School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 300 Soaring Flames

Chapter 300 Soaring Flames
"Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha..." The Baltan Starman waved the pliers in his hand and rushed towards Naios in a big stride. He raised his big pliers and patted Naios on the shoulder. Naios blocked Baal with one hand. The Tan star waved the big pliers, and the Baltan star waved the other pliers to shoot at Naios. Naios quickly raised his other arm to prevent the Baltan star man from attacking him.

"Ha!" Naios exerted all his strength with both arms, and the huge force acted on the pair of forceps of the Baltan star, making a sound of "呲呲呲味", and gradually pushed the Baltan star's arms down, and at the same time The right hand rested on the Baltan star's abdomen, and the left hand held the Baltan star's chest and lifted it up.

"Ha!" Just about to throw the Baltan star to the right, but Naios saw the crowd protesting against him just now, and then wanted to throw the Baltan star to the left, but thought, there are also people on the left In the crowd just now, there was also an old man who was walking with a steel frame in his hand, but fell to the ground.

For a while, Naios didn't know what to do, but the Baltan star didn't think so. He saw a strong and high-temperature flame gushing out from the Baltan star's pincers, and the terrifying flame that could melt the house burned Nai. Naios's chest, surrounded by flames, only felt the severe pain stimulating himself.

"Ugh...!" Finally, Naios couldn't bear it anymore, and put down the Baltan star in his hand, and the weight of the Baltan star was on Naios' body, and he pushed himself to the ground, bursting out violently. spark.

The two behemoths fell to the ground, smashing the road into a huge pothole, and the rising dust was much higher than tall buildings, and the two behemoths were immediately engulfed by the rising dust.

"Why didn't Ultraman throw the alien out?" The reporter above was a little puzzled by Ultraman Naios' actions, but the cameraman pointed to the fleeing crowd below, and pointed the camera at the bottom , The reporter suddenly realized, "It turns out that in order not to hurt the fleeing crowd, Ultraman himself endured the attack of that alien in order to protect them."

"Damn it, those people are really dogs biting Lu Dongbin, they don't know good people."

"That's right, Ultraman protects them like this, but they bite back."

"The scum of humanity."

"I'm ashamed that I'm a human with them."

"How do you sing a song, what kind of human are you~ what kind of human~"

"The one upstairs is terrible, Jay Chou fainted in the toilet."


Seeing Naios' behavior, Lin Yi's heart was very complicated, and he sighed, "This is the so-called Ultra Heart, protecting the weak and willing to bear all the pain by himself."

"It's time for this scene to end." Lin Yi said, wanting to end all of this, but was stopped by Luna Diana, who shook her head and said: " Let them continue, perhaps this battle can give Naios a big leap in his mind."

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Yi took a complicated look at Naios and said, "Okay, let's go to the end."

"Ultraman! Come on!" Ron below shouted without fear of death, and the Baltan star who got up from the ground glanced at Ron, and didn't seem to want to hurt him, because his father was very good to him , shook his body, and shook off the dust, "Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

He staggered up from the ground, and put on a fighting pose against the Baltans, "Ha!"


Bursts of current converged in the Baltan Starman's pincers, and a white lightning whip protruded from the pincers. I have to say that the Baltan Starman is really strange. He is obviously afraid of thunder, but he can use lightning as a weapon.

With a loud sound of "Peng", the thunder whip rushed towards Naios like a thunder dragon. Naios reacted quickly and rolled to one side. Swinging at Naios again, Naios did a backhand flip and avoided the attack. The lightning whip left several long ravines on the road.

"Ha!" Naios kept rolling, every time narrowly dodging the lightning whip wielded by the Baltan Starman, lightly tapped the floor with both feet and then rose into the air, waving in mid-air toward The Baltan star waved dozens of light blades, and the Baltan star waved his right pincers to the right. The thunder whip in the lobster's hand swept across the air, cutting the whizzing light blade into bursts of particles, and issued a "boom boom boom" 'A few loud noises turned into fireworks.

"Ha!" Naios immediately showed the Ultra Great Sword in his hand, and ran quickly in the streets of the city. Seeing this, the Baltan star immediately waved the thunder whip in his hand, and slapped Naios with it. Fierce sparks splashed from his waist, and the big sword in Naios' hand also chopped off the lightning whip. Before the lightning whip fell to the ground, it had already turned into particles and disappeared.

Naios rolled on the ground with a muffled grunt, and instantly turned around and threw hundreds of shurikens from his hands. The bitter wind tore the surrounding buildings and knocked everything in the house to the ground. The Baltan star laughed strangely. , spewing out light bullets from his hand.

A bunch of light bombs collided at the center and exploded. The powerful momentum pushed the two of them back a few steps. The terrifying energy tore the road below the collision point into a huge pothole, and they were lifted up in a short while. The rising mushroom cloud engulfed it, and the effect of the high temperature increased the surrounding temperature by dozens of points.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The explosion was still going on, a series of light bombs bombarded together, blooming bright flame flowers among the houses, and the blooming flame flowers destroyed all the surrounding buildings. You can feel the heat wave coming from hundreds of meters away.

The explosion lasted for tens of seconds before it stopped, but the high temperature still pervaded the city, and he was unwilling to leave for a long time. The charred houses emitted white smoke, and the harsh sirens were also burned by the raging heat wave. The firefighters involved in putting out the flames couldn't stand the soaring heat wave and had to withdraw from the ruins far away from the battlefield.

There is no longer a drop of water around, all evaporated into water vapor floating in the air or even disappearing directly into a wisp of blue smoke in the air, the terrifying high temperature corrodes everything, like a virus permeating the air, trying to kill everything Burn everything that blocks you!

"Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha..." The blazing flames kept beating, and the fire light reflected on the Baltan star's tongs, but the temperature that could melt steel could not help the Baltan star in the slightest.

(PS: In the book "Ultraman Unlimited Saiga", Yimeng will delete chapters little by little, and then write the things about the four callers in one book, one caller per volume. Due to the unity of the four callers, I originally wanted to change the title of the book to "Legend of Ultraman Kamigawa", but the editor said the title was good, so I didn't change it.)
(End of this chapter)

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