Chapter 143 Arrival
Three days later, Hibino Mirai got a general familiarity with the Tokyo area. Hibino Mirai stood on a high ground and stretched lazily. It is not easy to be in a human body. If you ask where the money will come from in the future, do you think that the water will not be given?

In an open space, a little girl in white dress, blue skirt, pink shoes, and two braids was running happily in the open space with a red balloon in her hand, but Somehow, maybe the little girl didn't pay attention, the balloon fell out of her hand, the little girl raised her head, staring blankly at the balloon flying higher and higher, the little girl lowered her head a little dejectedly, and left silently.

Standing on the roof of the building, the future saw this scene. He was keen to help others. He flipped and jumped off the roof. He used some inertia and the driving force of the light in his body to glide. He pulled a long string under the balloon, grabbed the balloon, and stood firmly on the ground in the future, splashing a little dust.

The little girl hasn't noticed all this yet, so she continues to walk with her head down. However, the little girl misses her red balloon very much, so she can't help but look back. However, the little girl sees a handsome strange er... handsome The handsome brother was standing in front of the slide not far away, holding her balloon and looking at him with a smile, squatting down in the future, stretching his hand forward, and said with a smile: "Here."

After the little girl heard it, she smiled, and happily ran to the future, took the balloon, said: "Thank you." After that, she ran away happily.

Future stood up with a smile on his face, and said to himself: "Thank you..." A sense of satisfaction rose in his heart, and suddenly, Future saw a mysterious man who was smiling at him.

"Huh? Mr. Future." Lin Yi said to himself: "It seems that this is really the world of the future, but, this is too coincidental, I just came back to the earth, and I met the future, hey ╮(╯▽╰)╭, forget it, let’s not expose it for the time being, let’s hide first.” Speaking of this, Lin Yi directly used the power of space and disappeared here.

Future looked in some astonishment at the place where there was originally a person, but the next moment, that person disappeared. Future strode there and found that there was really nothing there. Future rubbed his head and said, "Myself What's the matter, did you walk through Tokyo for three days and broke your body? You even have hallucinations, forget it, let's find a place to sit first."

The future is a little cute and left here. Lin Yi hid on the roof. After hearing the words of the future, he couldn't help but feel a little funny. What is it? What is it to go to Tokyo in three days? Damn, I am four days Within a short time, I came to the Milky Way from the Pollister Galaxy, and it took another day from the Milky Way to the Earth. I didn’t cry tired, but you did. It’s a good thing you are from the Kingdom of Light, hey.

Back to five days ago, after Lin Yi came out of the space-time tunnel, he looked around in astonishment. At this time, Lin Yi realized that he didn't know the way at all, and he was completely a road idiot. If a strong man who can compete with the S+ strong Those who have lost their way in the universe now and want to spread the word will make people laugh to death.

Fortunately, there was no one around, and only Lin Yi knew about it. However, Lin Yi remembered the treasure, and then asked: "Hey, hello, that treasure whose name is unknown, are you there? Can you tell me how to get there? Earth?"

"..." No one answered, Lin Yi didn't hear Zhibao's reply in Nuo Da's Borist galaxy, only heard his own breathing.

"Hey, forget it, I know this treasure won't be of much help, I'd better do it myself, and have enough food and clothing by myself!" Lin Yi sighed slightly, and said, "But, in such a big universe, how do we find the way to the earth?" Ah, I don’t even know if this is the Milky Way, could it be that I’m going to be the first strong man in history to get lost in the universe!”

In Nuoda's Pollister Galaxy, there is no longer the figure of Mebius, and Lin Yi's voice is left in the sky, echoing in the universe. (PS: If you are wondering how to hear the sound in the universe, ahem, don’t care about the details, it’s just for the plot!)

Ever since, Mebius, our mid-S-level peak, was flying aimlessly in the Pollister galaxy. Lin Yi thought, first go out of this galaxy to take a look to make sure if it is the Milky Way. Lin Yi, who made up his mind, flew faster than the speed of light, and came out of the Pollister galaxy within a day. In the original world, Lin Yi knew some of the galaxies, but seeing the galaxies in front of him, Lin Yi Yi is a little helpless, this is not the Milky Way at all!Forget it, since I'm here, I'll give you a name. Afterwards, Mebius thought hard and finally came up with a name - Polister Galaxy.

As for why it is called the Polister Galaxy, because the first two characters of the Polister Galaxy, "Poli", are very similar to the galaxy in front of me, because this galaxy is somewhat similar to glass, but it is very unpleasant to call it glass so straightforwardly. Ever since, Lin Yi replaced the glass with the homophonic word "Pori". name.

However, Lin Yi flew away satisfied. Mebius flew aimlessly in the universe. Finally, Lin Yi saw a galaxy very similar to the Milky Way. Flying to a galaxy similar to the Milky Way, Lin Yi saw a light spot after coming to the Milky Way. After using the light energy, Lin Yi discovered that this light spot is the sun!

Lin Yi was overjoyed, hey, it took four days to find the Milky Way, hey, it was really not easy, and then Lin Yi spent another three days flying from the edge of the Milky Way to the solar system, and then returned to On the earth, of course, Lin Yi did not encounter the incident of Hongren, because the incident of Hongren happened when Lin Yi was still in the Borist galaxy.

After flying to the earth at full speed, Lin Yi knew that the next monster would basically appear in Japan, and he only needed to stay in Japan to find ways to improve his strength and revive Shangguan Wan'er, so Lin Yi did not go to China See if there is Shangguan Wan'er there. Lin Yi had already thought about this matter when he was in the Pollister galaxy, but Lin Yi quickly dismissed this idea. This is not a parallel universe, why? There might be Shangguan Wan'er.

Therefore, Lin Yi went directly to Japan. When entering the atmosphere, Lin Yi also released a wave of energy, making it impossible for people on earth to find him. Afterwards, Lin Yi turned into an inconspicuous light and landed on the ground. , I saw the previous scene, but Lin Yi didn't want to be exposed so early. God knows if he appeared so early, would there be a butterfly effect? I don't trust that treasure I don't know what it's called, and I don't even have the function of guiding myself. How can I calm down the butterfly effect?

(Yimeng: It’s the end of the month, I’m asking for a recommendation ticket, everyone in my hand should vote, ahem, it’s time to get down to business, today is Christmas Eve, I wish you all a happy Christmas Eve, besides, Yimeng was invited by a classmate , I will stop coding in the afternoon and go shopping. As for the update, I will put it in the evening.)
(End of this chapter)

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