibi Dong had a fight, and both were injured.

But looking at Xuedi's appearance, it seems that he doesn't bother to take his temper on her, and the person Xuedi hates is Tang Sheng.

This was all asked by Tang Sheng himself. How could it be so easy to enjoy the blessings of being equal to others? Both of them are women of the emperor level.

"No wonder Xuefeng and Xueer bicker, and Teacher Tang helps Xueer."

"No wonder Xue'er is unhappy to abuse us, Teacher Tang is still cheering on."

"I decided to hang out with my wife from now on."

In the last sentence, both Zhang Jingyang and Lin Ziping agreed that the status of his teacher seemed to be no longer high because of Xuedi's awakening.

As long as they follow Xue Di, they will not be afraid of Tang Sheng's troubles, Tang Sheng's troubles, and Xue Di will stand in front of them.

It's a pity that Zhang Jingyang and Lin Ziping didn't know how Tang Sheng was discussing with Xuedi about how to train him when he was killing the palace.

"Tang Sheng, this last killing field, what opponent do you prepare for them?"

Xueer's legs were crossed, and Tang Sheng could clearly see her long white legs.

When there was no one in the Slaughter Palace, Snow Emperor exuded charm everywhere, only showing it to Tang Sheng, but not letting him touch it.

"I'm ready, or I'll take you to see it."

"These are soul beasts of the soul saint level."

What Tang Sheng said immediately attracted Xuedi's attention. There was only one soul beast in the killing field before.

Although the spirit beast is powerful, as long as Hu Liena and the three cooperate well, it will not be a problem to pass the trial.

Snow Emperor followed Tang Sheng, and the two of them came to the wild place after a turnaround.

"Look at those soul beasts in the distance, these are the opponents I prepared for them, a total of 27."

Tang Sheng pointed to the wild boars in the dark wheat field. Their bodies were pitch black and their eyes were red.

"What kind of soul beast is this?"

Xue Di had never seen this kind of soul beast before, it looked very strong, with long fangs and strong attack power.

Moreover, none of these soul beasts exudes a breath lower than that of a soul sage, there are a total of 27 of them here.

"Uh, these are called mutated wild boars, they only hit people."

"Ordinary soul saints are hit, and they will be seriously injured if they don't die."

"There are so many wild boars, let's see how they hide."

Tang Sheng had a smirk on his face. This wild boar is a product of modern times. It is wild and terrifying. It was conceived and raised by Tang Sheng with murderous intent.

With the blessing of the god and ghost pill, the body of the wild boar is like a wall of copper and iron, which cannot be pierced by black iron.

In order to help Zhang Jingyang and the others complete the life-and-death training, Tang Sheng really worked hard.

Blindly killing, in addition to becoming braver, the increase is also limited.

This last hurdle is the ultimate test for Zhang Jingyang and others, and it is Tang Sheng's test of their overall ability.

"These wild boars are so strange, I can't lock them with my mental power."

Xuedi frowned, she couldn't lock the wild boar, so Hu Liena and Lin Ziping certainly couldn't either.

"Yes, their strongest point is immunity to mental attacks."

"It can be said that they have been crazy since they moved."

"If you are not a madman, you will not become a Buddha."

Tang Sheng had high hopes for the three of them. Since Hu Liena and Zhang Jingyang got together, she was Bibidong's apprentice.

In the future, if there are new pills, I won't feed her. Tang Sheng is still very benevolent.

"After completing this test, it's time to open the road to hell."

Xue Di was very curious, could they really walk over?
The three of them supported each other and walked through the road to hell, which is the key to obtaining the domain.

There is only one chance, if the three of them fail, they will be sent out instead of dying on the road to hell.

As for the toxins in their bodies, they have the undigested medicinal effect of Shengui Pill, which has been synthesized and cleaned long ago.

It's just that I have diarrhea occasionally, and I'm very diligent in running the latrine. That kind of chronic poison should be kept in the capital of killing.

"Well, I will let the bloodshed notice go on and start the 100th killing field."

Zhang Jingyang and the others knew Tang Sheng's identity as the King of Slaughter in detail from Hu Liena.

Their performance in the killing capital has always been watched by Tang Sheng, and now is the time to prove themselves.

When the hundredth killing field is over, Tang Sheng will appear and open the road to hell for them.

There, is the real test for them, not just as simple as killing someone.

The next day, both Tang Sheng and Xue Di stood in the stands, waiting for the final killing field.

The 27 wild boars were already on standby around, Zhang Jingyang and the other three were also in the killing field.

The last trial of the devil is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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