Hidden marriage favor: the queen's wife, want to hug

Chapter 189: Grandpa Willing to Pamper 5

Chapter 189: Grandpa Willing to Pamper 5
Chapter 190 Chapter Three
Gu Xiaobai sneered. Sure enough, Lin Yumeng is more difficult to deal with than Cheng Youyun. If this woman is a little careless, she will be plotted to death. If she is a jealous person, then today, she and Jing Shengchen probably Really get divorced.

From the "encounter" in the coffee shop to the confrontation at the Jinsheng Hotel, Lin Yumeng has calculated so deeply, no matter it is at any moment, anytime, anywhere, she and her two conversations are recorded.

Or knowing that Jing Shengchen loves Gu Xiaobai more than she imagined, she talked about "heartache" and "only three months to live".

The recording of the former was to make Jing Shengchen hate her by hearing the content of the recording, but unfortunately, Young Master Jing didn't buy it, and the latter was nothing more than trying to make Young Master Jing soft-hearted, so as to drive a wedge between Gu Xiaobai and him. The relationship between the two, the ultimate irony is that Xiaobai is a hard-hearted person.

However, no matter how deep Lin Yumeng's calculations are, she is not easy to provoke, not only that, but she never thought... She never thought that Jing Shengchen's love for Gu Xiaobai was deeper than imagined.

Gu Xiaobai is even more difficult to mess with.

If Gu Xiaobai was two years ago, she might still be naive and simple, even if she was reborn, she would not easily turn against others, after all, she had no power or influence.

Because of this, when she went to catch the rape, she only used Jing Shengchen's focus to catch the rape. Even if the evidence was in hand, all she asked for was the dissolution of the engagement.

However, two years later, Gu Xiaobai was no longer innocent or naive, on the contrary, she had many calculations in her heart.Because no one knows what she has experienced during the two years she went to study in the United States.

Naturally, Gu Xiaobai would not easily let go of someone like Lin Yumeng who came to provoke him.

Her beautiful and attractive phoenix eyes glanced at Lin Yumeng lightly and said, "If you come to Beicheng one day later, if you don't rush to provoke me today, then Jing Shengchen and I will divorce today .”

Lin Yumeng opened her eyes wide, opened her mouth but couldn't say a word.

Jing Shengchen was also taken aback and trembled.

She changed the subject suddenly, and a playful smile appeared on her pretty face, "However, now, I don't want to get a divorce."

Jing Shengchen was overjoyed.

Gu Xiaobai is the master who operates the puppet. She played with Lin Yumeng and Jing Shengchen, and a bloodthirsty smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her lips, "If we take the picture of your concubine's hug just now What will happen to the cheating man and mistress?"

"You...you are a demon." Lin Yumeng finally yelled out in horror, but only she knew whether it was real fear or fake fear.

She looked at Jing Shengchen, and said in a low, gentle voice, crying, "Shengchen... Shengchen... she's so scary!"

"Would you like to divorce her?"

"If I can't stop being a couple for the rest of my life, then I'm willing to be your girlfriend for only three months." She suddenly looked at Jing Shengchen affectionately and said.

She originally thought that her confession could move Jing Shengchen and arouse the tenderness in his heart, but...

She is disappointed!

Jing Shengchen spoke in a tone as if he was in a world of ice and snow, he didn't even look at Lin Yumeng, "The acting was good, but I hate acting."

Gu Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, but then a touch of bitterness rose. She thought that as long as she stood at the top of the entertainment industry and was highly sought after by others, she was qualified to stand by his side, but...

(End of this chapter)

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