Mixed in Australia to be a local tyrant

Chapter 543 Laboratory Establishment

Chapter 543 Laboratory Establishment

(The update is still going on, but the state is not good recently, and I am a little busy, so I didn't add the update. It will be fine after I finish my work tomorrow, and I will start adding the update the day after tomorrow)
Andy stepped forward and shouted: "Friends from the press, please make way, our boss will be interviewed later..."

However, the reporters were too enthusiastic to listen to the advice at all, and continued to ask questions non-stop.

Andy had no choice but to ask the security personnel to surround Tang Ming and Cornelia, squeezing out of the reporter's encirclement.

Tang Ming heaved a sigh of relief, took Cornelia's hand and walked towards the guests.

"Good morning, Don."

"Parasha, you're here too."

Palasha was also here. They greeted each other and said a few words. Under her introduction, Tang Ming met several congressmen.

Professor Wells came over and said, "Mr. Tang, Madam Prime Minister, ladies and gentlemen, hello."

He is in very good condition today, he looks 20 years younger in high spirits.

"Professor Wells, congratulations."

"Professor, I wish you success in your research."

"My old friend, congratulations."


Professor Wells is also one of the protagonists today, and many people came forward to congratulate him.

Starting today, he has become one of the leaders of the Australian scientific community in charge of the Wells Down Dinosaur Laboratory.

"Mr. Tang, hello, I am Michael Spencer, President of the University of Sydney."

While Tang Ming and the others were talking, an old man in his 70s and [-]s came over and greeted Tang Ming warmly.

"Hi, Principal Spencer, it's an honor to meet you." Tang Ming shook hands with him.

"Mr. Tang, I am the principal of the University of Queensland, and my name is Peter."

Before they exchanged greetings, another university president came over.

Immediately afterwards, the presidents of well-known Australian universities such as the Australian National University, the University of Melbourne, Monash University, and the University of New South Wales all came to greet Tang Ming, and their attitudes were very warm.

Tang Ming was surrounded by these university principals, and Palasha and the others were chatting beside them, laughing when they saw this scene.

After ten o'clock, Palasha came onto the stage and said, "Everyone, it is a great honor for me to witness the establishment of the Wells Tang Dinosaur Laboratory today. I would like to thank Mr. Tang for his generosity and contribution to science. contribution to the world."

"Clap clap clap..."

There was warm applause from the audience.

When the applause stopped, Palasha continued to speak.

After talking for a few minutes, she came down, and Professor Wells went up. He only spoke for a few minutes, and finally said: "Okay, I've finished what I want to say, please come to the stage, Mr. Tang."

"Clap clap clap..."

Amidst the warm applause, Tang Ming ran onto the stage, took the microphone from Professor Wells, hugged Professor Wells, watched him step off the stage, and said: "Thanks Professor Wells, he is He is a very honest person, and I am very relieved to hand over the Wells Down Dinosaur Laboratory to him."

"...Although this laboratory mainly studies how to resurrect dinosaurs, it will produce a lot of technologies that are beneficial to the world in this process. I hope that more and more great scientists will join this laboratory and contribute to human civilization. Contribute, thank you."

Tang Ming bowed and went down amidst warm applause.

At this point, the Wells Tang Dinosaur Laboratory was officially established. Unlike China, no lunch is provided here. After the ceremony, everyone dispersed.

Others could leave, but Tang Ming was surrounded by reporters again.

Tang Ming had to answer a few questions before returning to Zhijiu under the escort of Andy and the others.

Zhi Jiu did not fly directly back to the ranch, but circled around, avoiding the sight of the reporters, and landed in front of Pei Yuanping's laboratory.

Pei Yuanping also went to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Wells Tang Dinosaur Laboratory just now. After returning, he did not enter the house, but waited outside for Tang Ming to come.

Tang Ming came down from Zhijiuli and asked, "Professor Pei, what do you want from me?"

Pei Yuanping said, "Come on, let's go upstairs and talk."

"Okay." Tang Ming nodded, then turned his head to look at Cornelia, "Honey, will you go in with us?"

"No, I'll wait for you outside, and take a walk for a while." Cornelia shook her head.

Tang Ming said, "Okay, I'll let Andy and the others stay here with you."

Andy promised: "Boss, don't worry, we will protect Madam well."

Tang Ming and Pei Yuanping entered the laboratory and went upstairs to Pei Yuanping's office.

Pei Yuanping poured a cup of tea for Tang Ming, sat opposite Tang Ming and said, "Mr. Tang, after thinking about it for the past few days, I feel that there are two projects that are very valuable, and I want to get your funding."

Tang Ming took a sip of tea and said, "Tell me about it."

Pei Yuanping said: "The first project is the study of dinosaur food. After tens of millions of years of development on the earth, the current age of plants and dinosaurs has undergone great changes. If dinosaurs are resurrected, can they adapt to modern times? The plants are still unknown, I think this is a good research direction, but I don't think anyone will fund this kind of research except Mr. Tang."

"Professor Pei, you have a good idea." Tang Ming nodded approvingly. Although Professor Pei was asking him for money, he really put his heart into it. "Professor Pei, what's your second idea?"

Pei Yuanping added: "The second is to study pomegranate seeds. Although X-fiber is a good thing, the market is always limited. The market size can reach tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of tons at most, but pomegranate seeds The output will be more and more, and it will reach billions of tons or more every year in the future. It is impossible to use so many pomegranate seeds to extract X fiber, so I want to do a detailed research on pomegranate seeds, see Let's see what other uses for the saffron."

"Isn't this Zhiyuan's research?" Tang Ming said, "By the way, why didn't I see him?"

Professor Pei said: "He has asked for leave to return to China, and he will not be able to return until after New Year's Day."

Tang Ming said: "I see, Professor Pei, please continue."

Professor Pei said, "The research team in Zhiyuan is too small, and I plan to gather half of the lab's strength to study pomegranate seeds, and form several or even a dozen research groups to conduct various researches on pomegranate seeds. .”

Tang Ming pondered for a while and said, "In this case, I support Professor Pei's research. I will give you 200 million Australian dollars for the first project, and 2000 million Australian dollars for the second project."

"Thank you Mr. Tang for your support." Pei Yuanping thanked Tang Ming happily.

Although the two projects only received two million Australian dollars in funding, Pei Yuanping knew Tang Ming well and knew that Tang Ming would not be stingy with money as long as he could produce results.

At the same time, although he wanted to get Tang Ming's funding, it didn't mean he was cheating Tang Ming of his money. He really wanted to do research.

After sitting with Pei Yuanping for a while, Tang Ming said goodbye, went outside to meet Cornelia, and flew back to the ranch.

(End of this chapter)

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