School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 420 The Final Jihad

Chapter 420 The Final Jihad ([-])

A dazzling blue-white light erupted from the energy indicator on Mebius's chest, and an endless galaxy followed the blue-white light to float above the realm of gods.

The beautiful Kamigawa stunned the Xuanbing God King for a while, "This is...the power of is it possible!? Why...why did this power appear on you? You are from Kamigawa ?"

"No, how could the people of Kamigawa have Ultra warriors..." Xuanbing Shenwang shook his head for a while, and said, "You are not from Kamigawa..."

"Whether you are from Kamigawa or not is none of your business!" Mebius clasped his hands together, and Kamikawa floating in the sky suddenly burst into a beautiful light, and the light lingered on Mebius' body , like an angel descending from the sky, "Kamigawa Frost Dawn!"


The entire realm of gods suddenly lit up under the power of the frosty dawn, and the interior of the realm was completely filled with white light. The light was so intense that Diana, the moon god, had to close her eyes. It erupted at this moment, and the monstrous energy devoured everything around, like a black hole.

The energy vortex is constantly tearing away the visible matter around, and the entire God's Domain is dyed with a layer of colorful light, which is very beautiful, and the remaining warmth lingers in the God's Domain, making the cold God's Domain look a bit cold Warm, a figure slowly fell from the light, even though the energy hurricane whizzed past by the ear, there was no movement at all, just... as if dead...

Earth, the Holy Land of Light.

"Uh ha ha ha ha ha..." Chimera Bellos was still happily releasing endless light bombs. The goddess fell from the sky like flowers and bombarded the ground, like a fort. Every time the light bomb hits the ground, it will explode A huge pothole.

Endless black smoke rose from the scorched soil, and the terrifying heat wave slapped the surroundings like a violent wind and waves. The light giant family had already come to an end.

"Enough is enough for me!" A roar came from the air, and Chimelabellos turned around, only to see a red leg lingering in flames constantly enlarging in his pupils, Chimelabellos just smiled coldly , Immediately propped up the Chilas barrier, and the transparent blood-red barrier was stacked like a honeycomb, standing in front of Chimera Bellos.


With a crisp sound, the powerful Dijia kicked on the barrier. The terrifying force and intense high temperature directly cracked the barrier. The corners of the Chimeras barrier had already melted, but he hesitated the same thing so that it does not fall, but hangs down like a willow.

"You are... ULTRAMAN TIGA..." A deep voice came from Chimera Bellos' mouth, and he looked at Tiga in front of him coldly. The barrier was also shattered by his palm.

"Ultra-ancient warrior, Ultraman Tiga, heh, are you... sure you want to fight against me, Beria?" Chimera Bellos raised his palm and looked coldly at Diga who had gotten up in front of him. Jia, Dijia shook his body, shook off the broken stones that fell on his body, pointed at the ugly Chimera Bellos, and roared: "I don't know who Beria is, I All I know is that my mission is to dismantle you!"

"Oh, interesting." Chimera Bellos walked towards Di Jia step by step with his thick thighs. Because of his weight, he couldn't run. Switched to the air form, to deal with cumbersome enemies, use agility to win.

"Ha!" Di Jia kicked lightly on the ground, his body immediately flew into the air, raised his right leg and split on Chimera Bellos' waist, Chimera Bellos smiled coldly, as if he had expected Di Jia Jia would attack like this, raised his right elbow and hit Di Jia's slender legs fiercely.

The huge force made Dijia grunt in pain, as if his leg was about to be broken.

Rolling backwards a few times in real interest, Dijia's right palm was attached to his left wrist, a burst of purple light flashed, a lightsaber stretched down from his left wrist, using the power of space, it appeared in front of Chimera Bellos in an instant, the sword Before he swung it down, Tiga disappeared again, because he saw that Chimera Bellos had already raised his palm.

The next time it appeared, it was already on the left side of Chimera Bellos. He suddenly raised the lightsaber in his hand and slashed heavily on the shoulder of Chimera Bellos, splashing violent sparks. After Ross reacted, Tiga disappeared again, his figure condensed in the figure of Chimera Bellos.

The sharp sword blade flickered across the back of Chimera Bellos, leaving behind a broken wing. The left half of the wing had been cut off by Tiga, and it fell heavily on the ground, lost Chimera Bellos with one wing had difficulty maintaining his balance, and he staggered when he walked.

Seeing this, Di Jia did not continue to chop off another part of the wings. For Di Jia, the worse the condition of Chimera Bellos, the better he is and the greater the chance of victory.

You Lian and the two elders stood watching the battle from a distance. They didn't dare to intervene. Intervention would only add to the chaos. They are useless and now they can't even deal with Qijie Lahua. The barrier of the Holy Land of Light was just kicked by Di Jia It exploded and the light was fading.

"Where are the captains of the four teams?" You Lian looked at Aurora standing on his left.

"I'm going to call them here now." Ji Bing nodded, waved one hand, and after a while, the four figures slowly landed in front of You Lian, You Lian nodded and said: "The tactics are still the same. Proceed, the four of you are ready to release the ultimate cross barrier, and the remaining giants of light are preparing to supply light, Ji Bing and Xing Tian, ​​and you two rush into the ultimate cross barrier to seal it at the right time."

"Yes!" The group of giants of light nodded one after another. For them, they can't help them deal with the enemy, but they may be of great help to help release the ultimate cross barrier. Ji Bing and Xing Tian looked at each other and nodded, the high priest They had already learned of the plan a few days ago. It was originally prepared for the evil god Gatanjae, but he had already been killed, and now it was useful for this guy in front of him.

Let the captains of the four teams release the ultimate cross barrier, rush in with Ji Bing, one person binds Chimera Bellos with the beam of life, and the other binds Tiga with the beam of life, the ultimate cross that absorbs all the light The barrier will turn them into stone statues, all of this is only for human beings 3000 million years later...

Light will not interfere with human choice.

But before that, there needs to be light passed on, and the light passed on is Dijia...

(PS: EDG lost again, I feel sorry for my factory manager, WE come on==)

(End of this chapter)

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