I ordered takeout at Douluo

Chapter 326 Evil Soul Master

Chapter 326 Evil Soul Master

"Purple Shadow Lion?"

Perhaps feeling the fight here, shortly after the battle ended, a Purple Shadow Lion ran over.

The purple shadow lion is extremely fast, has a strong bloodline, and is relatively strong in strength.

In the world of soul beasts, just like in the world of humans, whoever lives long does not have great strength.

Those 10-year-old soul beasts didn't live for 10 years, perhaps, they only lived for tens of thousands of years.

Just like the three-eyed golden beast, only over 1 years old, but comparable to a 10-year-old soul beast.

The so-called number of years refers to their cultivation, not the number of years of life.

Soul beasts are destined to have a bloodline, and a soul beast with a strong bloodline, even if it is a thousand-year-old soul beast, is stronger than some ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts.

For example, the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, even if it is only a thousand year old, ordinary ten thousand year old soul beasts would not dare to provoke it.

Bloodline has the same meaning as martial soul, the stronger it is, the stronger its strength will be.

"Dong'er, let her cook for you!"

Tang Sheng took a look at this group of people. Except for Huo Yuhao, there were no strong controlling soul masters.

With the speed of the Purple Shadow Lion, Huo Yuhao still had a hard time controlling it.

"it is good."

Wang Dong'er looked at the Purple Shadow Lion, with a faint cold air emitting from his body, predicting the position in advance.

Putting down a frozen formation, when the purple shadow lion rushed over, it was instantly frozen into an old popsicle.

"Do you have any needs?"

"This purple shadow lion is good at speed, but the age limit is a bit short."

Wang Dong'er asked casually, it seemed that Li Yongyue and Huo Yuhao hadn't obtained the soul ring yet.

Huo Yuhao's soul ring, Wang Qiu'er will help him find it, this is also for Tang Sheng's sake.

Without Tang Sheng's face, it is Wang Donger's face.

In short, Huo Yuhao's status in Wang Qiu'er's heart was only slightly higher than that of Zhang Lexuan and others.

"I want to see it again."

Li Yongyue didn't choose, it's just a ten thousand year soul ring, even if the blood is relatively strong, its power is limited.

"Everyone rest where they are, and when Wang Qiuer finishes absorbing it, let's go find the soul beast together."

Wang Qiu'er said that there are spirit-type soul beasts, and since Tang Sheng didn't refute, it means that there is such a thing.

Zhang Lexuan directly arranged it properly. She is the elder sister of the inner courtyard and a member of the Sea God Pavilion.

She has an obligation to protect this group of children so that they can protect themselves and grow up in battle.

"If I remember correctly."

"Those thousand-year-old spirit-type soul beasts are going to enter the core area!"

"Everyone, I hope you will be more vigilant."

"I can't guarantee that I can pay attention to you all the time."

Tang Sheng was actually somewhat repulsed by the core area, but the beast god Ditian was fine.

Ditian's master is extremely powerful, and the current Tang Sheng is no match for him.

Back then, the owner of the Tiandao Pavilion, who was already a god, brought him here to meet him.


"Tang Sheng, I feel a powerful aura that is vaguely present in the core area."

With the induction of the snowflake imprint, Wang Dong'er could barely sense the Silver Dragon King, the former co-lord of the soul and beast.

The Dragon God is a deity at the level of a god king, and the Snow Emperor is a deity. Her status is better than that of the Dragon God.

Only then did he take over the honor of being the co-lord of the soul beasts and the Emperor of Longevity.

"You girl, you have a good sense."

"Limit Douluo couldn't even sense it, but you actually sensed it."

Tang Sheng rubbed Wang Donger's hair, as expected of his wife, she is just so good.

The Snow Emperor's reincarnation probably left many life-saving things on Wang Donger's body.

"I don't know either, it's the feeling from the snowflake imprint."

Wang Donger shook his head, Tang Sheng knew about the existence of the Snowflake Seal, which contained everything about the Snow Emperor.

Once Wang Donger dies, the snowflake imprint will be fully activated and she will return to her real body.

Wang Dong'er's situation is different from Tang Sheng's. Tang Sheng has to hit the [-]th level.

Only by becoming a hundred-level true god can he summon the power that originally belonged to him and dissipated in the world.

"Yes, there is an existence stronger than Ditian inside."

"When I was a child too, I visited once with my great-grandfather."

It's not so much a visit as a deterrent. Tang Sheng's reincarnation cannot have any problems.

Otherwise, the entire Douluo Continent will be in chaos, and both humans and spirit beasts need to protect him.

"In the inner circle, is there an existence stronger than the Beast God?"

Zhang Lexuan was shocked, in the entire Douluo Continent, except Tiandao Pavilion, which was not born.

In the secular world, the beast god Ditian is known as the number one powerhouse in the mainland, a soul beast stronger than Limit Douluo.

Is it true that the 80-year limit is for nothing?
You must know that fierce beasts need to go through a catastrophe every 10 years.

Every catastrophe is the power of heaven descending into the world, which is far more terrifying than the breakthrough of human beings.

If humans fail to break through, they can start all over again. On the other hand, if soul beasts fail, there is only one dead end.

Under the might of God, everything is in vain.

"That's right, the core circle of the Star Dou Great Forest, don't step into it lightly."

"There is also the land of the extreme north, neither of which can be stopped by manpower."

Tang Sheng could not help but warn that the extreme north is so dangerous that even the gods have to be careful.

Not to mention these Shrek academies, in the eyes of others, they are not even considered scum.

"Alright, let's go in with Qiu'er."

"Remember, it's about keeping yourself safe."

Tang Sheng chatted with the inner court disciples for a long time. Wang Qiu'er had absorbed the spirit ring, and everyone was going to find spirit-type spirit beasts.

"I'll lead the way."

Wang Qiu'er made a move, and a golden dragon gun appeared in his hand. This is the artifact of the golden dragon clan.

Normally, only Wang Qiu'er can use it, of course, the ones in the sky are another matter.

The Golden Dragon Spear was transformed from the ribs of the Golden Dragon Ancestor, and possessed extremely strong attack power.

Even, the vitality of the soul beast killed by the golden dragon gun will be absorbed by it and feed back to itself.

A proper artifact.

As soon as everyone entered the core area, they encountered a group of small soul beasts.

There is definitely no weak soul beast that can live in the core area.

Otherwise, they would have long been food for other soul beasts in the core area.

"I'll go up and hold them back, Huo Yuhao, help me."

Wang Donger glanced at the six black leopards in front of him, they were stronger than the baboon king.

The most important point is that once the black leopard is entangled, the speed will be reduced a lot.

In such a hurry in the inner circle, he will definitely die and cannot die again.

This battle also allowed the colleges in the inner courtyard to see clearly Wang Qiuer's strength.

In Huo Yuhao's auxiliary department, Wang Qiu'er killed six ink leopards without any pressure.

This kind of fighting power can be described as peerless and amazing.

Just when everyone was lamenting Wang Qiuer's strength and the sky-defying power of the Golden Dragon Spear.

Huo Yuhao's mental detection had issued an early warning. This time it was not a soul beast that appeared, but three people.

A strong sense of danger suddenly lingered in my heart.

Everyone in Shrek stared at the direction of the three of them vigilantly.

Those were three old men, all of whom seemed to be at least 70 years old.

Surprisingly, these three old men were born exactly the same.

And the dress is the same.


Tang Sheng couldn't help sighing that the three old men exuded a disgusting aura.

Obviously, these three old men are most likely evil soul masters.

(End of this chapter)

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