Hidden marriage favor: the queen's wife, want to hug

Chapter 171: Zhang Youyun's Calculations 【Addition 1】

Chapter 171: Zhang Youyun's Calculations 【Addition 1】

Chapter 170 Five Chapter Youyun's Calculations

Thinking that Gu Xiaobai cut off the beard and belonged to her, and played the heroine role in the first micro-movie "Waiting for the King" directed by Ji Shuoming, Cheng Youyun couldn't help belittling her overtly and secretly during the interview.

That's right, Cheng Youyun had already thought in her heart that the role of the heroine in "Waiting for the King" must be hers, and she also brought her shamelessness to the extreme.

It's just that what Gu Xiaobai didn't know was that Cheng Youyun's shamelessness really started, and what she did later was called the real shamelessness.

Cheng Youyun is one of the most popular actresses today, and the wedding between Gu Qianheng and her has already attracted much attention. Therefore, as soon as her interview came out, it immediately hit the headlines.

In the current situation, for the bonus and to attract traffic, Yuji is even more unscrupulous, and with the help of Cheng Youyun, they "brilliantly write", turned right and wrong, and pushed all the faults to Gu Xiaobai.

Naturally, he also said good things to Cheng Youyun, and beautified Gu Qianheng as taking into account his sister's emotions and had to bear the pain to give up his love, and he jumped from a scumbag to a warm brother.

Yu Ji's revelations have already caused a sensation. Under Cheng Youyun's push, the major marketing accounts have also collected money to do things one after another, playing the true nature of "Conan", and pointing all the blame at - Gu Xiaobai.

Although Gu Xiaobai is the helm of the Gu family of the four major families in Beicheng—the one whom Gu Zhanzhong holds dear, but the marketing account takes money to do things, and they don't care about her identity. Even if they know her identity, they don't take it seriously. In the era of self-media, they are the kings, whoever wants to smear whoever they want to smear, and whoever gives more money will smear whoever.

Yuji's long-winded article, the promotion of the marketing account, all of a sudden, the three words "Gu Xiaobai" appeared on Weibo's hot search list, not only that, #客小白转出向程宇谢#、#暖男Topics such as 哥哥谢谢衣#, #成都钟我们收起你# quickly entered the top ten.

And netizens also followed the clues to find out some things about Gu Xiaobai.

For example, when Gu Xiaobai was studying, he forced a school director to resign because of his background.

For example, Gu Xiaobai is only the adopted daughter of the Gu family, but she likes Gu Qianheng, and has been blocking her brother's marriage with Cheng Youyun.

For example, Gu Xiaobai liked to bully Cheng Youyun since he was a child, and let her be scapegoated.

Gu Xiaobai's series of scandals also hit the headlines.

Netizen Xiaomo Xiaoerlang: This Gu Xiaobai is also against the sky. If he is an adopted daughter, he should have the status of an adopted daughter. Isn't it good to be self-aware?It's even good to beat mandarin ducks.

Netizens don’t wear big underpants: It is said that Gu Xiaobai also cut off the role of the heroine in the micro-movie "Waiting for the King" of Goddess Cheng. Do you really think that with Gu Zhanzhong's backing, you can do whatever you want?
Netizen My Goddess Piano Level [-]: Amazing, my Gu Xiaobai!This is not a hype!After all, my goddess is beautiful, not to mention the tenth level of the piano, and she is still a popular actress. She can't use my goddess to hype her, right?

Looking at the comments on the Internet, Cheng Youyun swept away his displeasure at being annulled, and sneered in his heart, even his dark pupils were gleaming coldly.

"Gu Xiaobai, since you snatched away what should belong to me and canceled my wedding, you can't blame me." Cheng Youyun thought angrily in her heart, wringing her hands together, her phoenix eyes filled with endless hatred.

However, the person involved didn't take it seriously when he learned that this matter made the headlines, and even directly prevented Jing Shengchen from buying the navy to spread the black material about Cheng Youyun.

 I fell asleep while writing! ! ! !Woooooo... so sleepy! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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