School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 255 The Scary Ice Nova

Chapter 255 The Scary Ice Nova
deep in the universe.

A beam of white-gold streamer and pink streamer rushed out of the NSDR nebula one after another, quickly shuttled through the void of the universe, and flew past the second star and the third star in a short while, the ice nova is coming soon, Mengbi Us couldn't wait any longer.

I saw that beam of platinum streamer speeding up "swish", but the pink streamer was still following behind it, and finally, I could see the blue radiance emitted by that ice nova.

Although it is a star, it is different from other stars. The ice nova is a solid body. Although it emits light, it does not generate heat. The core temperature is only 300 degrees Celsius, and the surface temperature reaches a terrifying minus 8720K degrees Celsius.

From a distance, Mebius could feel the biting cold, Mebius turned his head to look at Diana, and said, "Aren't you cold with so little clothes on?"

"It's not cold." Luna Diana smiled and said, "It's only minus 8720K, so it won't affect me much."

"I really envy you." Mebius looked enviously at Diana, the moon god who had no feeling at all.

"Mebius, are you cold?" Luna Diana asked pretending not to know.

"That's right," Mebius said with a bitter smile, "We Ultraman are very afraid of the cold."

"Then let me help you." Said, the moon god Diana shot a beam of light, "Blessings from the moon god!"

That ray of light lingered around Mebius' body, and in an instant, Mebius felt warmed up. The cold air was dispelled by the blessing of the moon god, and the terrifying cold of minus 8720K degrees Celsius seemed to have no effect.

"It's amazing," Mebius praised the pink light on the surface of his body, "You are amazing, such ordinary light can dispel the cold."

"This is no ordinary light." Diana, the moon god, pouted a little displeased, and said in her heart: This is the light from God, it is the blessing of God, how could it be ordinary light.

"Okay, okay, this is a very special light, okay?" Mebius said helplessly. Although Diana, the moon god, claimed to be a god, she had the same mentality as a little girl.

"Hey..." Hearing what Mebius said, Diana the Moon God smiled a little embarrassedly.

Tens of seconds later, two beams of light landed on the surface of the ice nova.

Looking around, it is rugged, dead, and cold. Gusts of wind are raging on the surface of Ice Nova. If there is wind, it means that this star has air!
"Ah, it's really unbelievable that a star actually exists as a solid, and it's also a solid made of ice." Mebius sighed: "Without your light, I'm afraid I'd be frozen to death now Well, even though it has the power of the mid-S-level peak, such a terrifying low temperature is enough to freeze me to pieces."

"The temperature of the ice of the Xuanbing God King is not so low, right?" Mengbius had already compared the power of the Xuanbing God King with the low temperature of this Binghua Xinxin, but the Xuanbing God King was in Mengbius's heart. Us has never made a shot in his memory, which makes Mebius unable to understand the power of the Xuanbing God King.

The moon god Diana shook her head, and said: "Of course it is the God King Xuanbing who is powerful. The God King, the existence of the late MAX, can reach the peak of the late MAX with just one step. You know, MAX is a feathered phoenix in this era. If you want to destroy a star, you don’t need Xeons to take action, just S+ will do.”

"Uh..." Mebius nodded in embarrassment, and said, "Is the power of S+ so powerful?"

"That's right, even a late S-level peak can destroy a star." Luna Diana waved her hands, gathered together the cold wind that wanted to tear the two of them apart, and threw it out, followed by "Boom" With a loud bang, a crater with a diameter of [-] meters was lifted out of the surface of Ice Nova!

When Mebius saw it, he smacked his mouth and said: "It's no wonder that the person who can resurrect me in that state casually blows out such a hole on the surface of the star."

"No, no, this is not what I thought, but I have to do it." Luna Diana looked at Mebius with a smirk on her face, and said, "I'm sorry."

As he said that, he turned back the light lingering on the surface of Mebius, and in just an instant, Mebius was frozen into an ice cube!
Moon Goddess Diana sighed and said, "Don't blame me, master, you told me this, I'm sorry."

Said, the moon god Diana pushed Mebius down, the moon god Diana didn't need to worry about Mebius' death at all, she is a person who ranks among the gods, MAX+ initial peak (primary) The strongest, well, if her strength can't even save an S-level strongman, then she can find a piece of tofu and kill her.

Mebius' body was constantly falling, and finally fell into the ice pit with a "boom" a few minutes later. The energy conversion of the free fall threw countless ice slags into the sky.

Although Mebius was frozen into an ice cube, Lin Yi was still able to move in the light. Lin Yi's hair had been frozen together, his skin was cracked to reveal the flesh inside, and his eyelashes were stained with small ice crystals. The eyeballs also became very hard, as if he had lost his vision, and almost all the blood in his body was frozen!

"It's so cold..." The cold is deadly!What's more, with this terrifying ultra-low temperature, Lin Yi is so weak that it takes a few minutes to say a word!

"Are you going to die..." This was Lin Yi's first thought. It took a long time for his stiff face to make a wry smile. The cold had already made Lin Yi feel no pain, "Wan'er...I want ... came to find you..."

The pictures from the past flashed through Lin Yi's mind, the time with her, the mischievous Junior Sister Lin, the play with Shangguan Wan'er, the strong Emily and the future that is strict with him, Countless battles, and my friends challenged to the god of death.

Thinking of his partners in the solar system still fighting for the dawn of tomorrow, remembering that he still has revenge, and remembering that he still has many adventures that he has not experienced, Lin Yi clenched his fists unwillingly, "I'm going to die...really I'm so sorry to die like this..."

"If...if there is an afterlife..." As he spoke, Lin Yi lost his strength all over his body, his heart stopped beating, and the only liquid blood was visible to the naked eye. The blood was also frozen because of Lin Yi who lost his life.

The only brilliance in his heart had been extinguished, and his dead body seemed to merge with the surrounding ice crystals, but he couldn't feel the despair that came from the corpse.

(PS: The protagonist is dead, and the book is over.)
(Hey hey, just kidding.)
(End of this chapter)

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