School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 102 Early stage of S rank!

Chapter 102 Early stage of S rank!
"Of course, otherwise, the guardian fire would become a common cabbage on the street, wouldn't everyone have it?" Future said with a black line on his face, a little speechless.

"Then I will stay here like this now?" Lin Yi asked.

Lin Yi is still worried about Emily now. If he keeps doing this, I guess according to Emily's personality, I'm afraid she will cry anxiously. Lin Yi is most reluctant to let his woman cry because of him. This is what Shangguan Wan'er asked before. After crying by himself, Lin Yi would be in a bad mood.Alas, poor Andrew.

"Otherwise? Oh, by the way, the Guardian Fire is now breaking through the barrier in the middle stage of the elementary stage and stepping into the peak stage of the elementary stage, but, no matter what, it just hasn't broken through. There have been times like this before, and it seems that something is missing Same, just can't break through the barriers in the middle stage of the elementary stage, but this time is the best time for the guardian fire to set foot on the peak of the elementary stage, because the guardian fire emits extremely flammable air." Future said.

"Oh? There is such a thing? Why did it happen before, why didn't I know?" Lin Yi frowned.

After hearing Lin Yi's words in the future, the future slapped his forehead and said with hatred: "Stupid! That's because the guardian fire was still very weak at that time, not as strong as this time, and, at that time, the guardian fire If you can feel the extreme inflammation before it emits, you must be a ghost!"

After hearing Mirai's explanation, Lin Yi chuckled and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. He had never thought of such a simple thing, but, what's wrong... What's wrong?

By the way, the advancement of the guardian fire this time is related to Emily. It is precisely because of Emily that my own guardian fire cannot set foot on the so-called primary peak. After all, the guardian fire is because Shangguan It was born of Wan'er, but now it's advanced because of someone else, it's strange that it can break through the barrier in the middle stage of elementary level, so, if I only think about Wan'er now, what will happen?

With this idea in mind, Lin Yi asked for future opinions: "In the future, to be honest, the advancement of the guardian fire this time should be related to Emily, and the opening of the guardian fire should be related to Wan'er. If at this time, I think about Shangguan Wan'er wholeheartedly, recalling everything that happened with Wan'er, can this make the Fire of Protection reach the peak of the primary level?"

"Oh? It should be possible, try it, you won't die anyway." Future nodded.

"..." The words about the future left Lin Yi speechless, he wouldn't be able to die anyway... He said as if he would die, but you wouldn't know how to die. However, since you have this idea, you should put it into practice, otherwise it will be just talk on paper. It doesn't make sense anymore.

Lin Yi, who had made up his mind, immediately sat down, curled up like a monk meditating. Then, Lin Yi sealed his thoughts with the supernatural power in his body, and transferred the time when he met Wan'er to and from France. previous memories.

Afterwards, those memories flashed through Lin Yi's mind one by one like a movie playing. Looking at himself and Wan'er at that time, Lin Yi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly. Only then did Lin Yi realize that Shangguan Wan'er had something in his heart. How important it is, even if you give up everything, you can't give up on Shangguan Wan'er. Of course, in all of this, the people Lin Yi cares about are excluded.

A picture after another was reflected in Lin Yi's mind, making Lin Yi experience it again. After such a long time, he heard Shangguan Wan'er's voice again. It's so good. At this moment, if it's not a memory, Lin Yi really wants to Hugging Shangguan Wan'er in her arms, she and Shangguan Wan'er will grow old together forever. They have been together forever, and will never be separated again.

Shangguan Wan'er's beautiful face and long hair matched with Shangguan Wan'er's plump figure. At this moment, Lin Yi's impression of Shangguan Wan'er became deeper and deeper, not only Shangguan Wan'er's beautiful appearance and The perfect figure is also Shangguan Wan'er's perseverance to her. She came from a humble background, but Shangguan Wan'er did not dislike her and wanted to be with her.

But because of his identity, he has never accepted Shangguan Waner. Lin Yi knew that Shangguan Waner was very sad and sad. Lin Yi had already made up his mind to wait until he returned to China and returned to Shangguan Waner's side. , must make up for the harm she caused Wan'er.

At this moment, Yu Ning, Lin Xinyue, Emily, Zaki, Future, Mebius, Shikali and others were all forgotten by Lin Yi. Now in Lin Yi's mind, only himself and Shangguan Wan'er There is no doubt that this is the best two-person world. You don't have to fight or kill people just to survive. Although it's just a memory, this is the best memory in Lin Yi's mind.

However, memories are both beautiful and painful. They are close at hand, but far away in the sky. What is in front of them is just a memory, but the real Shangguan Wan'er is far away. Go back to Wan'er's side as quickly as possible, even if you tell Emily your identity, turn into Mebius, take Emily back, and return to Shangguan Wan'er's side.

Just when Lin Yi missed Shangguan Wan'er, the fire of protection burned more and more vigorously, and the power of extreme inflammation radiated faster and faster. At this moment, the temperature of Lin Yi's body surface became higher and higher. Going higher and higher really scared Emily, but she was relieved to see that Lin Yi was fine.

Looking at the burning guardian fire in front of me with relief, the future is getting closer and closer to the unattainable barrier, and it is a little bit away. Looking away from the guardian fire, the future looks at this moment and smirks Lin Yi, the future knows, Lin Yi is thinking about Shangguan Waner, thinking about the encounter and what happened with Shangguan Waner before, and the future will not bother him.

One is because the guardian fire almost broke through, and the other is to make Lin Yi accept Shangguan Wan'er well and make Lin Yi cherish Shangguan Wan'er more and more. After all, in the eyes of the future, although Lin Xinyue and Lin Yi's relationship is very good, but in the future, Shangguan Wan'er is still confirmed, and Lin Yi and Shangguan Wan'er's marriage is confirmed.

After a long time, those memory clips about Shangguan Wan'er were about to be played, and the guardian fire advanced!Reached the primary peak!The guardian fire at this moment has changed from occupying half of Lin Yi's heart before to [-]%!In other words, the guardian fire has doubled in intensity!The protective fire at this moment has completely occupied the heart.

And Lin Yi's strength also reached the early stage of S-level due to the advancement of the guardian fire to the peak of the primary level. It did not reach the expected peak of the early stage of S-level. Triple what is required for an A grade!In other words, at the S level, it will become more and more difficult to improve the strength.

With the advancement of the guardian fire, Lin Yi's memory about Shangguan Wan'er is almost played, and his thinking will be disturbed if there is no future. After the memory is finished, Lin Yi opened his eyes and asked the future impatiently: " How is it? Have you broken through?"

"Well, it succeeded. The Guardian Fire has successfully reached the peak of the elementary level, and your strength has also reached the early S-level because of the Guardian Fire." Future smiled at Lin Yi.

"Ah? It's only the early stage of S-level..." After hearing the words of the future, Lin Yi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Before, the improvement in strength was two small levels or more, but now, he only reached the early stage of S-level. , not the peak of the early stage of S-level.

"What's wrong? Disappointed?" Seeing Lin Yi's appearance in the future, he knew his mood.

"That's right, although the strength has improved, but it is only at the beginning of the S-level. Such strength is not enough to protect Wan'er." Lin Yi sighed slightly, and said: "I have to become stronger!"

"Hehe, it's good to have ambition, but don't be too disappointed. After all, S-level is already very powerful. You know, my Phoenix form is only at the peak of S-level early stage. Now you have a phoenix form that is almost comparable to Phoenix form." Ability, no, when you are at the peak of the late A-level, you have already completely surpassed the phoenix form, which is already perfect. You must know that at the S-level, it will become more and more difficult to improve your strength. You can reach the S level by virtue of the guardian fire. At the peak of the early stage, this is a ghost." Future enlightened Lin Yi.

After hearing the words of the future, Lin Yi's lost mood got a little better, at least not so lost.

(End of this chapter)

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