School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 293 The Life Baltan Desires

Chapter 293 The Life Baltan Desires
"What do you know?" Lin Yi glared at the Baltan star, "The more I know about strength, the better it is for me."

"Who isn't?" The Baltan star turned his head. Hearing this, Lin Yi glared at the Baltan star and said, "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

Life business.

A piece of news that shocked Ron made Ron stop drawing Ultraman in his hand. Now the headlines of the news have been dominated by Ultraman vs. Cosmic Man. Various photos and videos are uploaded on the Internet crazily, even on TV. Also began to report on this incident, Ron swallowed nervously, "So it's all true, Ultraman really exists, it's really great!"

"Ultraman!" Ron became excited when he thought about it, that was a real Ultraman, not a fake, it was a real Ultraman, that feeling of dream come true, that heartfelt passion Excited, think about it, if your favorite star suddenly appeared in front of you, how would you feel?
Ron's mood at this moment is indescribable, "Ahhh w(?Д?)w~ Tomorrow is the weekend, and I don't know if Ultraman will come tomorrow. If I can see Naios with my own eyes, How nice that would be."

"Ahhh, so excited, super excited~"

The night came as expected, and the cold wind blew past the ruins, dragging dust into the air. Under the sly moonlight, the ruins looked extraordinarily sad.

It was still the original bench, Lin Yi sat on it a little depressed, picked up the instant noodles in his hand, and said, "I'm going to sleep on the street again, I want to sleep peacefully."

The Baltan star naturally sat on a bench next to him, lay down comfortably on it, and said, "This is much more comfortable. Compared with me who was running away in the universe, when I was tired, I could only fall on the ground." Resting on an asteroid for a while, the violent vibration almost shattered my bones, and now I can have this kind of treatment, just like a five-star hotel."

"You have a really good attitude." As he spoke, Lin Yi picked up a spoonful of instant noodles, and the freshly soaked noodles exuded an attractive aroma, and swallowed slightly, "Ah, how long has it been since I ate instant noodles?" Yes, it's really delicious."

"Baltans, don't you really want to eat it? It's delicious." Just as he was talking, Lin Yi picked up another spoonful of instant noodles and put it into his mouth, and started to eat it.

The Baltans shook their heads, and said: "The Baltans don't need to eat frequently, generally only need to eat once in hundreds of years, and other times they only need the energy of nature, such as wind energy, light energy, etc. As for eating, It’s just to satisfy my hunger.”

"No no no, although instant noodles are cheap, they are considered junk food in the eyes of others, and eating too much is not good, but they are really delicious, in my opinion," Lin Yi said vaguely with noodles in his mouth. He said: "This is gourmet food. It's cheap and filling. The important thing is that it's delicious. Well, even though it's borrowed."

The Baltan star opened his eyes and glanced at Lin Yi, and said, "So you can steal things too."

"Hmm," Lin Yi shook his head, "It's not stealing, it's just borrowing."

Shrugging helplessly, the Baltan star continued: "On my home planet, there are a lot of delicious food, most of which are imported from other planets, such as cosmic coffee. I used to like cosmic coffee very much. The mellow taste makes everyone who drinks it forget to return.”

After greedily taking a sip of the soup, Lin Yi wiped his mouth with his hands, and handed the remaining half bowl of instant noodles to Diana, the moon god, and said, "Hey, I left it for you specially, you must not have eaten it. Come on, it's delicious."

"Thank you." Luna Diana nodded a little touched, "You can eat, I don't need to eat."

Lin Yi shook his head with a smile, "This is not to replenish energy, but to satisfy the taste buds. You don't know how wonderful the taste of this thing hits the taste buds. It's really delicious."

Luna Diana didn't refuse, took the half bowl of instant noodles that were still hot, sat on Lin Yi's chair, picked up a piece of instant noodles, and found that this side was twisted, as if it was moistening the inside from the outside. Seemingly, she tentatively put it in her mouth, and the taste immediately exploded in Luna Diana's mouth, stimulating her taste buds, and praised quickly: "Mmm, it's delicious."

"Really." Lin Yi looked at Luna Diana, who was eating instant noodles regardless of her image, with a gratified face, and couldn't help sighing, "Food is so tempting, even a goddess can't resist it."

"That's not true." Luna Diana stroked her hair and said, "We didn't have such delicious food in our era. What we ate were hard energy crystals with no taste at all, so that many people They all choose to directly absorb and transform natural energy and energy from the universe, and never know what the smell is."

"Hey, doesn't it feel good to be able to stay in this era for a while?" Lin Yi put his arms around his chest, "I remember that in the past, I often ate instant noodles, and two of the three meals a day were instant noodles, in order to train us The ability to resist hunger, so that I vomited after eating, which has a shadow on instant noodles.”

"But later, I couldn't touch instant noodles suddenly. I haven't touched instant noodles for almost a few years. Now I recall the familiar taste, I am really touched, and I miss the days when there was no such battle." Lin Elegantly walking to the white railing, standing here, you can clearly see the city in your eyes, every house is brightly lit, looking from a distance, it looks like a fixed firefly, wearing a black coat, The starlight shining on this land is extremely beautiful, "Well, this is the charm of the land of Huaxia. Once upon a time, I was also a human being. Once upon a time, I was also a person of Huaxia."

"But it's already in the past, isn't it?" The Baltan star turned around lightly, looking at Lin Yi's back, "Once upon a time, I was also a Baltan star, but since I escaped from my home planet, the Baltan star This name has become farther and farther away from me."

"Now? Do you have a name?" Lin Yi asked, facing the distant city.

The Baltan Starman shook his head, then nodded again, and said, "Batan, this will be my name from now on, so that I won't forget my home planet in the long days to come."

"Batan, are you sure you want to live as an ordinary person on Earth?"

"Yes," the Baltan star nodded firmly, "I'm pretty sure that I've been wandering in the universe for so long, and I'm tired and tired. Now I just want to find a warm place where I can Sleep peacefully, live peacefully, stay away from the smoke of war, when some villain hits the earth's attention, come forward to stop it. As the sun sets, sit on the grass with your lover and taste the pastries made for each other."

(End of this chapter)

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