I ordered takeout at Douluo

Chapter 228 First Battle

Chapter 228 First Battle
"Mr. Zhou, don't be angry."

"I think my ability is no problem as a control-type soul master. I can use attack power to control the field."

"I can fly and attack from a distance, so I should be able to control the field."

Wang Dong's words were righteous, but his small body was very honest. He still hid behind Tang Sheng, for fear of being caught and scolded by Zhou Yi.

Her duplicity made Zhou Yi laugh, but this smile was a little scary.

"Wang Dong, don't think I don't know."

"You brat just doesn't want to separate from Tang Sheng, saying you're an idiot, and your soul power is second only to Tang Sheng."

"Who told you that the assault department and the control department will be separated, the assault department and the control department are already in the same class."

"You idiot, hurry up and change it for me."

Zhou Yi handed the paper to Wang Dong. Seeing Wang Dong's true temperament, she would not hesitate to teach the class.

Wang Dong is actually pretty smart at ordinary times, but when he met Tang Sheng, he became a lot of stupid.

Immediately afterwards, Huo Yuhao convinced Zhou Yi that his Spirit Eye martial soul could indeed be used as a control system soul master.

Especially his first soul skill, mental detection plus sharing, it is still very easy to control the whole audience.

If Tang Sheng's double control field is added, then their control will be invincible, and they will definitely make the opponent hard to defend.

The three left the classroom, Huo Yuhao went out to sell grilled fish again, and Tang Sheng was hanging out with Wang Dong.

"Tang Sheng, do we want to practice?"

The three of Wang Dong form a team, and they definitely need to work together in order to play the greatest role.

"Wang Dong, with Yuhao's mental detection, we just follow along."

"Tomorrow you will be playing alone, I won't make a shot if it is not necessary."

"work hard!"

Tang Sheng patted Wang Dong's shoulder, and finally he could be lazy. He was really not interested in the first-year students.

Even Xu Sanshi and Beibei couldn't stop his ghostly sorrow, could it be that there are still first graders who can resist?

"Ah, I thought if I followed you, I could directly make soy sauce!"

Wang Dong pouted his little mouth again, and stared at Tang Sheng pitifully, but Tang Sheng turned a blind eye to it.

It's fine for Wang Dong to be lazy in practice, but he has to hone it in real combat, otherwise his whole body will be rusted.

"Let's go, I'll treat you to a big meal."

Tang Sheng brought Wang Dong to the cafeteria and ordered the most expensive set meal, which is a loss-making business for the school.

Regardless of the high price, there is a reason why it is expensive. It is estimated that eating these outside will cost the price of two servings.

Back in the dormitory, Tang Sheng was still practicing sitting cross-legged, while Wang Dong lay down on the bed.

After lying down for a while, Wang Dong realized that Tang Sheng was practicing, so he got up very reluctantly, and also sat cross-legged on the bed to practice.

The next day, freshmen assessed the Soul Arena.

Tang Sheng's team is divided into 33 districts. There are more than 300 teams in the whole first grade. Only half of them will stay, and the rest will drop out.

This is Shrek Academy, a highly competitive academy, it would be useless to enter without strength.

The three of Tang Sheng are all in high spirits today. They used meditation instead of sleeping. Not only has their strength improved, but their spirits are also particularly good.

"The first round of the first assessment."

"Freshman class one: Tang Sheng, Wang Dong, Huo Yuhao, freshman class three: Ouyang Junyi, Chen Junfeng, Zhao Haochen."

"The two sides entered the field and stood in a corner. I said that you can release your martial spirits after the competition begins."

The examiner presiding over District 33 is Wang Yan, a senior teacher, a teacher who is capable of teaching inner court disciples.

The three of Tang Sheng entered the stage, Wang Dong stood at the front, and he and Huo Yuhao stood behind.

The faces of the other three changed, and none of them wanted to meet Tang Sheng. Tang Sheng was in the first grade, but he was a man of the hour.

This slapping of Xu Sanshi, a fifth-year student, is not enough to be a man of the hour, and there were still many first-year students watching the battle that time.

The three boys on the opposite side were crushed just because of their looks. The looks of Tang Sheng and Wang Dong were heaven-defying.

Huo Yuhao, who stood with the two of them, could only be used as a foil to set off their earth-shattering handsomeness.

Wang Yan looked at the positions of both parties, nodded, and then said, "The assessment begins."

The three people on the opposite side instantly released their martial souls, and only Wang Dong released it on Tang Sheng's side. Of course, Huo Yuhao hid it well.

Who would have thought that Huo Yuhao's eyes would be his martial soul, and it was also a powerful spiritual attribute.

Huo Yuhao's mental detection enveloped the range in front of him, allowing Wang Dong to get support.

Wang Dong rushed out directly, his light blue wings spread out, shining light blue light patterns, extremely cool.

When Wang Dong's martial soul was summoned, it immediately became the focus of the entire 33rd District.

Among the other three, one is a food-type soul master, and one of the big chicken drumsticks that Elder Xuan likes to eat most.

If this guy is talented, Elder Xuan will definitely be very happy, and there will be a steady stream of big chicken legs in the future.

Ouyang Junyi is a beast spirit, Chen Junfeng is a weapon spirit, and both of them are combat soul masters of the agility attack system.

Ouyang Junyi's bird spirit is similar to that of a woodpecker, with a spike growing from the front of his right arm.

Unfortunately, compared to Wang Dong's martial spirit, his was much weaker, and he didn't even have the ability to fly.

Chen Junfeng's martial spirit was a soft sword, and in a blink of an eye, both of them rushed towards Wang Dong, but it was a pity that all three of them were first-ring soul masters.

Not to mention Tang Sheng, a level 40 battle soul master, or Wang Dong, a level 30 battle soul master, even if it was Huo Yuhao.

He should be able to barely fight against the enemy. With that terrifying mental detection, Huo Yuhao wouldn't lose so easily.

Ouyang Junyi and Chen Junfeng were extremely fast, and they arrived in front of Wang Dong in just one breath.

It seems that the increase of that food-type soul master should be related to speed.

The team of each class is carefully assigned by the teacher, but it is a pity that they met Tang Sheng's team.

Ouyang Junyi's right hand not only grew spikes, but was also covered with a layer of feathers, making his body much lighter.

His first soul ring lit up, and the spike on his right hand instantly turned into dozens of afterimages, stabbing towards Wang Dong.

Wang Dong blocked with his wings, and those attacks hit the butterfly wings without causing any waves at all.

On the contrary, it was the cold air on the butterfly wings that made Ouyang Junyi slow down a bit, and he missed a single blow. Ouyang Junyi wanted to leave, but how could Wang Dong agree.

The first soul ring under Wang Dong's feet lit up, and the edge of the icy blue butterfly wing turned into a ray of icy blue light, chopping down towards Ouyang Junyi.

It hit with one blow, and Ouyang Junyi's wound was instantly frozen by the extreme cold, and he had lost the ability to fight again.

On the other side, Chen Junfeng also attacked Wang Dong with his soft sword, and Wang Dong threw out an ice wing guillotine again.

The ice blue light shattered Chen Junfeng's soft sword, and the light fell on Chen Junfeng.

Unfortunately, Chen Junfeng turned into an old popsicle.

Immediately after, Wang Dong accelerated, and kicked the food-type soul master off the soul-fighting stage. In just a few breaths, the winner had already been decided.

Everyone never expected that in Tang Sheng's team, besides himself, there was such a powerful attack-type battle soul master.

Although everyone knew that Tang Sheng's team could win, but Tang Sheng didn't make a move, and it was so easy to win, it was too much like a fake match.

I'm afraid this team is the ace team of the first class, and they went to compete for the championship.

"A class of Tang Sheng's team won a game."

Wang Yan announced the result in public, and immediately made a note to Tang Sheng's team on the document in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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