Chapter 64
"Sect Master Ning, you are going too far."

"As Rongrong's father, do you want to give me some resources to facilitate the cultivation of Rongrong!"

The corner of Tang Sheng's mouth twitched, this damned Ning Fengzhi actually turned him into an army, it seemed that he had to think of another way.

"Brother Tang, I wonder if you still have Qiluo Tulip?"

"I am willing to exchange 50 plants of ninth-grade medicinal herbs."

Ning Fengzhi took out 50 strains of ninth-grade medicinal herbs, and he was not under any pressure. The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is as rich as an enemy, and it's not just talk.

However, it is really difficult to get 100 medicinal herbs. In their hands, these medicinal herbs are just medicinal herbs.

But if it is in the hands of Tang Sheng, it is a high-level elixir, and the effect it can exert is far greater than the value of the medicinal materials.

"No more, only this one."

"And this one, you Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect paid for it, and gave it to my disciples to eat."

Tang Sheng left his words here today, you would rather Fengzhi be unkind, then don't blame Tang Sheng for being unrighteous.

If Ning Fengzhi doesn't let go today, he will give Ning Fengzhi a high-level god ghost pill, and what happens has nothing to do with him.

"Rongrong is your apprentice, you have to pay for a medicinal herb!"

Bone Douluo couldn't help rolling his eyes, if it wasn't true that he couldn't beat Tang Sheng, he would find Tang Sheng to practice today.

Let him know what it means to respect the old and love the young, and what it means to love flowers and plants.

"How about this, Qiluo Tulip and Xiaoshenghun Pill, I will produce fifty nine-grade herbs."

Ning Fengzhi deliberated, Ning Rongrong had just apprenticed, so it was understandable to give some apprentice gifts, and the other party was a Limit Douluo, so it shouldn't be too stiff.

"make a deal."

Tang Sheng made the final decision, and directly agreed to pick up dozens of nine-grade medicinal herbs for free, not for nothing.

In fact, Qiluo Tulip is only a ninth-grade medicinal material, and a sixth-grade Shengui Pill is not worth anything.

His quotation for 100 medicinal herbs was actually just a high quotation, and his goal was only 30 medicinal herbs.

Ning Fengzhi is a fool with a lot of money. Bah, he is rich and powerful, so he will do what he can, so let's accept it.

"Then Rongrong will be handed over to Brother Tang."

Ning Fengzhi entrusted Ning Rongrong to Tang Sheng because he was interested in Tang Sheng's method of increasing the lifespan of the soul ring.

This time Ning Fengzhi was wrong, Tang Sheng really didn't help the soul rings of several people in Canghui Academy.


"Rongrong first find a place to absorb Qiluo Tulip."

Tang Sheng led the crowd and found a quiet place, waiting for Ning Rongrong to absorb Qiluo Tulip.

Under Tang Sheng's guidance, Ning Rongrong perfectly absorbed the medicinal power of Qiluo Tulip, and her soul power reached level 40 quasi-soul sect.

She is the third student in Shrek Academy to reach level 40, and Qiluo Tulip really lives up to her reputation.

"It's really the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda!"

"God bless my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Rongrong's future achievements will be limitless."

Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo were so excited, everyone in the surrounding Shrek cast envious eyes.

Among them, only Dai Mubai and Tang San had just reached the Soul Sect level.

As the son of luck, Tang San had another adventure, and the fourth spirit ring was also black.

However, there was Canghui Academy before, and there was another one from Shrek Academy. Everyone was not too surprised, and they got used to it after seeing a lot.

"Rongrong, Dad and your grandpa Gu went home first."

"If you have time, bring your classmates and teacher to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School as guests."

Ning Fengzhi is very anxious now, he is going to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, to absorb that Soul Ascension Pill, and break through to Contra.

"Okay, Dad, don't worry."

Ning Rongrong chuckled, as Ning Fengzhi's caring little padded jacket, she knew what Ning Fengzhi was thinking.

Isn't it just seeing her ascending to the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, and now she is itching to go to the Eight Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda!
"Hey, how did this guy come here?"

Tang Sheng frowned slightly. This busy man also has time, and it was really rare to come to his place to play.

"Rongrong, you go out with me, I have a distinguished guest coming."

"Xiaoxue, are you going?"

Tang Sheng was dozing off, so someone sent him a pillow and a door-to-door welfare, so don't take it for nothing.

"Okay, Master."

Ning Rongrong nodded obediently, in front of Tang Sheng, she did not dare to be presumptuous.

Besides, she is no longer the young lady she was back then, and the man in front of her is still his master.

"Okay, I want to see who the distinguished guest you are talking about is?"

Qian Renxue felt itchy in her heart. With Tang Sheng's status, at least a person of the same level can be called a distinguished guest.

Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu were not distinguished guests with Tang Sheng. Qian Renxue's curiosity was aroused, so she wanted to find out.

Tang Sheng brought Qian Renxue and Ning Rongrong to his home in Tiandou City, a place that wasn't too big.

"You guys pay attention to talking less."

Tang Sheng explained a few words briefly, then pushed open the door and walked into the small courtyard. In the small courtyard at this moment, there was a fierce "person" sitting in his body.

"I said Shura, I don't seem to have done anything lately, have you come to trouble me again?"

Tang Sheng was not polite, and sat opposite God Shura. It was strange that God Shura, a busy person, had time to come to him.

"Pour me some wine."

God Shura pointed to the wine jug on the table, it was empty, this guy is a poor man, with a wine barrel.

"You're such a wine barrel."

Tang Sheng took out the Jiuxian pot and filled God Shura with wine, which he could still entertain.

"How about you give me the Jiuxian pot as well."

When God Shura saw the Jiuxian Pot, it was like looking at his wife. He had been thinking about this thing for a long time, but he just had no chance.

"As long as there is a peanut, you won't be so drunk."

Tang Sheng had an indifferent face. The Jiuxian pot was given to him by the Jiuxian shop.

As a super VIP, Tang Sheng helped the Jiuxian store to do some publicity, and the advertising fee given to him by the Jiuxian store was this Jiuxian pot.

It's cool to have high authority, and Shura God is a big customer of Jiuxian's shop, and he often drinks so much that he loses his fortune.

"Okay, you can drink whatever you want today, I've sent someone to bring food."

Tang Sheng had just sent someone to send food to Shura, the god of law enforcement, and it was not ashamed at all.


God Shura was in a bad mood, so he held the flagon and drank heavily, while Qian Renxue who was watching was speechless.

Which hidden strong man is this? Like Tang Sheng, he looks unreliable, and he is also addicted to alcohol.

Ning Rongrong didn't dare to speak, she had seen the man in front of her before, in the Star Dou Great Forest.

"This is my new apprentice, her name is Ning Rongrong."

"Rongrong, come and call Uncle Shura."

Tang Sheng pulled Ning Rongrong over and formally introduced him to God Shura. As for Xueer, God Shura already knew her.

"Rongrong met Uncle Shura."

Ning Rongrong had a respectful expression on his face, which was countless times more respectful than his own parents and seniors.

Qian Renxue frowned slightly, Ning Rongrong, this little witch, when did she become so obedient and cute?
"Not bad, has the qualifications to become a god."

God Asura glanced at Ning Rongrong indifferently, and commented casually, no matter how beautiful Ning Rongrong is, it doesn't matter, he doesn't like it.

"Sura, as Rongrong's elder, shouldn't you give me a greeting gift?"

"My apprentice has just reached level 40, and I'm an auxiliary soul master. I'm afraid that she will be bullied, and my master has broken my heart."

Tang Sheng started talking nonsense again, crying in a serious manner, how worried he was about Ning Rongrong, what and what.

Qian Renxue, who was watching from the side, couldn't help covering her forehead, this guy is too shameless.

"To shut up."

God Shura scolded angrily, and casually threw a red light, shining on Ning Rongrong.

And at this moment, the gate of the small courtyard was pushed open, and the food Tang Sheng ordered had been served.

 Guess everyone, who will bring the food?
(End of this chapter)

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