Chapter 446 Plan
Tang Ming heaved a sigh of relief, and gave Cornelia a thumbs up, and she smiled triumphantly.

Tang Ming walked over and said to them: "Dad, Mom, I called Ms. Palasha, and she will help me handle this matter."

He was afraid that his parents would worry, so he didn't say anything about letting Kelly deal with Enoch.

"En." Although Tang Jianguo didn't speak, he just nodded, but Tang Ming knew that he was not angry anymore, but as a father, he couldn't save face.

Su Huiqin said: "Okay, son, your father is fine, you and Xiaoya can go back."

"Okay, then we'll go back."

"Father, mother, please be busy, we are leaving."

Tang Ming and Cornelia walked towards the villa holding hands.

"Boss, there are several reporters at the gate of the ranch who want to interview you."

When they walked to the door of the villa, they met Mike.

"Let them go, I won't accept interviews." Tang Ming shook his head and refused.

"Okay, I'll let them go." Mike said and left.

Cornelia said, "Honey, you should do an interview and let your voice be heard."

Tang Ming didn't speak, but just shook his head.

If he didn't want to deal with Enoch, he would definitely accept interviews and scold him in the media to vent his anger, but now that he was dealing with him, it would be pointless to do these things again.

In the evening, Kelly came over and brought a detailed plan. After Tang Ming read it, he felt very good and agreed to his plan.

After Kelly went back, he gathered a small team and began to prepare.

In the next few days, Enoch did not publicly apologize to Tang Ming.

Tang Ming didn't pay attention to this matter, he has been waiting for Kelly to carry out the plan, as long as the plan is successful, it doesn't matter if Enoch apologizes or not.

In addition to this bad thing, two good things happened in the past few days. The first thing is that Song Qian came back from the Solomon Islands. Since then, Snake Island belongs to him. This island can no longer be called Snake Island. Instead, it was renamed Taoyuan Island.

The second thing is that Toyama led people to successfully salvage the sunken ship. More than ten tons of gold bricks and a batch of jewelry and antiques were recovered from the sunken ship, with a total value of more than one billion Australian dollars.

Tang Ming sent all the gold bricks to the gold mine, and asked Stilwell to re-purify the gold bricks and send them back after recasting.

At the same time, the news that Tang Ming got these treasures spread, and the Solomon Islands government and the Japanese government called him one after another, wanting to get a piece of the pie.

Facing the Solomon Islands government, Tang Ming was able to explain patiently, telling them that these treasures were found on the high seas and had nothing to do with the Solomon Islands.

But in the face of the Japanese government, Tang Ming directly told them to leave. Although these treasures came from Japanese ships, they were all looted by Japan during World War II. Now they have the face to say that the treasures belong to them. Thick-skinned, Little Japan says second, no one dares to say first.


On the night of July 23rd, Sydney Airport.

Enoch and his party of seven or eight got out of the car, entered the airport talking and laughing, and boarded the plane to Manila, Philippines.

He has been under a lot of pressure in the past few days. The Governor of Australia and the Governor of Kunzhou, Palasha, both called him and asked him to apologize to Tang Ming. At the same time, many media reported that he insulted Tang Ming. The media criticized him as a racist.

But he withstood these pressures and resolutely refused to apologize to Tang Ming. Although he offended a group of people, he also got the support of many people at the same time.

Today he is going to Manila to talk about an important cooperation. He believes that as long as he stays in Manila for a few days, the turmoil will pass when he returns.

As for Tang Ming's reaction, he dismissed it. Tang Ming hadn't spoken out for the past few days, and he already regarded Tang Ming as a softie in his heart.

But he didn't know that at this time, not far from him, there were two people watching him in the dark, watching his plane take off, and these two people left the airport and returned to the alpine pasture.

In the alpine ranch, Kelly was busy contacting the people sent to Manila, asking them to track Enoch in real time and not to lose him.

Alva walked up to Kelly with an apple, took a bite, and asked while eating, "Kelly, can your plan work, don't make any mistakes."

Kelly turned back and smiled, "Why, you're still not convinced."

"Of course I'm not convinced. Why are you playing so many tricks? Just send a gunman to kill him. I promise that even God won't know." Alva took another bite of the apple.

Kelly said: "Things are not so simple. Enoch is a senator, not an ordinary person. If you murder a senator, think about how much trouble it will cause. At that time, all the fingers will be pointed at the boss. In Chinese, the boss will become He is the target of public criticism, and now he uses the power of outsiders to deal with him, even if someone doubts the boss, he will not do anything to the boss, on the contrary, it can give a warning to those who have evil intentions, so that they dare not trouble the boss again."

"It's too complicated, you can play by yourself, I'm going back to sleep." Alva threw the apple core on the ground and walked out.

Kelly shook his head helplessly and continued to keep in touch with Manila.

Until the next morning, the plane that Enoch and his party took landed at Manila Airport. They got off the plane and met the person who picked them up.

They came to the hotel, rested in the hotel until noon, and walked out of the hotel in the afternoon.

"They came out, five of them, Enoch and two of his bodyguards, and the other two were Filipinos."

Outside the hotel, there were two people watching all the time. When they saw them walk out of the hotel, they immediately reported to Kelly in Australia.

Kelly was shocked and said, "Proceed according to the plan."

The monitoring security personnel said: "Yes, instructor."

After finishing the call with Manila, Kelly made a call to Tang Ming.

Tang Ming was riding a horse in the pasture. When he received his call, he rode Lizi to the base of the security company. He got off Lizi and let him graze outside. Tang Ming walked into the building and met him in a room. Here comes Kelly.

"Kelly, what's going on?"

Kelly said: "Boss, the plan is going well. Enoch is not prepared at all. I think he will pay the price soon."

Tang Ming smiled and said, "I'm relieved now."

While they were talking, Enoch from Manila came to the casino and played in it for more than two hours before coming out.

As soon as the group of them reached the door, Enoch was bumped by a person.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sir. I walked too fast and bumped into you. I hope you can forgive me." The man apologized to Enoch with trepidation.

"Okay, it's okay." Enoch frowned, patted his clothes, turned around and took the man away.

The man went on to shout: "Thank you, sir, you're such a nice guy."

Enoch didn't see it. When he turned around, the man had a smile on his face. When Enoch walked away, the man whispered: "My task is completed, and I can start the following plan."

(End of this chapter)

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