School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 109 The eve of the war!

Chapter 109 The eve of the war!

"Huh, Brother Xiao Yi looks very powerful. I was worried about him just now. I didn't expect Brother Xiao Yi to be so strong in 1V3, and he still solved the battle in such a short time." Ouyang Xue was paralyzed aside. To be honest, when Lin Yi was fighting just now, Ouyang Xue was very nervous. It was 1V1 before, but now it is 1V3. Ouyang Xue will definitely be nervous. After all, Ouyang Xue does not know Lin Yi's current strength.

After hearing Ouyang Xue's words, Emily smiled slightly, a little proud, after all, this is her own man, and then said: "It doesn't matter, Lin Yi is very strong, he told me on the way to China, With his current strength at the beginning of S-level, he can basically crush all S-level powerhouses, and he is somewhat powerless against S-level powerhouses. However, these three strengths are the early S-level, the peak of the early S-level and the peak of the mid-S-level , so Lin Yi basically can defeat the enemy without wasting any effort."

"Early S-level? Brother, has he been promoted to the early S-level? Soon, according to Hikari, the phoenix form of him and Mebius is the peak strength of the early S-level. Now, with the help of the guardian The form has reached the early S-level, even stronger than the phoenix form, tsk tsk tsk, it seems that brother is really not a vegetarian." Lin Xinyue said a little nympho.

Shangguan Wan'er nodded, feeling very happy in her heart. Lin Yi became stronger, which meant that he could better protect the world, and he was one step closer to that height.

Emily glanced at Lin Xinyue and Ouyang Xue, and knew from their words that the one named Senior Brother Lin Yi was Lin Yi's junior sister, the supernatural being, and the one named Brother Lin Yi Xiaoyi was Ouyang Xue. Quasi-supernatural beings, sometimes, Emily envies them. Being able to become supernatural beings can help Lin Yi, but besides her beauty, what else does she have?

On the other hand, they want to be beautiful and strong, and they are like a drag bottle holding Lin Yi back. Moreover, according to Lin Yi, Shangguan Wan'er's family is very rich, and Emily also observed Arrived, after all, for such a luxurious villa, the family must be very rich.

But I have nothing but beauty. Fortunately, Lin Yi doesn't care so much, he only cares about himself. Emily is very lucky about this. Fortunately, Lin Yi is not the kind of person who is blind to money. Then again, now, Shangguan Wan'er, Ouyang Xue and Lin Xinyue have all seen it, and the rest is the one named Yu Ning, right?She also seems to be a supernatural being, and she looks pretty good.

Alas, forget it, I don't want to think about it so much, I have to believe that Lin Yi will treat me well!Um!Most definitely!Emily clenched her fists, and after that, a flash of light flashed, and Lin Yi appeared in the villa. After all, the enemy has been dealt with. Are you still standing there to be watched?
After Lin Yi returned to the villa, he always felt that something was wrong, as if he had missed something. However, Lin Yi searched and found nothing missing. Disrem died early, and Grozam There was not even scum left of the dead, and the gentleman Mephilas also died in the hands of his own galaxy storm. Except for, no one could survive the galaxy storm.

What's more, it is even more impossible to be a strong man at the mid-term peak of S-level. However, Lin Yi felt very uncomfortable, but he didn't know what the problem was. At Shangguan Waner's house, we haven't seen each other for so long. When that incident happened, Lin Yi rejected Shangguan Waner. Lin Yi has always felt guilty and wanted to apologize to Shangguan Waner.

Emily is also very considerate of Lin Yi. After all, Lin Yi's feelings for her can be learned from time to time, and Emily herself can clearly feel it. After all, Lin Yi has already told Amy all his secrets. Li, this is enough to prove Lin Yi's feelings for her, no, as soon as Lin Yi appeared in the villa, Lin Xinyue just trotted to Lin Yi's side, just about to hug Lin Yi's arm intimately.

It was a pity that Emily interrupted her, and Emily said tenderly to Lin Yi: "Go, Lin Yi, don't regret it."

When Lin Yi heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, but then he reacted again, smiled at Emily, and said, "Thank you for understanding me, Emily!" Emily smiled gently, Shangguan Wan'er I couldn't help being stunned by Emily's smile. Emily was already beautiful, but adding such a smile made Emily even more beautiful.

Just as Shangguan Wan'er was about to say something, Lin Yi held her hand. Shangguan Wan'er blushed. Although Shangguan Wan'er liked Lin Yi, after all, the two of them didn't often hold hands. You can count on the palm of your hand, Lin Yi pulled Shangguan Wan'er away, and came to Lin Yi's room, Ouyang Xue blinked her eyes, seeing Lin Yi's actions, she felt a little low in her heart , Ouyang Xue knew, maybe Lin Yi had figured it out.Lin Xinyue was slightly disappointed, but was replaced by other moods in an instant.During so many days of contact, Lin Xinyue and Shangguan Wan'er have accepted each other, so you understand.

Lin Yi took Shangguan Wan'er's hand and walked into the room. Logically speaking, since Lin Yi hasn't come back for so long, the room will not be very dirty, but there will be some dust. However, when Lin Yi walked in, the room But it was clean, Lin Yi couldn't help opening his mouth, and looked at Shangguan Wan'er.

Shangguan Wan'er blushed, and said in a small voice: "You haven't come back for so long, so I'm afraid you will come back suddenly, and then I cleaned it for you..."

After Lin Yi heard it, his heart warmed up. He stretched out his hand and put it on Shangguan Wan'er's shoulder. Just as he was about to say something, he heard a "buzzing" sound coming from outside the villa. Lin Yi was shocked and said : "Okay! Sure enough, I missed something!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yi ran out of the room. Shangguan Wan'er was a little excited and shy when she saw Lin Yi's back, but she became a little disappointed. However, it was not Lin Yi's fault. After all, who knew Will this happen?Compared with these children's personal relationships, the earth is still more important. When the matter is resolved, it will not be too late to come back and talk about love.

Although she is eager to know Lin Yi's thoughts, Shangguan Wan'er also knows which is more important. Under such circumstances, these emotions must be let go. However, Lin Yi never took the initiative to hold his hand, but now Taking the initiative to hold her hand, and combining what Emily said to Lin Yi before, Shangguan Wan'er has a bottom in her heart, that is, Lin Yi is ready to accept herself!

With this idea, Shangguan Wan'er was both surprised and delighted!Sure enough, I didn't help Lin Yi clean for nothing. As for Emily, since I can accept Lin Xinyue, why not accept an Emily?After all, Shangguan Wan'er could tell that Lin Yi had a deep affection for Emily, if she didn't accept Emily.

I'm afraid Lin Yi will be in a difficult situation, not knowing who to choose. In that case, quarrels will be unavoidable, and if there are too many quarrels, he will have the idea of ​​breaking up. This will not be worth the loss. Therefore, the only choice is to accept Emily. After all, Lin Xinyue Accepted, not less than an Emily.How strong is the ability, after all, without diamonds and porcelain work, Lin Yi's ability to win the favor of so many people proves that he has this charm and ability!For a woman to leave her hometown for the sake of a man, and to carry so many wells and leave so many villages, and to accompany Lin Yi to China from thousands of miles, is enough to prove Lin Yi's charm!
After Lin Yi came to the living room, the girls sitting on the sofa stood up, Lin Xinyue trotted to Lin Yi's side, hugged Lin Yi's arm, and said: "Brother, the voice just now... Could it be... "

"Well, yes, when I returned to the human body, I felt something was missing. It would be great if I found out just now, but now, I'm afraid I'm in trouble..." Lin Yi pushed Lin Xinyue's hand away, and said seriously.

At this time, Shangguan Wan'er also followed, and said to the serious Lin Yi, "What's wrong? Lin Yi, has this omission become very troublesome now?"

Lin Yi nodded, and said: "The 'buzzing' sound just now, if I guessed right, I'm afraid that before the Ambera Stars sent them here, they knew they couldn't beat me, and then they modified it a little bit. After looking at their bodies, I am afraid that the transformation has taken effect now." Lin Yi sighed slightly when he said this.

"Can't you even defeat me?" Emily didn't care about anything else, as long as Lin Yi was fine.

"I don't know, maybe I can win, maybe I can't win, but it will be very difficult, I'm afraid, this time I will be a strong opponent!" Lin Yi frowned, regretting his previous omissions, but there is no medicine for regret in the world However, since escaped before, his strength became stronger and he made a comeback, but he was still beaten half to death by himself. Been fighting against him for a long time.

After hearing Lin Yi's words, everyone took a deep breath, and learned from Emily that Lin Yi is now an early S-level strongman, and can basically crush all S-level strongmen, but now But the enemy is very difficult, that is to say, the enemy is at least the strong in the early stage of S+, so, can Lin Yi really defeat it?

Although Shangguan Wan'er and the others watched the battle with, of course, the battle inside the domain was invisible, but the battle outside the domain was not missed at all, it was just a replay , after all, it was already very late then.

From Emily's mouth, I learned that in the sixth stage has reached an astonishing early stage of S+!At that time, Lin Yi was only a peak fighter in the late stage of A-level, and he couldn't compare with the strong. Although he was killed by that mysterious person later, it still proved that the strong with S+ couldn't kill Lin Yi, but, Even Lin Yi couldn't kill the enemy!Now that the enemy is very difficult, it means that the enemy may not be as simple as the early stage of S+!

Suddenly, billowing dark clouds emerged from the sky, covering Xihai City, and then spreading in all directions, as if to cover the entire earth in darkness. Seen from the universe, the earth is like a death star , Every country under the cover of these dark clouds has the breath of a country of death.

Human beings were at a loss by this sudden dark cloud. The dark cloud shrouded the top of the head, enveloping everything on the earth. Some people were oppressed by the darkness, and some people needed oxygen to breathe. People on life support were crushed by these rising atmospheric pressures!Die on the spot!
The future, who has experienced many battles, knows that these grand ostentations are to pave the way for the strong people who will appear later. Just like the dark emperor Ambera, the Ambera descended on the earth, and the earth was also rolled The black cloud was wrapped, but the future who had fought against the Umbellas knew that these dark clouds did not have the aura of the Umbellas, so the enemy who appeared this time was definitely not the Umbellas!It's another big boss who has fought against him!

(End of this chapter)

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