School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 118 Heartbroken

Chapter 118 Heartbroken
How much of the so-called Otto spirit does he possess?I can't even make the impossible possible. If I don't have the guardian fire, I can't set foot on the S rank in such a short period of time and fight against S+ enemies. However, even if I have the guardian fire, However, he still failed to defeat the opponent, and the fire of protection was on him, which was simply a rare treasure.

Hikari, in order to free himself from the confinement of stones, he gave up his knightly aura and rescued himself, but Hikari was in crisis. Although his life was not in danger, Hikari's most important knightly aura , but repulsion appeared. Not only did he fail Noah's trust and the strength of the Guardian Fire, but he also failed Hikari's good intentions.

I have S-level strength, Shangguan Wan'er, Lin Xinyue, Emily and Yu Ning, and wealth, which is basically considered strong and useful. However, I have not had the power to kill the enemy. In this world, I have no poor protection...

Lin Yi was lying powerlessly on the ground alone, hot tears flowed down Lin Yi's cheeks to the ground, and Lin Yi from the outside world was also crying, these tears contained endless sadness, obviously he had worked so hard , but still can't kill the enemy, can't kill the enemy, even if you have the peak strength of the late MAX, what's the use...

Obviously, Lin Yi didn't understand the true meaning of strength. Absolute strength is definitely not based on the so-called fighting and killing, but based on your beliefs and goals. If you don't even have goals, then you As far as the puppet of complete strength is concerned, Kong has great strength, but he doesn't know what to do with it.Lin Yi, on the other hand, obviously puts his strength above fighting and killing.

In the future, at this moment, I don't know what to do. The demons can only be overcome by oneself. However, Lin Yi has been hit so hard, can he really escape?But what if you can't get out?Is it possible to be immersed in demons all your life?No!Absolutely not!Even if he can only rely on his own strength, I will help him!
Even if it is useless, you have to give it a try, you must not sit still!Then, the future yelled at Lin Yi, who had been silent for a long time and could not extricate himself from the demons: "Lin Yi, cheer me up, we promised Ultraman Noah to protect this world well, if you If you break this oath, can you feel at ease?"

" it..." Lin Yi replied in a dazed look.

"Yes, it's the oath. If you break the promise you made to Ultraman Noah, can you feel at ease?" Seeing Lin Yi answering his own question in the future, he felt a little relieved. Since he could answer his own words, then, It will definitely help Lin Yi!Lin Yi will definitely get rid of his demons!Future thought to himself.

"Oath... vague things... I can't protect this world well, that promise... I have broken it long ago, since the first time I transformed into Mebius... I... am a A useless person...a...weak person." Lin Yi replied intermittently: "Without the help of others... I can't... I can't defeat the enemy at all... I don't deserve to be an S-level strong man at all... !"

"Lin Yi! Take heart, please. Think about Shangguan Wan'er and the others. Think about the fire of protection in your body. Your fire of protection is born for protection. If you don't even have the last shred of faith in your heart If so, what should this world do? What should Shangguan Wan'er do?" The future hysterically roared: "You clearly promised Shangguan Wan'er to gain great strength, and then protect her all the time, to achieve the peak of MAX in the late stage. With your strength, you have been with Shangguan Wan'er for a long time, with your current appearance, do you deserve Shangguan Wan'er's trust in you?"

"Trust...MAX...Guardian Fire...Wan'er, I...I'm sorry for you..." Pictures of Shangguan Wan'er emerged in Lin Yi's heart, including pictures of Shangguan Wan'er crying. I felt distressed, worried for myself, and happy for myself. Thinking of these, tears came out again. The man didn't cry easily, it was just to get to the sad place.

Shangguan Wan'er is obviously the weakness in Lin Yi's heart. Shangguan Wan'er believes in him so much, and the fire of protection is born of Shangguan Wan'er, but he has become like this, unable to fulfill his promise to Shangguan Wan'er at all. Reaching the peak in the later stage of MAX is simply nonsense and impossible.

But, why... I feel so sad... I am already in this state, why do I need to increase my pain? Is this God's punishment for me...

Outside, when everyone saw Lin Yi crying, everyone was in a mess. Among them, only Ouyang Xue had seen Lin Yi cry, and it was obviously the first time for Shangguan Wan'er and others, but they were a little puzzled. Yes, Lin Xinyue has been with Lin Yi since she was a child, why hasn't she seen him cry yet?

In Shangguan Wan'er's heart, Lin Yi is an extremely strong existence. As a strong man at the beginning of the S-level, he never bowed his head in front of many powerful enemies, and stood up to fight. When facing the god of death, he never flinched. She gritted her teeth and persisted, but she was such a strong person, but she didn't know why she cried, and Shangguan Wan'er was a little flustered.

Seeing Lin Yi like this, Shangguan Wan'er was very distressed and worried. At a young age, she was studying steadily on campus and living an ordinary and happy life for ordinary people. However, Lin Yi has been burdened with These unknown things were abandoned by his biological parents when he was born. When he first talked about this, Lin Yi never had a slight emotional change.

At the age of eighteen or nineteen, one has to bear the responsibility of saving the world. The safety of the country is the most important thing, but what about the safety of the universe?There is no doubt that these responsibilities are on Lin Yi, making Lin Yi a little breathless. Shangguan Wan'er knows that Lin Yi has always been strict with himself. Every time he fights, he is only allowed to succeed and not to fail. Suffering three painful blows of being helped by others and destroying the enemy with the help of the enemy, Lin Yi himself escaped into the inner demon and became what he is now.

As Lin Yi's employer and prospective girlfriend, Shangguan Wan'er is extremely distressed. Sometimes Shangguan Wan'er does not think that Lin Yi is a great hero who saves the world. After all, these so-called "big heroes" are undoubtedly not walking on the tip of a sword. Above, people hovering between life and death, every time, Lin Yi faced a powerful enemy alone, without help, always fighting alone, in front of the lonely strong man, just, slightly different Be careful, die in Huangquan!Fall into the cycle of the six realms.

Shangguan Wan'er was worried about this, so she didn't want Lin Yi to be Ultraman Mengbius, and hoped that he would be an ordinary person, but what Shangguan Wan'er didn't want, has become a reality, such as I don't want the enemy to be very strong, but the enemy is getting stronger and stronger. I don't want Lin Yi to have an accident, but Lin Yi escapes into the demon and cannot extricate himself.

Of course, this does not mean that Shangguan Wan'er is a crow mouth, but because Shangguan Wan'er does not want Lin Yi to face danger, but the enemy is despicable and shameless, and the enemy will not want the opponent to have a good time.

Shangguan Wan'er walked gently to Lin Yi's side, wiped away Lin Yi's tears with her hands, and said in her mouth: "Lin must be fine, you promised me that you must obtain the supreme strength , will always be with me, so you must get through this difficult time, I, will always be with you..."

Seeing that Lin Yi didn't respond, his eyes were still closed tightly, and he didn't feel awake at all, he continued: "The fire of protection was born because of me, you promised me, you will definitely... you will come back safely , but you wake up quickly, Lin Yi, wake up quickly...we, we still have a lot of things to do..."

"It was agreed to grow old together, you are unconscious now, so what is going on, wake up quickly...don't...don't disappoint our trust..." Shangguan Wan'er's eyes were all moist, and she held back Said with the urge to cry.

Everyone was undoubtedly moved by Shangguan Wan'er's words, and Emily understood that she was not the saddest one, but Shangguan Wan'er was the saddest one!I was with Lin Yi anyway, but what about Shangguan Wan'er?I have kissed Lin Yi anyway, what about Shangguan Wan'er?I also had a warm time with Lin Yi, what does Shangguan Wan'er have with Lin Yi?At this moment, Emily's jealousy towards Shangguan Wan'er disappeared, replaced by deep sympathy.

(End of this chapter)

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