School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 437 1 Incarnation

Chapter 437 Integration
He shook his head a little annoyed, he really wanted to scold the street, why do other people transform when they want to transform, and there are restrictions on transforming yourself, why!Is this treasure a pit?

Meiza City.

The ear-piercing sound of air defense sirens surrounds the urban area, and the citizens watch in horror at the monster that destroys one high-rise building after another. The fear of domination.

They are also huge creatures, but they can only flee and howl helplessly, no matter how they are trampled and humiliated, mushroom clouds rise from the ground, and Dimaga's voice is like a devil in the ears of the citizens.

From time to time, a terrifying fireball was fired from the barb on Dimaga's back. The fireball fell from the sky to the ground like a meteorite, bombarding a large crater. The asphalt road was already dilapidated and burned. The burnt breath lingered in the air, and all kinds of mushroom clouds rose at the same time, which was extraordinarily spectacular.

Where Dimaja walked, there were not big pits emitting flames and black smoke, or molten viscous liquids.

The surrounding high temperature rose sharply by seven or eight degrees, and the objects a little closer to Dimaga either ignited spontaneously or were melted.

Dimaga seemed to see something, turned around, and saw a group of humans watching him, and immediately became upset, he was a monster, what do you think I am?A monkey in a zoo?

Immediately, he yelled at them, and only then did the group of people react, and hurriedly ran away with their heads in their hands.

A hot line of red molten iron spewed out from Dimaga's mouth, and all the things shot along the way turned into molten matter. A few unlucky humans were directly melted into a puddle by the terrifying high temperature. Something material, mixed with the lava.

Dimaja's footsteps are still moving forward, and the glass on the tall building next to him reflects Dimaja's body and the flames soaring into the sky. The glass is gradually melted and flows down the side wall of the tall building.

The rubble kicked up by the explosion was splashed more than 100 meters high, and all kinds of smoke enveloped the place where Dimaja passed.

"No matter what, stop the monster from moving forward!" Captain Shenmu's voice came from the XIO terminal to the ears of A'Du and Hayato.

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of explosions sounded on Dimaga's body, and the violent sparks directly devoured Dimaga's body, but Dimaga just didn't care about it, and continued to move forward. soil column.

Da Da, who was running in the opposite direction from the citizens, looked at the things on the XIO terminal and shouted loudly: "Maybe it's this!"

"What do you understand!?" Asuna looked puzzled at Dadi running in front of her.

"That guy is Dimajia!" Dadi looked up at Dimajia.

"Dimaga..." Captain Shenmu at the XIO combat center frowned slightly.

And several pictures also appeared on the screen of the combat center, "It is the Iron Demon King Beast also recorded in "Japanese Taiping Fudoki". Show up in the world, and destroy the peaceful world with the flames."

"Isn't that a myth? How should we fight him?" Asuna said nervously, it is the scariest thing that exists in the myth to appear in the normal world, just like Monkey King appeared one day and started fighting with humans fought.

"The records say that the giant of light sealed him." Da Da looked at the incomprehensible symbols on the screen of the XIO terminal.

"This kind of information is useless at all. If the Giant of Light was still there, it would have appeared a long time ago." Asuna looked at Dimaga who was wrecking havoc.

From Dimaga's mouth, a hot wire of molten iron sprayed out, and the red hot wire of molten iron rushed towards the Blue Sky Musketeer. The Blue Sky Musketeer almost flew past the molten iron wire, although he did not touch this It was enough to heat the fuselage to the molten iron, but the terrifying high temperature still caused the cooling fan to burn out and fail.

"The cooling fan stopped working, and the collective localized heat could not cool down, requesting to land." Hayato worked hard to control the out-of-control body.

"Landing allowed." Captain Shenmu nodded.

Looking at the fighter jet going away, Dimaga nodded in satisfaction, spit out the molten iron hot wire again from his mouth, and threw it over the surrounding buildings, melting all the houses and roads and bursting into flames.

"Daichi! Asuna! Hurry up and avoid it!" The collapsed houses on the street and the falling flame balls made Captain Shenmu worried for a while. He touched his pocket and exclaimed in shock, "Gomora is gone!"

Shouting to the surroundings: "Gomora! Gomora! Gomora!"

"Earth..." Asuna wanted to grab Dadi's advancing body, but the force erupting from Dadi's body made her unable to even grasp it.

The earth looked for traces of Gomora worriedly, and finally found Gomora dropped there next to a ruin, "Gomora!"

He shouted and ran towards that side, completely ignoring Asuna behind him who called him loudly.

Dadi rushed over, picked up Gomora, and was relieved when he saw that Gomora was intact. If Dadi still has relatives in this world, then only this Gomora is left Sparkies' gone.

"Hissing..." Dimajia's roar reached Dadi's ears, and Dadi looked forward subconsciously, and found that Dimajia was staring at him, and immediately panicked.



At this time, the XIO terminal in Dadi's hand began to vibrate. Dadi glanced at the XIO terminal in his left hand and complained, "Eh?? It's such a time, what's going on!"



Dimaga spat out a red hot wire of molten iron, and flew towards the ground below. Asuna immediately shouted: "Earth!"

Dadi closed his eyes and shouted, and subconsciously blocked the XIO terminal in front of him. A huge "X" was continuously condensed by the data and appeared on the XIO terminal, shining bright blue and white light.

The light quickly enveloped the earth, and at this time, Dimaga's molten iron hotline attack also arrived, directly engulfing the light.

All of this happened only in an instant, so Asuna did not see this scene. In Asuna's sight, the earth was directly swallowed by Dimaga's blow. Compared with the damage caused by the previous attack, Tomorrow Nye already thought the earth was sacrificed.

(End of this chapter)

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