Chapter 644 Champion
"There are such powerful cowboys among the Chinese!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that!"

"This cowboy's riding skills are really good, but he is too strong, otherwise he can become a professional jockey."


Tang Hai, Tang Jianguo, Su Huiqin and Cornelia all expressed surprise.

"Who is this? It can't be my alumni, right? It doesn't look like it?" Tang Ming asked the people around him.

The cowboys sent by Songjiang University of Science and Technology are generally in their 20s, and no one is over 30 years old, but this cowboy named Duan Yanshan is obviously in his 30s.

"I know, uncle, Duan Yanshan is a cowboy recruited from Australia, not from China. He seems to be a cowboy in another ranch before." Tang Xiaoyu leaned over and said.

"Oh." Tang Ming nodded, indicating that he understood.

This time, Alva, Andy, and Kelly were on stage to present the awards, and some from the security company also attended the competition, but compared with the cowboys who ride on horseback every day, their riding skills are weaker, and no one has won the ranking.

The people brought by Song Qian, Owen and Stilwell were also wiped out. Song Qian and Owen were fine, they didn't boast in front of Tang Ming, and they were still sitting here talking and laughing happily with Tang Ming's family.

But Stilwell didn't dare to come back, and was reprimanding those who participated in the competition.

After half an hour of rest, the third game began.

This time it was a carriage race, and thirty carriages were lined up, waiting for the race to begin.

Following the referee's order, the impatient cowboys rushed out in the carriage.


After the horse racing ended, Cornelia stood up and said, "It's time for me to get on the field, I'm going to get ready."

"Honey, come on, you will definitely win the championship." Tang Ming stood up and cheered her up.

"Yes." Cornelia nodded confidently.

Tang Hai, Tang Jianguo, and Su Huiqin all sent their blessings, and Xue'er even called her mother inarticulately. Kernelia excitedly hugged Xue'er and kissed and kissed before turning around to prepare.

This time Cornelia was riding a chestnut, and her Angela was an Arabian horse. Although she had not participated in a race, she had racing blood and could not participate according to the rules, so she replaced it with a chestnut.

The number of participants in this competition was relatively small, less than 20 people, and this also included the four female knights brought by Song Qian.

However, after Cornelia and the others led the horses to the stage, the cheers were more intense than the previous three games, because this was not only a duel between female knights, but also their proprietress.

After preparing for a while, the referee shouted: "Start."

Cornelia drove the chestnut and rushed out in the first place.

Tang Ming and the others yelled outside the arena, cheering for Cornelia.

Cornelia and Lizi cooperated very well, leading to the finish line with an absolute advantage.

"Congratulations to our lady boss for winning the championship. I have to say that our lady boss is not only beautiful, but also very good at riding." Mike walked on the stage and said, "I'm going to invite our boss to present awards to the lady boss."

Tang Ming stepped onto the stage, took the microphone from Mike, and asked, "Are you happy today?"


"We're very happy."

"thank you boss."


There was a loud shout from the audience.

Tang Ming listened quietly with a smile on his face, and continued after the sound disappeared, "Since everyone is happy, then every year from now on, the ranch will hold a horse race. In addition, other activities will be held one after another, such as basketball games, Football games and so on, maybe you will be the champion of the next event, well, I won’t say more, let’s present the awards now.”

Cornelia came to the stage with the runner-up and the third runner-up. Tang Ming took the gold brick from Mike and handed it to Cornelia, and kissed her affectionately. There was another round of cheers from the audience.

Just as Tang Ming was about to step down, the female knight next to him shouted, "Boss, we also want you to present the award. If someone else presents it, we won't accept it."

Tang Ming was stunned for a moment, looked at Cornelia, and asked, "Is it okay?"

"Yes, boss, we agreed on behalf of the lady boss."

"Boss, come on."

"Boss, we support you."


Cornelia hadn't answered yet, but the spectators in the audience shouted loudly.

"Of course." Cornelia said with a smile.

"Alright then." Tang Ming shrugged and stepped off the stage.

Taking the gold brick from Mike with a strange smile on his face, he walked up to the female knight and said, "Congratulations, lovely girl."

"Thank you boss." The female knight took the gold brick from Tang Ming and thanked Tang Ming.

Tang Ming presented awards to the third runner-up again, then picked up the microphone and said: "This is the end of today's event. Although only a few people participated in the competition and got rewards, I have prepared some small prizes for everyone. You can Get it from Tang Xiaoyu, okay, thank you everyone, by the way, take the trash with you when you leave."


Tang Ming and Cornelia rode back side by side and asked, "Are you happy to win the championship?"

"I'm happy, but next time I won't ride a chestnut." Cornelia said.

Lizi listened to Tang Ming and Cornelia talking with his ears upright, and after hearing what Cornelia said, he let out a cry of dissatisfaction.

"Why?" Tang Ming asked puzzled.

"Because Lizi is so powerful, riding Lizi to run with other people makes me feel like I'm cheating." Cornelia explained.

Chestnut's ears shook happily, apparently Cornelia's explanation made it very happy, and it even glanced at Angela proudly, which means that I am better than you.

"Look how happy Lizi is." Tang Ming touched Lizi's ears with a smile, and said, "Honey, you are not flattering Lizi, let him run faster next time."

Cornelia glared at him angrily, and said, "Don't make jokes with me, I'm telling you something serious."

"Okay, okay, don't ride a chestnut next time, okay?" Tang Ming immediately gave up.

They chatted all the way, returned to the stable, sent Li Zi and Angela back to the stable, Tang Ming and Cornelia walked home.

Big Fatty Erpang, Xiaobai and Hercules ran out, and the cheerful Tang Ming and Cornelia circled around.

"Are you here to congratulate Mom?" Cornelia asked with her head bowed.

"Wang Wang Wang..."




They shouted around Cornelia, as if they were congratulating Cornelia for winning the championship.

Cornelia picked up Xiao Hei and said, "Thank you, Mommy made something delicious for you at noon."

Now they are even more excited. Since the last inspection at the pet hospital, their food range has been strictly controlled by Tang Ming and Cornelia, and they haven't eaten delicious food for many days.

(End of this chapter)

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