School flower's personal Altman

Chapter 444 The Problem With Electronic Monsters

Chapter 444 The Problem With Electronic Monsters

"I'm ashamed to say this. Rare product 929 can't relieve the food crisis on Vatican, and it can only last for thousands of years. So I drove the spaceship to search for the elements that make up rare product 929 in the universe, but I had no choice. I arrived at the super space crack, and the space crack brought me here." Gurman sighed long, "In order to find a way to go back, I wandered all the way to the solar system, and it happened that the fuel of the spaceship ran out, so I was forced to Landed on Mars, because I have been to the earth, so I came to the earth, and then joined XIO."

"So that's how it is. I just said why you appeared here. When the things here are over, I will send you back." Although he was shocked at why he would remember himself, but thinking about it carefully, the Vatican star left the earth. There is still a period of time before I left that universe. Gurman should have come to this universe at that time, right?That's why Arcana's amnestics failed to affect Gurman.

"However, Dadi, have you been chosen by the new Ultra warrior?" Gurman turned his head and asked the dazed Dadi.

Only then did the earth react from the shock. Since the matter has been exposed, and Gurman is very familiar with the person called 'Mebius' in front of him, he should not be harmful to him, and he also believes that Dr. Gurman's character, nodded, said: "Ah, I was not killed by Dimaga this morning, thanks to X."

"No wonder your XIO terminal is dyed gold. It turns out that there are Ultra fighters, but this Mr. Ultra fighter, I have never seen you in the Space Guard. Are you a new member?" Gul Man's problem is also Lin Yi's problem.

Ax heard the words, and asked with some doubts: "The Space Guard? What is that?"

"It seems that they are not the Ultra warriors of the Kingdom of Light, are they the lives bred in other universes? Just like Tiga, Dyna, Gaia, and Gauss." Lin Yi nodded thoughtfully, the universe is not It’s not that there are Ultra fighters in the Kingdom of Light, and Ultra fighters are not special products of the Kingdom of Light. Ultra fighters will also appear in other regions, but the number is not so large, but their combat effectiveness is often very high. players compared.

But those universes without Ultra fighters will evolve exhausted creatures, just like the universe of the Ultimate Zero Guard, because there is no Ultraman in that universe, so there are red lotus flames and mirror knights Similar existences like Jambert.

"What is the kingdom of light? Is it the kingdom of Ultraman? Are there many giants of light like X in there?" The earth was shocked immediately. A planet is full of giants with a height of 50 to [-] meters. How big is that planet, the front is also as big as three earths?

"Yes, the Kingdom of Light is the kingdom of Ultraman, all of which are Ultraman, but their previous lives are very similar to yours, but because they lost the sun, they created plasma sparks, and the power of plasma sparks made them Evolved into an Ultraman." Dr. Gurman replied, who in the Kingdom of Light universe does not know the history of the Kingdom of Light, that is the most powerful force in that universe.

"It's amazing." The earth immediately made up a picture in his mind. Countless creatures like X are living on the same planet as humans. Such a huge figure is so spectacular.

"By the way, Dadi, do you think the experiment in the morning can make the electronic monster move successfully?" Dr. Gurman looked at the shocked Dadi.

"Electronic monster? Is it a man-made monster similar to GUYS?" Lin Yi looked at Dr. Gurman and asked.

"Yes, but electronic monsters are not as good as GUYS' man-made evolution monsters. Electronic monsters have no consciousness, can't think, and need humans to control them, just like characters in online games, but electronic monsters haven't stabilized their particles yet. The way." Dr. Gurman said with a wry smile.

"That's right." Lin Yi nodded.

"If the brainwaves can be synchronized smoothly, it is only one step away." Dadi explained with great effort: "We are ready for everything, but the brainwaves cannot be synchronized, and the data particles are also somewhat unstable. As long as these With some adjustments, the electronic monsters can successfully appear in this world."

"However, the continuous limit value of human somatic cells will not change. In this case, electromagnetic wave coherence is almost non-existent. Data particle stabilization is very simple. You only need to increase the particle density by a few @unit percentage points Or lower the @unit by a percentage point." Lin Yi shrugged helplessly, "So, if the electronic monster wants to succeed, it must find a human being with the same electromagnetic wave as the electronic monster, in order to realize the electronic monster. technology."

"Uh... that's right..." Lin Yi's sharp words made the earth ponder, and he began to doubt whether this technology could be successful. Brain wave synchronization, there are existences in human beings that are synchronized with such a huge biological brain wave ?I think should not be?

"Well, don't be discouraged, you can use common sense to think from another angle, just abandon the idea of ​​electromagnetic waves, and just use your thoughts or particle controllers to control the electronic monsters."

Dadi shook his head and said: "No, in this case, the research data in the past few years will be meaningless, and XIO does not have so much money for us to restart this technology, and the time does not allow it. Ax told me that the spark dolls have gradually begun to recover."

"By the way, Aix transformed the body into data and stored it in the XIO terminal. Can we, like Aix, scramble the data of the Gomora spark doll, integrate it into the XIO terminal, and then use the data to Collider to condense the body of Electron Gomora." The earth looked at Dr. Gurman and Lin Yi excitedly.

But Aix's words poured on the body of the earth like a basin of cold water, "No, the spark doll is not a living body by itself, and cannot be stored in the XIO terminal in the form of data. Even if it is successfully stored, It is also impossible to condense the entity through the data collider, because it does not support such a shape change at all, and the data will disperse directly when the entity is condensed."

"Strange, doctor, your body seems to be a little transparent." Seeing that Dr. Gurman's body gradually became illusory, the earth exclaimed immediately.

"What!? Ah! Lucy's child, has the invention of the transparent liquid succeeded?" Immediately stood up from the high platform, and hurriedly ran to the laboratory to ask for Lucy's help, "Ahh, I'm going to disappear, no way , I'm going to disappear, don't!"

(End of this chapter)

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