Chapter 185
Chapter 180 IX
Lin Yumeng obviously did her homework when she came to Beicheng this time. She had also heard about Gu Xiaobai's poisonous tongue, but she didn't pay attention to it. It's just that this time, she knows what is called true poisonous tongue.

Gu Xiaobai's venomous tongue is comparable to rocket shells. It is clearly a sentence composed of a few ordinary Chinese characters, but every word is aggressive, like a sharp knife piercing someone's chest, it is difficult to resist and parry.

Before coming to Beicheng, she used to not only get Gu Xiaobai's heart and soul, but also be with Jing Shengchen, but... now it seems that the woman in front of her is really difficult to deal with.

However, she will not give up easily.

What's wrong with Gu Xiaobai's venomous tongue?After all, she is not her opponent.

"I'm not as good as you." After a long time, Lin Yumeng leaned against the hard wood behind her, and said self-deprecatingly, but a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her lips, she looked at Gu Xiaobai quietly, and asked lightly ,:"So what?"

She put her arms around her chest and sneered, "Jing Shengchen loves me the most, not you. Even though he belongs to you, his heart is mine."

"What's the point of guarding someone you can't love?"

Gu Xiaobai's teeth are good, but she, Lin Yumeng, is not someone to wait for.

Gu Xiaobai satirizes her with words, and she can also use her own way to counter her body.

Her words made Gu Xiaobai laugh wantonly, "Hahahaha." After laughing for a while, she imitated Lin Yumeng's tone and said, "So what? I used him in the first place."

"However, his original partner is me. As long as the two of us don't divorce for a day, then no matter how arrogant Lin Yumeng is, no matter how arrogant you are, if you do things that are messy, then he will bear the reputation of being a scumbag. And you..." She suddenly changed the topic, her tone became as cold as snowflakes in the twelfth lunar month of winter, "And you... must bear the name of mistress."

Her words are like a cactus, although it is ugly, but it is full of thorns, people dare not provoke it easily, once provoked, they will have to bear the unbearable consequences.

She glanced at Lin Yumeng faintly, walked to the window, opened the curtains, and the dazzling sunlight reflected on the huge Simmons through the transparent glass.

"For him, so what if I bear Xiaosan's infamy?" Lin Yumeng was sweating profusely on her forehead. Gu Xiaobai's words just now made her back shiver. Not as good as the woman in front of me.

"Tsk tsk." Gu Xiaobai looked at her amusedly, "You are willing to bear the name of the mistress, but he is not willing to be accused of being a scumbag, not to mention that the Jing family disagrees, even he is not willing to do it for a woman older than himself." And take on what you shouldn't take on."

She walked to the bed, touched the bed with both hands, turned her head, and said with a smile, "This bed is very soft and comfortable. When you are in love, do some things that should be done between husband and wife. It can't bear it, because it It's easy to collapse."

Instead of looking at Lin Yumeng's ugly face, she continued, "However, the best thing about this bed is that I can sleep with my whole body facing the sun, with my head resting on his strong arms, He hugged me from behind and we basked in the sun together."

Lin Yumeng's breath became short of breath. It was the first time she saw someone who could talk about sex and love in a high-sounding, justifiable and serious way.

(End of this chapter)

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