School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 111 Giga Chimera Appears!

Chapter 111 Giga Chimera Appears!
But, then again, if humans stand in front of Jilong, Jilong can easily trample humans to death with one foot. Since Giga Chimera is so big, will it also be able to trample to death with one foot? What about special fighters?Shangguan Wan'er thought a little uneasy.After all, compared to monsters, Jilong is so small, and its strength is also thousands of times that of Jilong. A mere 49-meter Mebius may really be trampled to death.

However, this is purely Shangguan Wan'er's wild imagination. After all, Ti Zog, the Angel of Root Destruction, was attracted to Zog at the beginning. He is 666 meters tall and weighs 66 tons. Although he is not as heavy as Giga Chimera, he is It is much taller than Giga Chimera. Zog didn't step on Gaia with one foot. Zog is a strong man who is infinitely close to MAX.

It's a pity that Zaki doesn't have the extra energy to recruit Zog, a fierce general!Just relying on the Giga Chimera at the peak of the early S+ in this area, Mebius can't be trampled to death at all. Although the Giga Chimera is very fast and can move quickly regardless of its huge size and mass, the Giga Chimera's legs But it is abnormally short, and it does not require much strength at all, and it is simply impossible to trample to death a strong person at the beginning of the S-level.

After that, Ouyang Xue continued to ask: "In that case, can you still defeat Giga Chimera?"

"That's right, when we defeated Giga Chimera back then, we gathered the power of eight Ultra fighters to kill him. Therefore, Giga Chimera is at least an S+ powerhouse, and now you are just an S-level warrior." Can the strong man in the early stage defeat Giga Chimera?" Shangguan Wan'er asked.

After hearing their questions, Lin Yi hesitated a little. Although he was promoted to the early stage of S-level, he could perfectly fight against the strong ones in the late S-level, but it was a problem for the strong ones comparable to S+. It's just Lin Yi's imagination. Although Lin Yi can rely on the power of the guardian fire to avoid being killed, his body will be extremely tired, and his spirit will also be damaged if it is not good.

Lin Yi sighed slightly, and said slowly: "I don't know, maybe it can, maybe it can't, but the probability of not defeating the Giga Chimera is 70.00%."

"Oh? The probability is so high? That's good." After hearing this, Shangguan Wan'er was a little relieved. Since there is a 70.00% probability, there is basically no problem.

Hearing Shangguan Wan'er's words, Lin Yi's face was darkened, and he said: "Wan'er, listen clearly, the probability of being defeated by me is 70.00%, and the probability of not defeating Giga Chimera is 70.00%."

"Ah? The probability of you being defeated is so high! So what should we do?" Emily couldn't sit still after hearing Lin Yi's words. This time, the battle might be close to death. Lin Yi was Emily's The most important person in the world, Emily naturally didn't want to see Lin Yi die, but if Lin Yi didn't fight, then who could save the world?

However, if Lin Yi goes to fight, the probability of being defeated by Giga Chimera is 70.00%, so who can save Lin Yi?The previous two Xeons, according to what Lin Yi said, the second Xeon in the later stage of MAX obviously had an enmity with the Otto family. If didn't annoy that Xeon, I'm afraid he He won't even make a move, so it is basically unreliable to count on him.

The first Xeon, who came and went without a trace, no bird like Lin Yi, it is probably impossible to expect him to help Lin Yi, then, it is not possible for Lin Yi to go, and it is not good if he does not go, alas, if Lin Yi Yi is not Mengbius, how wonderful it would be, wandering between life and death every time, it is really too worrying.Emily thought.

"Hehe, fool, even if the probability reaches [-]%, I have to go! The spirit of our Ultra warriors is to turn the impossible into possible, this is our Ultra warriors! Even if the enemy is strong and perverted, I will I must go! Not only for the sake of this world, but also for myself, so that I can grow faster, I will definitely overcome this difficulty!" Lin Yi said firmly: "There is a protective fire in my body, It can guarantee my life very well. The fire of protection, the fire of protection, is born because of protection. Because of the fire of protection, I have to fight and protect everything! Only in this way can I become stronger! With Only stronger strength can protect you!"

Lin Yi's words silenced everyone, and Shangguan Wan'er was the first to speak. Shangguan Wan'er forced a smile and said, "I know, we can't stop you from fighting, go ahead, don't care No matter what happens, I will support you. The guardian fire in your body is born because of me, so I have a reason to support you. No matter how dangerous this difficulty is, I will support your thoughts. "

"Wan'er..." Shangguan Wan'er's words reached Lin Yi's heart, Lin Yi's lips moved, and he was about to say something when he was interrupted by Shangguan Wan'er's words. Said: "However, before you do it again, you must come back! I'll wait for you!"

"Well! I will definitely come back! Believe me!" Lin Yi nodded firmly. At the same time, the indelible fire of protection in Lin Yi's heart began to jump, but it was a little weak. However, the fire of protection The jump before the battle meant that Lin Yi had an extra bargaining chip to defeat Giga Chimera, so that he would not lose too ugly.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise from the sky outside, and the gray energy ball floating in the sky exploded in the next moment, and a huge figure appeared from the energy ball—Giga Chimera!

The Giga Chimera at the peak of the early stage of S+, the head of the body is the head of Meferas and Grozam, the head becomes slender, the blue eyes are decorated with a strange gray thing below The mouth-like object, the pat on the head of Mephilas, is the head of Grozam's poo that looks like a spaceship, and in the middle of the head is a poo-like blue object, which seems to be Grozam Tom's eyes.Not surprisingly, the neck of Grozam's head was also stretched.

And the body is still Hippolyte star (please refer to the body on Giga Chimera in the original play), the lower body is Desrem, and the hands and feet of Desrem have become Without the steel claws before, Desrem's originally thin body became fat, turning into something like a reptile.

Behind Disrem, there are two slender heads of King Ponton, one on the left side and the other on the right side. The neck behind the head is covered with brown and hard fluff (refer to the base in the original play) King Ponton's part of Gakimera), this Gigachimera, to be honest, is really ugly, not as good-looking as the previous Gigachimera. (Uh, well, this is Yimeng's heartfelt voice. Yimeng made up the appearance of the current Giga Chimera in her mind. It is really different!)
Next to the Hippolyte star's eyes, there were shoulder pads similar to those on the armor. Four long hands stretched out from the shoulder pads, two on each side. On the arms, there were hands similar to Saurus. Well, it is so ugly, Lin Yi couldn't bear to look at this Giga Chimera that was spoofed by the Ambera Stars, and was speechless.

"Is this Giga Chimera?" Ouyang Xue asked a little speechlessly.

"Yeah..." The corner of Lin Xinyue's mouth was slightly sad.

"I have to say, this Giga Chimera..." Emily could no longer find the words to describe the Giga Chimera's appearance.

"This Giga Chimera is so ugly, so ugly!" After Shangguan Wan'er finished speaking, she looked away from the Giga Chimera's body and looked at Lin Yi.

"Ahem, Giga Chimera! It's fine if you say you're ugly. It's not your fault. What's wrong is that you look so ugly. It's your fault when you come out to be scary. Now, I will destroy you on behalf of justice! Lin Yi shouted, pointing at the Giga Chimera.But does justice have anything to do with being ugly?

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he raised his right arm, and then, a protective aura with platinum flames appeared on Lin Yi's arm. Immediately afterwards, Lin Yi rubbed the red energy bead on the protective aura with his left hand , raised it up to the sky, and shouted: "Mengbius!" Lin Yi transformed in front of the girls without any hindrance, without abiding by the law of hiding and transforming secretly, well, after all, he was discovered I have already lost my identity, so what is there to hide?
Outside the villa, a white-gold light flashed, and Mebius appeared at the light source. When the light dissipated, Mebius rushed to the Giga Chimera in the sky, and saw a ray of light visible to the naked eye. The light quickly flew towards Giga Chimera, and in the light was Mebius. Shangguan Wan'er clasped her hands tightly, as if she was praying for something.

"Roar!" Giga Chimera yelled at Mebius. The combined Giga Chimera is an independent individual, not controlled by the thoughts of those monsters who synthesized Giga Chimera, but a brand new one. monsters, aggression weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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