School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 284 Easy Battle

Chapter 284 Easy Battle

The moment Naios let go, the Baltan star waved a pliers thicker than Naios's thigh and slapped it fiercely, making Naios hurriedly dodge sideways, and at the same time stretched out his hands to grab the Baltan star's pliers.

However, the huge force carried by the Baltan Starman's pliers made Naios grunt, and the ground under his feet immediately collapsed, setting off bursts of gravel and dust. Before Naios could organize his own counterattack, the Baltan Starman The left pliers fell off, and a pliers slapped Naios on the shoulder, sending Naios flying, rolling hundreds of meters on the ground before barely stopping.

Before Naios stood up, the Baltan star on the other side had already strode over with heavy steps, leaving deep footprints on the ground one after another.

Naios rolled to the left, avoiding the impact of the Baltan star, and then a scale fish stood up straight, took a step forward, and hit the Baltan star with a punch on the chest, hitting the Baltan star Take two steps back.Taking advantage of the opportunity when the Baltan star was not standing still, he stepped forward again, kicked the Baltan star on the shoulder with a flying kick, and the huge force made the Baltan star back uncontrollably.

Naios flew back and fired dozens of light blades with a backhand. The light blades shuttled through the air at an extremely fast speed and smashed on the chest of the Baltan star.

'Boom! ' With a loud noise, the Baltan Starman was sent flying by Naios's light blade, gliding close to the ground for thousands of meters, crashing into a house, and half of his body was squeezed in.

"The avatar must have not flown by, let you enjoy the feeling of going to heaven, don't thank me." Naios pulled the Baltan star's legs vigorously with both hands, and the huge force directly pulled the Baltan star out of the house , After spinning in place several times, Naios threw it into the air vigorously.

The Baltan star wailed and flew towards the air, waving his limbs off the ground to no avail, but behind him, Naios had raised his arms and folded them together. The synthetic cross radiates a brilliant Spathium beam.

The dazzling Spesium light caught up with the Baltan star flying in mid-air at an extremely fast speed, and hit the Baltan star on the back. The turbulent energy quickly penetrated the surface layer that looked like armor, Then it sang all the way forward, destroying the internal tissues and organs of the Baltan star.After the energy was injected to the limit, the Baltan star exploded like a powder barrel, turning into a big fireball suspended in the air.

'call! Naios slowly lowered his arms and turned around slowly. Seeing this, the remaining six Baltans not far away raised their pincers and aimed at Naios.

'Shhhhh! 'A burst of white light flashed, and a bullet-like light beam rushed out of the thick smoke, bombarding Naios' chest, splashing gorgeous sparks, powerful energy tore Naios' chest, and knocked him out. After drawing a perfect arc in the sky, it fell heavily to the ground, creating a deep hole.

"Tsk, the foreplay and the climax part are well done, but the ending is a bit off. If it was Yuhan's, she would never make such a low-level mistake." Lin Yi shook his head helplessly, while Luna at the side Diana turned her head and glared at Lin Yi, saying, "Neos is not Nexus, he doesn't have the power of space, how can he compare with Nexus, besides, Nexus has unique advantages, He is the third caller."

"Uh..." Lin Yi shook his head in a daze, his hair was shaking constantly, "Oh, don't worry, it's good that Naios can win this battle anyway."

"Huh." Luna Diana pouted, stretched out her hand to pinch Lin Yi's waist, saw Lin Yi's facial features were twisted together in pain, and his teeth were shaking constantly, and then he smiled. , Rubbing the pinched place with some distress, Lin Yi took a peevish look at Diana, the moon god.

Naios, who was standing between the tall buildings, didn't have any energy to pay attention to other things at all, and made a fighting gesture towards the six Baltans in front of him.A Baltan star on the opposite side smiled at Naios twice, raised his huge pincers, stretched his legs, and rushed towards Naios at an extremely fast speed.

"Ha!" Naios didn't dodge but charged towards the Baltan star, and when he was about to be hit by the Baltan star, he jumped directly over the Baltan star's head.Then he quickly turned around, clasped his hands and ten fingers together to grab the arms of the Baltan star, and pulled the tens of thousands of tons of Baltan star directly from the ground with his arms, spun a few times in the air and threw it at On the side of the open space.

Before the Baltan star could stand up, Naios condensed energy and released a beam of terrifying Spethium rays. Under the shroud of the sun's rays, the Spetsium rays hit the fallen man. On the body of the Baltan star, the struggling and screaming Baltan star became quiet little by little, and after the light of Spyium disappeared, the body of the Baltan star exploded with a burst of explosion sound like landslides and ground cracks.

Naios let out a long breath, looked at the remaining five Baltans, and put on a fighting posture towards them, "Come on, just use any tricks, I won't be afraid of you."

"Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha..." Those Baltans seemed to have heard some joke. After looking at each other, three Baltans ran out. Naios rushed to the three Baltans without fear, waving his hands at the same time. Looking at the hands that were condensed by the light, they shot out a series of piercing beams.

When he was about to touch it, he kicked his legs hard on the ground, splashed violent dust and jumped into the sky, and blasted Naios bombing from his left hand, like a bombardment that Naios bombarded with flame beams. On the body of a Baltan star, Yu Wei slapped the body of another Baltan star, the super high temperature seemed to burn this Baltan star, and the gravel glass beside it all melted.

'boom! ' With a loud noise, Naios bombed the unfortunate Baltan star into pieces all over the sky. When it was about to land, a Naios lightsaber stretched out from his right wrist, and the lightsaber moved along the falling body. Another Baltan star was split into two and exploded.

Relying on his rich combat experience, he concentrated all his strength on his left fist and slammed it towards the chest of the last of the three Baltan stars. The chest cavity of the Baltan star was sunken to the extent visible to the naked eye. At the same time, with great force, this Baltan star was also taken several steps by its hind legs. Naios seized the opportunity and swept the Baltan star on the ground with a sweep of his legs.

(End of this chapter)

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