Hidden marriage favor: the queen's wife, want to hug

Chapter 109 You Are Too Cowardly After All

Chapter 109 You Are Too Cowardly After All

Chapter 110 After all, you are too cowardly
Rong Zisheng still lowered his head and said nothing.

Gu Zhanzhong suddenly sneered, "Since you are going to teach in Qingcheng, then stay there for the rest of your life."

Rong Zisheng raised his eyes suddenly, he stared blankly at Gu Zhanzhong, opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word, no, it should be because he didn't know what to say.

Gu Zhanzhong glanced around coldly, "Whoever is involved in this matter, stand up truthfully, otherwise don't blame me, Gu, for being rude." Gu Zhanzhong's whole body exuded a chill.

His eyes went from Cheng Youyun to Tang Qiutong, and finally fell on Rong Zisheng.

Rong Zisheng went to Qingcheng to support teaching, just to use it to make a name for himself, so that he could enter an official career in the future, but how could Gu Zhanzhong make him happy.

Rong Wenhuo didn't say a word, he knew that Gu Zhanzhong was really angry.

He can also understand, after all, Gu Xiaobai was raised by Gu Zhanzhong, and now he is being plotted in every possible way, even he can't stand it, his eyes fell on Rong Zisheng, and he shook his head in great disappointment.

What happened two years ago has always been a knot in Gu Zhan's center, but two years later it caused Gu Xiaobai to be hurt in front of him, how could he swallow it.

"Grandpa, you go out first, I'll change my clothes." Gu Xiaobai said lightly, without any disturbance in his tone.

The group left the room.


Tang Yujin and Ji Shuoming's eyes met.

"Are you involved in this matter?" Ji Shuoming's eyes lit up, and he said dryly.

Tang Yujin chuckled softly, rebelliously, "How can I, Tang San, be able to do this kind of low-handed method."

His deep eyes were full of sarcasm, "I never attack my own people, let alone Xiaobai who grew up together."

"It's not you, it's better!" Ji Shuoming's cold voice sounded.

"Ji Shuoming, what do you mean?" Tang Qiutong screamed suddenly.

Ji Shuoming didn't know where his confidence came from, but he became hardened, "Interrupting others is a very unqualified performance."

"You..." Tang Qiutong gritted her teeth, she gave Ji Shuoming a deep look, and said mockingly, "It's just an actor..."

Gu Zhanzhong gave her a cold look, and Tang Qiutong immediately swallowed back all the words on his lips.

However, Ji Shuoming spoke up, "Laugh at a hundred steps with fifty steps, I am an actor, you are a chicken head!"

Tang Qiutong's whole face became ugly, her eyes were like sharp knives, she wished she could stab Ji Shuoming a thousand or eight hundred times to relieve her anger.

Ji Shuoming sneered, "Tang Qiutong, I don't care about some things because I don't think it's necessary, because I'm not in the entertainment industry, and all right and wrong have nothing to do with me, but that doesn't mean you can bully me at will."

Tang Qiutong glanced at Ji Shuoming with disdain.

Ji Shuoming was not angry, but smiled lightly, "I have collected enough evidence for Tang Yujin's private possession of my property five years ago."

He shifted his gaze to Tang Yujin, "Master Tang San, I'll see you in court."

It took only a few seconds for Ji Shuoming to go from being submissive, crying and crying to being strong now, this...

"Waiting for you at any time." Tang Yujin dropped four words lightly.

Ji Shuoming's hands that were originally clenched into fists were tightly tightened. He bit the corner of his lips. Finally, he took a deep breath and said firmly, "Then we will wait and see!"

 [Karvin, a temporary update today. 】

(End of this chapter)

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