School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 265 To the Brilliant Person

Chapter 265 To the Shining Person ([-])

How could the two of them have thought that what changed the Kingdom of Light was not Shadow, nor other evil forces, but the Mebius they were looking forward to!Ultraman of Earth!

In the sky of the Kingdom of Light, black storms are constantly raging, and some Ultraman emit light unwillingly, wanting to smash this deceptive scene, but the raging darkness directly kills them The rays of light were torn to shreds.

"Mebius, why did you do it!?" Jack stretched out a hand and pointed at Mebius.

Mebius didn't speak, Jack couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed directly to Mebius surrounded by darkness.

"Jack!" Seven yelled, but he couldn't stop Jack. How could we be able to deal with Mebius, who can easily kill brother Zofie's enemies in seconds, and who can fight against the strongest like Ying.

Jack kicked Mebius, and then Jack didn't know what was going on, and a pair of black hands with terrifying power held his calves.


Jack roared in pain, and his calf was crushed.Mebius threw it casually, as if doing something meaningless, Jack's body blasted into the ground like a meteor, and the ground trembled for a while.

"Jack..." Everyone yelled in surprise, and Seven yelled loudly, "Bastard, I will fight you!"

Said, Seven directly swung his ice axe, and the ice ax roared towards Mebius.

A few flashes of cold light flashed, and the ice ax slashed across Mebius' body, leaving no traces except sparks.

Mebius' body was stiff, and he grabbed the ice ax with a wave of his hand, and with a slight grip, the ice ax made a "bang" sound and shattered into slag.

"Ugh!" Seven screamed and fell down. The ice ax was connected to him, and the ice ax was destroyed. The impact he received was very strong, just like being chopped off an arm.

"All our Ultra fighters go together, even if we die, we must defend our homeland!" Losing three members of the security team in succession, as the younger brother, Tai Luo couldn't bear it anymore.

Everywhere in the Kingdom of Light are streaks of flames and soaring dust and smoke, which are very dazzling in the dark environment.

"Hahaha, haha..." Mebius' stiff laughter spread throughout the Kingdom of Light, accompanied by endless screams and wailing sounds. Where Mebius passed was It was a mess, and Ultraman's body was thrown away like a chicken.

Taro climbed up from a pit and rushed towards Mebius with a loud roar, "Go to hell, devil!"

Seeing Taro calling, Mebius smiled stiffly, and appeared behind Taro in an instant, holding two big horns with both hands, Mebius pinched them playfully.

"Ugh!" Tai Luo screamed faintly, he felt that his big horn was about to shatter, "Ah, let go..."

"Let go of my brother, Spaceum Ray!" The first generation shot the beam at Mebius, this time Mebius didn't dodge, he didn't feel the need to dodge, the Spaceum beam bombarded Mebius A fierce flame rose from Si's chest.

"How come? It doesn't work at all..." The first generation looked at Mebius who turned his head foolishly.

Mebius smiled charmingly, and exerted force with his hands. With a "bang", the two horns on Taro's head suddenly shattered. Throw away Taylor like trash.

"Tayro..." the first generation roared, and wanted to chase after him.

Mebius flickered and appeared beside the first generation, blocking the first generation who wanted to go to Taro.

"Damn it, die to me!" The first generation punched Mebius, but Mebius didn't move, allowing the first generation to attack him.


Gusts of strong wind slapped all around, and the first generation swung dozens of punches, and the fist precisely hit Mebius' chest, but it had no effect, not even a trace of flame splashed out.

Mebius raised his head with a ghostly smile, raised a hand, and then hit the first generation suddenly. The first generation flew backwards with a scream, and stopped after knocking down countless buildings. But the first generation has been unable to stand up.

Mebius suddenly raised his head and looked above himself. There was light passing through the darkness, and a dazzling light cluster slowly descended. "Who are you? Why are you making trouble in my Kingdom of Light?" A majestic voice came from the light group, and the light gradually dissipated, and the wounds on Otto's father seemed to have healed.

The father of Otto looked at the destroyed kingdom of light and was angry, and glared at Mebius: "You are no longer the Mebius I know, you are a devil! I will destroy you!"

Mebius smiled evilly, and rushed towards the father of Ultra in the sky, turning into a beam of black streamer, shooting down the father of Ultra, and his body hit the ground heavily. Mebius, who was suspended in the sky, smiled strangely, as if he was laughing at Otto's father talking big.

"Damn it!" Otto's father stood up staggeringly from the ground, stroked his right abdomen with one hand, and the old injury recurred. The new injury from the battle just now has not healed, and now it can be said to be worse.

The father of Otto didn't care so much anymore, he spun his hands and released a big light, which rushed towards the strangely smiling Mebius in the sky, Mebius tilted his head, it's okay Slowly fight back.

The two beams of light bombarded together with a loud "boom", and violent flames burst out at the point of impact. The flames were churning, turning the surroundings into daylight, but they were suddenly overwhelmed by the churning darkness.

Out of the Kingdom of Light, except for the brilliance emitted by the eyes of the Ultra warriors and the energy indicator, there is no light at all. The light has disappeared, and the plasma spark tower only emits a faint light. The plasma spark tower seems to have succumbed...

Mebius let out a roar, and endless darkness burst out from his body. The great light of Father of Ultra was scattered, and Father of Ultra was also affected, and he retreated backwards, almost falling to the ground.

With a roar, Mebius rushed towards the father of Otto, and the two sides fought close to each other. Although the father of Otto had the strength of the early stage of S+, he was completely at a disadvantage and could only defend passively. Unable to take the initiative to attack, he was finally sent flying by Mebius for nearly a thousand meters with a punch.

The father of Ultra stood up, startled and angry in his heart, the King of Ultra and Noah had to face the attack of the shadows, the Kingdom of Light had only himself, if he couldn’t do it, who else could save the Kingdom of Light? Country, is the Kingdom of Light about to be destroyed?
(End of this chapter)

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