Chapter 129 Digging Trees
Tang Ming said: "Since everyone has no objection, then it's decided."

Song Zihui shouted from the side: "I have an opinion, I don't like this name, the nouveau riche atmosphere is too strong."

Tang Ming continued to ignore him, taking it as revenge for his bad things, and said: "However, it's too early to name this tree, let's go back and find out if this tree is an unknown plant, and then Talk about names."

Song Zihui shouted again: "Old Tang, you can do it, and you actually ignore my opinion."

Tang Ming pretended not to hear, and continued to walk forward. Song Zihui was very annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.

After crossing Un'Goro Mountain and returning to the valley on the side of the pasture, they found their horses and rode to the stables.

At the stables, take all the horses back to the stables, and they return to the villa.

As soon as he walked into the living room, Tony couldn't wait to say: "Don, quickly take out the photos and compare them online."

Tang Ming said, "Don't worry, I'll go upstairs to get the computer."

Tang Ming ran upstairs, went downstairs with his notebook, took out his mobile phone, called up the photos of those golden trees, and sat on the sofa pretending to look them up.

After checking for a while, Tang Ming couldn't sit still, and said, "I still have something to do, you can check it, and just tell me the result."

Tony said, "Okay, go get busy."

Tang Ming walked out of the villa and strolled behind the villa, thinking about the golden tree.

Now that the golden tree has finally been born in a legitimate way, it is necessary to develop the value of the golden tree. In addition to being able to repel insects, the bark and heart of the golden tree have many uses. The bark is similar to agarwood, and the uses are similar. The heart can be used as mahogany and made into furniture, various handicrafts, and play bracelets. In short, the value of the golden tree is very high.

However, there is still a problem that bothers him now, that is, there is still a part of the Un'Goro Mountains that does not belong to him. If the news of the Golden Tree leaks, the government will definitely not buy that part of the mountain range.

Thinking of this, Tang Ming took out his mobile phone, called Lucy, and asked about the progress of this matter.

As he expected, there was no progress, and the government was not prepared to sell the mountain range.

Tang Ming knew that Lucy could not be relied on alone for this matter. She used to be a middle-level member of Westpac Bank and had no access to the upper-class society. Tang Ming planned to find a company specializing in this kind of matter to handle this matter.

In fact, relationships are also important in Western society, otherwise there would not be so many lobbying companies.

Now Tang Ming's weakness is that he doesn't have enough connections, so it's hard to find a way out when encountering some things.

After hanging up the phone and putting the phone back in his pocket, Tang Ming walked to the koi pond, took out a basin of fish food from Xiahe Cave, and sprinkled it into the koi pond.

Koi swim from the middle of the pond, shuttle under the lotus, and swallow the fish food floating on the water.

Before Tang Ming finished feeding the fish food, Song Zihui came over and said, "I knew you were here, tell me, is today's incident premeditated."

Tang Ming looked at him in bewilderment, and asked, "What premeditation?"

Song Zihui said: "Did you discover that kind of tree before, and you took us there specially today?"

Tang Ming admired Song Zihui's keen intuition in his heart, but he said in his mouth: "You are kidding me, what good is it for me to plan this kind of thing? If I had discovered that kind of tree long ago, I would have told you a long time ago. It is useful Is it taking so much trouble? This is not something shameful."

Song Zihui thought for a while, and said, "That's right, the logic is indeed somewhat illogical, but why do I always feel that there is some kind of conspiracy in it?"

Tang Ming smiled and said, "That's because you think too much, you'd better go back and think about it for yourself, don't keep all kinds of conspiracy theories all day long."

Of course, Song Zihui never imagined that these golden trees were not species on the earth, but part of the heritage of another extraterrestrial civilization, so he would never have imagined that Tang Ming's time-consuming planning was only because of a guilty conscience, fearing that others would guess the truth. It is illogical for others to discover the golden tree with him.

Seeing that Song Zihui didn't speak, Tang Ming asked again: "By the way, how did the investigation go?"

Song Zihui put the matter aside, shook his head, and said, "I couldn't find the same species online. Tony is calling a botanist in the United States to ask about this tree."

Tang Ming asked worriedly: "He won't leak the news about this tree, will he?"

Song Zihui said: "Don't worry, Tony is such a prudent person, he will not ignore the importance of things. He just called and asked, and didn't disclose any information."

Tang Ming said, "That's good."

They chatted here for a while, and seeing that it was almost time, they walked back to the villa.

Tony had finished making the phone call, and Tang Ming asked, "How is it? Is there any news about this tree?"

Tony said: "There is no tree that is the same as the plant we found today, so it is safe to say that we have discovered a new plant today."

Tang Ming said with a smile: "In this case, the name of the Golden Tree is confirmed."

Song Zihui said: "It's all yours, you can do whatever you want."


The next morning, Tang Ming, Song Zihui, Tony, Mike and a few cowboys went into the mountain again. Besides weapons, they also brought various tools. Today they are going to dig some golden trees and plant them in the villa. yard.

Tang Ming didn't look for those 20-meter-high golden trees, which were too big for them to lift out. Instead, they found a three-to-four-meter-high golden tree, and everyone picked up a shovel and started digging. .

There are many people and strength, and it took them more than ten minutes to dig out the golden tree.

The diameter of this golden tree is only a few centimeters thick, the trunk is straight, and there are not many branches on it. After a simple cleaning, two cowboys carried the golden tree out of the mountain, and the others stayed and continued to dig the tree.

After a whole day of work, Tang Ming and the others dug up ten golden trees and sent them to the courtyard of the villa.

After dinner in the evening, they planted these golden trees in the yard of the villa.

At night, while everyone was asleep, Tang Ming came to the yard, took out a bucket of pond water from Xiahe Cave, and poured some water on each golden tree.

After pouring the pond water, he sent the bucket back to Xiahe Dongtian, Tang Ming went back to the bedroom, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

In the morning, after Tang Ming woke up, he went to the bathroom to wash up, hugged Dongdong, and led Chouchou downstairs.

Now every morning, in addition to taking Chouchou for exercise, he also needs to take Dongdong with him, lest he learn Chouchou's original appearance and become lazy and greedy.

When he walked into the yard, Tang Ming felt a change. Usually, when he came out every morning, there were flies flying around him everywhere, so he had to be very careful when speaking to prevent the flies from flying into his mouth.

But today, he didn't see a single fly. Tang Ming knew that the fragrance from the golden tree had an effect.

(End of this chapter)

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