School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 128 The Long Overdue Confession!

Chapter 128 The Long Overdue Confession!
Lin Yi ran into the villa like crazy, and as soon as he entered the villa, he saw Shangguan Wan'er lying in a pool of blood. Seeing this scene in front of him, Lin Yi was stunned, completely stunned, Lin Yi knew, Being attacked by the Xeon in the later stage of MAX, and as a human being, he will definitely die!I can't save Shangguan Wan'er at all...

Lin Yi walked tremblingly to Shangguan Wan'er's side step by step. Tears kept flowing from Lin Yi's eyes. Lin Yi shook his head in disbelief. The tears fell on the ground with a beeping sound. The tears were broken like Lin Yi's heart, it hurt!Unspeakable pain!At this moment, Lin Yi could not feel the atrophy of his mental power at all, only one feeling!Heartache!A tearing pain!
Lin Yi walked up to Shangguan Wan'er, squatted down slowly, tears fell on Shangguan Wan'er's body, the Demon Killing God King didn't let Shangguan Wan'er die, but let Lin Yi and Shangguan Wan'er talk a few words first Words to stimulate the potential in Lin Yi's body!

"Wan'er... Wan'er..." Lin Yi squatted down and hugged Shangguan Wan'er in his arms, only to see Shangguan Wan'er smiled miserably, and said, "I'm sorry...Lin Yi...I... I can't be with you anymore...I'm sorry..."

"Why...why do you say sorry? It's me who wants to say sorry! I'm your bodyguard, but I can't protect your personal safety... Wan'er..." Lin Yi's hot tears dripped down on Shangguan On Wan'er's face, tears slid down Shangguan Wan'er's cheeks into a pool of blood.

Shangguan Wan'er tried her best to open her eyes, otherwise she would close them, she wanted to take a good look at the boy who was crying for her, the boy who loved her very, very much, even though he never confessed to herself, before she died, However, Shangguan Wan'er felt Lin Yi's deep love for her!

"Lin Yi...I really... really want to hear you say I love you before I die..." Shangguan Wan'er tried her best to smile, but this smile, in Lin Yi's eyes, , but laughed heart-piercingly!
Hearing Shangguan Wan'er's words, Lin Yi was dumbfounded. He didn't even say "I love you" to Shangguan Wan'er. Looking back on everything that happened from meeting to falling in love before, he was obviously still talking a second ago, but Now, all the good memories about Shangguan Wan'er have become fragmented, Lin Yi's heart has been deeply scratched with a scar that cannot heal, and his heart is full of guilt for Shangguan Wan'er!I have S-level strength, money, and the strength to protect the world, but now, I can't even protect the one I love. Lin Yi's eyes are moist again.

"I love you, I love you, I really love you... Wan'er, you won't die, you won't die, you will be fine, we still have a lot of things to do, we said It’s okay to stay together forever, how can you bear to leave me alone! Wan’’ll be fine..." Lin Yi cried loudly.

"Ahem...fool...I too...I love you so much, and I don't want to leave like this...I really...really miss you...Lin Yi, do you know...I don't It's your fault, it's not your fault...Promise me...don't be blinded by hatred..." Shangguan Wan'er coughed a few times.

Shangguan Wan'er knew that her death was inseparable from the Devil Killing God King. Of course, this was also due to Lin Yi's concealed identity in front of the Guangyao God King. However, if Lin Yi did not conceal his identity, he would die. Under the circumstances, Shangguan Wan'er would rather die by herself than Lin Yi, so Shangguan Wan'er said that it was not his fault.

"Wan'er... don't say any more, you will be fine, you will be fine... I won't allow you to leave me like this..." Lin Yi said with a sob, at this moment, Lin Yi finally understood that Shangguan In his heart, Wan'er is more important than anything else, for Shangguan Wan'er, Lin Yi can give up everything!But now...

"Lin Yi... Birth, old age, sickness and death are human nature. Although I am very reluctant... I am very reluctant to part with you...But there is nothing I can do...Isn't it...I just beg...just please don't be blinded by hatred...Lin Yi...don't...don't just focus on revenge..." In this world, although Shangguan Wan'er still has relatives, Lin Yi is the one who worries the most. Shangguan Wan'er knows that her death will definitely be given Lin Yi dealt a big blow!
The fire of protection in Lin Yi's heart was born by himself, and if he died, maybe that little belief in protection would also be wiped out, and Lin Yi might also face danger. The most worrying thing is Lin Yi, the three of them Faced with blows twice, maybe the whole person will collapse...

"I still have...a lot to say to you..." Shangguan Wan'er stretched out her right hand, trying to wipe away the tears from the corner of Lin Yi's eyes...

"Me too... I still have a lot to say to you..." Lin Yi held Shangguan Wan'er's hand tightly, tears streaming down his face.

"Yes...I'm sorry...I can't be with you anymore...I really can't worry about you...Lin Yi, I can't bear to let you go..." Shangguan Wan'er felt her body getting numb and her eyelids getting tighter. The heavier it is, the tendency to close at any time.

"No... I won't let you die! I still have the fire of protection! I will definitely not let you die..." As he spoke, Lin Yi quickly summoned a protective aura, a clean white gold The energy was continuously transmitted to Shangguan Wan'er's body.

"You don't need to do useless work... If you continue like this... it will only consume your energy..." Shangguan Wan'er dissuaded Lin Yi, because even if the energy of those guardian fires was transferred to Shangguan Wan'er's body, Shangguan Wan'er would still I just feel the feeling that the body is getting heavier and heavier.

"Why! Why! Why does the guardian fire have no effect! I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Lin Yi cried with red eyes, even the guardian fire could not save Shangguan Wan'er, Lin Yi was in despair...

In the dark universe, on the backside of the moon with no livelihood, the three god kings couldn't bear it. The Demon Killing God King closed his eyes, and a word came out of his mouth: "Broken..."

At the same time, Shangguan Wan'er on the earth lost her vitality under the "broken" sound of Demon Killing God King, and her eyes were completely closed...Hands also slipped to the ground, and her breathing disappeared...Shangguan Wan'er Son, dead...

"Wan'er, Wan'er, wake up, wake up, don't fall asleep..." Lin Yi hugged Shangguan Wan'er even tighter, hot tears dripped on Shangguan Wan'er's beautiful face, Lin Yi Yi hugged Shangguan Wan'er tightly, but no matter how Lin Yi called, he still couldn't bring the dead Shangguan Wan'er back to life...

"Ah!" Lin Yi was desperate, and shouted to the sky!Hot tears flowed out in an endless stream. Since when, her image has entered his mind irresistibly, and since when, her memory has been filled with every bit of him and her. Noisy, sharing troubles and happiness, every moment is so happy and joyful, this voice hidden in his heart, he never dared to think about it carefully, he was afraid that he would be alienated from his care.

At this moment, those things that I have been afraid of all along have no meaning anymore, and the words buried in my heart that have not been said, are finally spoken now, but in return, it is Shangguan Wan'er's death!Lin Yi hates himself!I hate myself for not having the ability to protect the person I have always cherished!
The future has turned his head away, tears are rolling in the eyes, the future does not want to see this scene, the future is also blaming himself, if he told Lin Yi at the beginning, then Shangguan Wan'er would not die, but, no if!What happened happened, and what shouldn't happen happened.

I saw Shangguan Wan'er's body, under the urging of the guardian fire, turned into a burst of light particles and disappeared into Lin Yi's arms. Lin Yi didn't know that these particles had entered Lin Yi's heart forever and ever She will not be separated from Lin Yi, but Lin Yi doesn't know...or the future...Maybe, at some point in the future, Shangguan Wan'er may be able to come back to life...

"Wan'er! Ah!!!!" Shangguan Wan'er's body disappeared into Lin Yi's arms. Lin Yi only felt heart-piercing pain. The pain in my body is a thousand times more painful!The death of Shangguan Wan'er has dealt a blow to Lin Yi that will never go away!This kind of blow has made Lin Yi lose his sobriety in the past...

(Well, Yi Meng is not very good at writing these life and death plots, let's just make do with it.)
(End of this chapter)

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