Chapter 107 The Return
Disrem has no intention of letting go of these humans. Since Mebius can't come out, let's use these ant-like humans first. The planes and cannons that humans are proud of, in front of these strong people, Just like toys, the fighter jets sent by the government to protect the people of Xihai City were aggressive at first, like hungry tigers pouncing on their food.

However, once one fighter jet is shot down, the rest are also shot down one after another. Although they have the determination to protect the world, they are unable to do what they want. This is the first time that human beings face unknown creatures by themselves, and it is still without the help of Ultra fighters. Next, face those unknown creatures.

However, this is the first time that the science and technology that human beings are proud of is completely vulnerable in front of these unknown creatures. The entire battle did not exceed 10 seconds, and the enemy simply defeated human beings with an overwhelming advantage. The defense line built has dealt a painful blow to the human heart. You must know that for this battle, the government dispatched the most advanced fighter jets and the best pilots in the country, but they still couldn't do anything to the enemy.

It's not that human technology is too scumbag, but that the enemy is too strong! An S-rank powerhouse!Could it be that some fighter jets can solve it?Even fighter jets among fighter jets can't cause any damage to S-level powerhouses, unless they have the transcendence technology like GUYS, and the "Phoenix Miracle" weapon with super lethality in the phoenix nest flight mode.

However, human beings do not, so the current human beings cannot fight against unknown creatures at all. The next time they fight, there is only one, either destroy themselves, or be destroyed, destroy themselves, that is to say, fight against unknown creatures beyond their means. The abbreviation is that if you don't die, you won't die, and to be destroyed is very simple, that is, to be killed by unknown creatures!Obviously, the result is the same for both.

In front of these powerful unknown creatures, everything about human beings is so insignificant. The enemy even smashed the defense line that human beings built with great difficulty, and even received assistance from other countries. , This is the only time in the history of the earth that the people of the world are united again. After all, China has fallen, and they will be the next one.

Crooked Nuts support China to protect themselves, but even so, it has no effect at all. Everything humans do brings disappointment, complete disappointment, without the help of Ultra fighters, They can't do anything. Sometimes, the truth is so cruel, even though they have put in [-]% of their efforts, they can't do anything at all.

Humans without Ultra fighters are like zombies without teeth and nails, tiger sharks without water, and eagles without wings. To protect their homeland with their own strength, what they rely on in the end is only external force, not themselves.

Humans are not stupid, and they also know that once they encounter an enemy that even Ultra fighters can't defeat, then they can only sit and wait for death, so scientists on the earth have united one after another to create weapons that can deal with unknown creatures. Method, they have met countless times, but every meeting, except for rejection, is difficult to achieve, and what is left in the end is disappointment.

And what awaits in the face of disappointment is despair!

Before the appearance of unknown creatures, human beings were so arrogant and arrogant, dominating the earth. However, the appearance of these unknown creatures severely impacted the self-confidence of human beings. A battle between special fighters and unknown creatures.

Those battle scenes have been reviewed by humans thousands of times, and those battles can be called miracles!Let the world view of human beings collapse, what laws of physics, what free fall, all his farting, and saying that everything obeys the laws of physics, before these people appeared, human beings were very convinced.

When they appear, the huge mass and volume can move at high speed, fall from high altitude, and when they fall on the ground, they don’t even produce a little vibration. There are also those lightsabers that appear out of thin air, swords that are transformed by photons, According to the definition of human beings, it is impossible for a photon to be static, but scientists analyzed the video of that lightsaber.

The conclusion drawn is that it is composed of photons, and they are still photons, which makes all physicists believe it. However, facts are facts, and they have to admit it. Therefore, their excuse is that human beings know too little Now, their laws of physics cannot be tested with other substances at all, and many people have directly changed some laws of physics.

But they couldn't explain the reason, so they had to attribute it to Ultra warriors and unknown creatures. However, this has accelerated human beings' fear of unknown creatures. Creatures that do not obey the laws of physics are like a human being who can turn into an animal at will. General horror.

Back to the battle situation, in the distant sky, Lin Yi was holding Emily in his arms, and he was already flying at full speed. He was still a few countries away, and returned to China. Not long after, in the sky of Xihai City, a white-golden light broke through the sky. Supersonic speeds are flying towards the unknown creatures, and humans know that Ultra warriors are coming, and this is their savior!As a result, people on the ground boiled up and were no longer afraid.

After hearing the noisy voices of humans, Disrem subconsciously looked into the sky, but there was nothing there?What are these human ghosts called?Are you scared stupid?After that, he scratched his head with his steel claws suspiciously.

Mephilas looked at Disrem speechlessly, yes, the black line on Meferas's face, even Grozam, a rough man, saw Ultraman Mebius, you as the emperor The general's IQ was not as good as Grozam's. Afterwards, Mephilas walked behind him and punched him on the head.

Disrem looked at Mephilas in confusion, as if to say: Why did you hit me?As a wise general, Meferas naturally understood what Disrem meant. After that, Grozam raised his hand and pointed to the sky on the other side.

Following Grozam's gesture, Disrem looked like that, and then saw a platinum light. Disrem knew why Mephilas beat himself for no reason, alas, It's really embarrassing, it's so embarrassing, as a general, it's not as good as that rough man.

However, Mebius would not sympathize with Desrem. As Mebius's second human body, he naturally knew that Desremu was abominable and threatened Mebius with everyone from GUYS. With the help of Jack Altman, I am afraid that this time, the future will really die.

Therefore, in the sky, Lin Yi directly became huge. After that, he mobilized the energy of his body, hit his leg, and kicked the face of the despicable and shameless Desrem directly from the sky. How could the strong in the early stage withstand Lin Yi's blow?The result can be imagined, the sad Disrem was directly kicked to the ground by Mebius.

Afterwards, Lin Yi made a beautiful backflip and landed firmly on the ground beside him. Then, he looked towards Shangguan Waner's house. Shangguan Waner naturally saw Mebius. Shangguan Waner knew that Lin Yi came back Yes, Shangguan Wan'er smiled.

The two were so far apart, yet their eyes were still facing each other. Lin Yi smiled slightly, but Shangguan Wan'er couldn't see this smile. After all, Ultraman's face has remained unchanged for thousands of years. Then, from Lin Yi's A white-gold light shot out from his hand, and the light flew towards Shangguan Wan'er's home. This light directly passed through the wall of the villa, and landed steadily beside Shangguan Wan'er.

The light came in front of the three of them, and the three of them were warmed by the group of light. The light gradually dissipated, and Emily appeared in the middle. During the flight, Lin Yi directly taught Emily how to learn about China with the power of light. Language, at this moment, Emily's Chinese is exactly the same as Chinese. Emily said in fluent Chinese to the puzzled Shangguan Wan'er: "Hello, you are Shangguan Wan'er, right? Nice to meet you. "

After speaking, Emily stretched out her hand, and Shangguan Wan'er held Emily's hand with some hesitation, and said, "Who are you?"

Emily smiled slightly and said, "Let me introduce myself. I'm Emily, from France."

"Then why did you come here?" Shangguan Wan'er asked, but Shangguan Wan'er put Emily on the blacklist in her heart. After all, Emily came out of Lin Yi's hands. , I'm afraid I also like Lin Yi, alas, this dead Lin Yi, who went to lie in France, actually brought back a love rival for Miss Ben!Thanks to my worrying so much, I will definitely ignore you later.

"Well, you should ask Lin Yi later." After speaking, Emily looked at Mebius who was fighting outside.

Shangguan Wan'er opened her mouth slightly, a little surprised, what is the relationship between her and Lin Yi?Knowing Lin Yi's identity?She and Lin Yi were quite sure, thinking about this, Shangguan Wan'er's heart tightened slightly, and she looked at Ouyang Xue and Lin Xinyue.

As Shangguan Wan'er's best friend, Ouyang Xue naturally knows what she thinks in her heart, and Lin Xinyue likes Lin Yi, Lin Xinyue knows that Shangguan Wan'er has the same thoughts as herself, but the senior brother hasn't come back yet, so I'd better ask the senior brother later , so as not to cause any oolong.

Lin Xinyue looked at Shangguan Wan'er, and motioned for Shangguan Wan'er to stop talking, Shangguan Wan'er had no choice but to nod her head, and then watched Lin Yi fight three strong men alone with them!
(End of this chapter)

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