Chapter 147 Winter's Secret

Chapter 150 The Secret of Winter
"Really?" Gu Xiaobai's cold voice sounded, with a hint of danger hidden in his tone.

She looked at her with a half-smile, and said, "I know the truth about my parents' car accident even if you don't tell me."

Cheng Youyun was shocked for a moment by what she said, she opened her eyes and looked at Gu Xiaobai, but at this moment, Gu Qianheng groaned, his face was so gloomy that water could drip out.

The corners of her eyes flicked, and she happened to see his ugly face, mistaking it for Gu Qianheng who thought she was the one who told the truth about the car accident, and immediately growled at Gu Xiaobai, " did you know?"

"Hehe." Gu Xiaobai chuckled lightly, "Of course you and Gu Qianheng told me."

"No... I didn't!" When Gu Qianheng's fierce phoenix eyes fell on her, she suddenly panicked and explained quickly.

Gu Xiaobai smiled lightly, "Cheng Youyun, you've been playing tricks since childhood, why aren't you tired of it?" She was a little disgusted, but also a little helpless.

Cheng Youyun stared at her with her phoenix eyes.

Afterwards, enduring the pain, she came to Gu Qianheng's side, feeling extremely wronged, her tears fell desperately as if they were worthless, "No, I didn't say that."

"Qianheng, you have to trust me."

Gu Qianheng had a sullen look on his face, "Stupid." He cursed at Cheng Youyun.

"It is said that the two of you are going to get married in two days." Gu Xiaobai suddenly remembered this, and she spoke lightly with a smile on her lips.

Cheng Youyun was shocked, "You...what do you want?"

Gu Xiaobai smiled slightly, "Of course it is to prevent you from getting married."

"You..." Cheng Youyun looked at Gu Xiaobai in disbelief.

Gu Qianheng suddenly became very confident again, he glanced at Jing Shengchen provocatively, and said to Gu Xiaobai, "As expected, you... still like me!"

Jing Shengchen stared fixedly at Gu Xiaobai, he was afraid that she would say the word "like".

When he heard that Gu Xiaobai was going to stop Cheng Youyun and Gu Qianheng's wedding, his heart was in a mess, he went crazy, the anger surged deep in his heart, and he couldn't suppress it.

"Gu Qianheng, where do you have the confidence? I like you? I'm not blind!"

"Then why do you want to prevent me from getting married? You're clearly duplicity!"

Gu Xiaobai smiled lightly, "I wish you could marry Cheng Youyun. After all, scumbags and scumbags, you two can digest it by yourself, lest you come out and harm others."

"You..." Gu Qianheng was blocked by her words and couldn't speak a word.

She paused, looked at Cheng Youyun amusedly, and said casually, "You can't hold the wedding two days later, because someone posted this avatar, if I don't tear off the label properly, wouldn't it be Live up to someone's good intentions."

Regardless of the pain, Cheng Youyun got up on the ground. She looked at Gu Xiaobai, gritted her teeth, and glared, " can't do this."

If the wedding cannot take place two days later, those media don't know how to discredit her, and those black people will mock her in various ways.

No, she will never allow it!
The reason why she revealed her wedding date was to slap those people in the face, and also to make her "single-minded" and "infatuated" persona plump, so she will never... never allow Gu Xiaobai to stop them from getting married.

(End of this chapter)

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