School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 105 The Funny 2 Girls

Chapter 105 The Funny Second Daughter

"Really? They are three monsters. You are only alone, so you should be outnumbered, right?" Emily doesn't know anything about the world of power. Even Shangguan Wan'er and the others, who are human beings, know something about The things in the power world, these are what Hikari told them, otherwise, they would not know about it.

"Hehe, outnumbered? It's a joke. As an S-level strongman, how can I be afraid of three such weak monsters?" Lin Yi said with some disdain: "Even if the Ambera Stars come now, they can't be defeated." There is only one end - to be killed by me! Any enemy below the S+ early stage will not be able to escape the fate of being sanctioned in front of me!" Lin Yi was a little outrageous, after all, the Ambera star is also an S+ early stage!
"S-rank strong? Early S+? What are these?" Emily blinked her beautiful eyes and asked.

"In the world of strength, strength is divided into seven stages, which are D-level, C-level, B-level, and A-level. These four levels are summarized as fighters, and S-level and S+ are called strong! MAX It is the strongest, we call it the strongest, let’s say S-level, S-level is divided into S-level early, S-level early peak, S-level middle, S-level mid-term peak, S-level late and S-level late peak, each All levels are like this." Lin Yi replied.

"Then what's your level? What's the level of the three new monsters? What's the level of Ambera?" Emily asked.

"I am an early S-level monster, and those three monsters are the early S-level, the peak of the early S-level, and the peak of the mid-S-level, and the Ambera star has reached the terrifying late-S-level!" Lin Yi said lightly. Lin Yi doesn't pay attention to the strong.

"Then how can you, a strong man at the beginning of S-level, be the opponent of three strong S-level men?" Emily asked a little puzzled. After all, among the three strong men, there is a strong man with equal strength to him. In addition, there are two other players whose strength is higher than his. Emily really can't believe it if he wins.

"Hehe, although I am a newly promoted early S-level strongman, when I was at the peak of the late A-level, I had a power comparable to that of a late-S-level strongman. With the strength to kill the late S-level, now that the S-level is early, it should be able to kill the strong people at the peak of the late S-level. Therefore, all enemies below the S+ early stage, in my hands, cannot escape the fate of being sanctioned! "Lin Yi said lightly.

"It's amazing!" Emily stuck out her tongue and said, "My man is so powerful! How lucky!" How could this sentence be so dirty?Powerful...happy...well, wrong thinking.

"Hey, that's, who am I? How could I be weak? Hold on tight! I'm going back faster!" Lin Yi speeded up his flight once and for all. At this moment, Mebius appeared Here, in the next second, it appeared in the distance and turned into a black spot.All that is left is an afterimage.However, Emily's screams still remained.

Xihai City, China.

"Damn Lin Yi! It's been so long, why hasn't he come back! When he comes back, he must look good!" Shangguan Wan'er put her hands on her hips and muttered.Shangguan Wan'er was very angry about her bodyguard's dereliction of duty.

You said you left without saying goodbye, it’s fine, you’ve been out for so long, you want us to worry about you, weep for you, and when you come back, you must shed a layer of skin!hum!
Lin Xinyue sat by the window very calmly, looking blankly at the place where France is, and wanted to see Mebius, because when Mebius appeared, Lin Yi came back, since the last time After the Saurus incident, Lin Xinyue became very quiet, but after school, she desperately wanted to go home and see Lin Yi, but every time she was disappointed, disappointed, disappointed, because... ... Lin Yi did not come back.

Lin Xinyue at this time, if she didn't have the blessing of supernatural powers, I'm afraid she would look very haggard, because every time, Lin Xinyue didn't think about food and tea, she just relied on supernatural powers to restore her physical strength, but Shangguan Wan'er wanted to eat Yes, so, Lin Xinyue just helped Shangguan Wan'er cook, and then continued to stay by the window, looking forward to Lin Yi's return...

Seeing Lin Xinyue's ecstasy, Ouyang Xue couldn't help but tease: "Xinyue, if you keep looking at it like this, you're going to become a husband-wife stone. When Brother Xiao Yi comes back, I'll be so heartbroken."

Lin Xinyue didn't say anything, just stared at the distance quietly, motionless, motionless, but Mebius didn't expect to come, what she saw were three black lights, and Lin Xinyue jumped down from there in shock , pointing there, said: "What is that!"

Shangguan Wan'er and Ouyang Xue were a little blurred by Lin Xinyue's words, but Shangguan Wan'er thought it was Lin Yi who had returned, and then quickly ran to Lin Xinyue's side, but what caught her eyes were three black lights At this point, Shangguan Wan'er felt a little lost...

"Then... definitely not Brother Xiao Yi, Brother Xiao Yi is light!" Ouyang Xue said.

"If that's the case, then they must be monsters!" Lin Xinyue added.

After hearing Ouyang Xue and Lin Xinyue's words, Shangguan Wan'er cheered up again, looked at Lin Xinyue, Lin Xinyue nodded, and said, "That's right, Wan'er, you are right, the monster appeared, and the senior brother also Will it be far?"

"That's right! The monster appeared in Xihai City, so Brother Xiao Yi will definitely come back, why didn't I expect that!" Ouyang Xue slapped her thigh and said, "Then, what should we do now?" Ouyang Xue looked at Lin Xinyue.

"What can you do? Brother is not here now, so it's my turn to protect you. You stay here and don't move. I'll come when I go." Lin Xinyue said, wanting to use the space power of the Great Teleportation to leave here.

But being held back by Shangguan Wan'er, Lin Xinyue asked in confusion: "Do you want to go too?"

Shangguan Wan'er nodded and said, "Yes, I want to go too." Afterwards, she looked at Lin Xinyue with a begging face, wanting to know her answer.

However, when she came back, she refused, and Lin Xinyue refused straight away: "No, senior brother entrusted you to me. I have to carry out the responsibility of senior brother. I can go, because I am a supernatural being. It doesn't matter to me. I can directly use the universe teleport to leave, but you can't, Xiaoxue, although you are a supernatural being, but you have not awakened supernatural powers, and you are still a quasi-supernatural being, so you can't go, Wan'er, you are just a supernatural being. Ordinary people, the most important thing for senior brother is to protect you, so I also want to protect you, so you can't go either!"

"No, Xinyue, if you won't let me go, I won't let you go either." As she said, Shangguan Wan'er grabbed Lin Xinyue's hand.

Lin Xinyue said helplessly, "Okay, okay, for the sake of your safety, I won't go, so you guys stay here with me."

After hearing Lin Xinyue's words, Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help being a little disappointed, and then said: "Oh..." However, in order to prevent Lin Xinyue from escaping, Shangguan Wan'er kept holding Lin Xinyue's hand, not letting Lin Xinyue go alone.

Lin Xinyue said a little speechlessly: "Wan'er, I don't know if you have ever heard of a saying called 'whether a daughter or a daughter can kiss each other'?"

When Shangguan Wan'er heard this, she laughed and said, "Is it because men and women are kissing or not?"

"No, Wan'er, you're wrong. It's because women and men can't kiss each other. After all, it's normal for women and men to make out. However, it's a bit awkward for women and women or men and men. So, women and men can't accept it." Dear." Saying that, Lin Xinyue folded her hands on her chest.

After hearing this, Shangguan Wan'er had black lines on her face, and then, seeing Lin Xinyue's actions, Shangguan Wan'er said speechlessly: "Don't worry, I'm not Lily, my sexual orientation is normal, I like Lin Yi, Although your surname is Lin, but you are not Lin Yi, the reason why I hold your hand tightly is just because I am afraid that you will run away directly."

"This is the best way, I'm afraid you have thoughts about me." Lin Xinyue said with a look of disgust, but she didn't feel disgusted when Shangguan Wan'er clenched her hand. After all, after so many days of getting along, Lin Xinyue and Shangguan Wan'er and Ouyang Xue are already almost sisters, and they will occasionally joke around, but it is insignificant.

(End of this chapter)

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