Chapter 177 is to use you

Chapter 180 Is Using You
At this time, Gu Xiaobai's cold voice sounded like a nightingale, "Liu Shao Chu, it seems that you added me on WeChat and called me."

Chu Jingyu was choked by her words, opened his mouth, but couldn't utter a single word, and couldn't refute!

"If you want to play hard to get, that's you, Chu Liushao!" Gu Xiaobai raised his eyebrows slightly, and a light voice sounded.

Chu Jingyu gritted his teeth, even through the phone at this time, he could still feel Gu Xiaobai's embarrassment, but he couldn't refute it with a word.

Chu Jingyu looked out the window expressionlessly, the reason why he added Gu Xiaobai's WeChat and saved her mobile phone number was all because she looked like his uncle.

However, during the call just now, he suddenly discovered that she didn't seem like the fool Cheng Youyun said, on the contrary, she was very smart and quick to respond.

Finding that Chu Jingyu didn't speak, Gu Xiaobai's voice sounded again, "Chu Liushao, if it's okay..."

"Who said it's okay." As soon as Gu Xiaobai was about to hang up the phone, Chu Jingyu said immediately, "I want to pursue you."

"I'm a clean freak." Gu Xiaobai didn't take his words seriously, but still refused, "Especially the ones Cheng Youyun used."

"I'm disgusted!"

Her words were rough and dirty, but she was telling the truth. Chu Jingyu did not refuse Cheng Youyun's embrace, and the two of them also did what they should and shouldn't do.

He smiled slightly, "What if... What if I said that the reason I dated Cheng Youyun is to learn more about you from her?"

"Nonsense." Gu Xiaobai smiled flamboyantly, "Don't say I don't believe it, even you, Sixth Master Chu, don't believe it."

Gu Xiaobai smiled coldly. Ordinary people don't know about the matter between her and Cheng Youyun, but she believes it. However, Chu Liushao, who is a dignified imperial capital, doesn't know, so she naturally doesn't believe it.

What's more, Chu Jingyu also witnessed the conflict between her and Cheng Youyun at Rong Zisheng's birthday party, and now he said this because he regarded her as a fool.

The wind is always chilly at night, especially on moonless and starless nights.

"Bring me to dinner, and I'll help you solve things on the Internet." After a moment of silence, Chu Jingyu opened the window, and the cold wind stroked his cheeks, which also made him sober up a lot.

He knew that her biggest concern now was the smear incident on the Internet. He went back to the computer, opened Weibo, entered the three words "Gu Xiaobai", and ran out of various topics.

Suddenly, from the corner of his eyes, he saw that someone started to wantonly spread black information about Cheng Youyun, and the smile on his lips became stronger and stronger. He knew that Gu Xiaobai must need his help.

Gu Xiaobai smiled lightly, and said very lightly, "It's fine to eat." Suddenly, the corners of her eyes flickered, and she saw Jing Shengchen walking towards her, and said, "As for the online I'm sure someone will fix it for me."

Jing Shengchen was less than one meter away from her.

At this moment, Chu Jingyu's playful voice came from beside his ear, "Who is that man?"

"Jing Shengchen?" He said amusedly.

"Yes. Young Master Jing has already agreed to help me deal with it." Gu Xiaobai said.

Jing Shengchen, who was walking towards her, just heard it, and the corners of his lips raised slightly.However, this smile stopped abruptly and froze in less than a minute.

His body was trembling, and he looked at Gu Xiaobai in disbelief, "You...what did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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