Hidden marriage favor: the queen's wife, want to hug

Chapter 300 What Do You Think I Want To Do?

Chapter 300 What Do You Think I Want To Do?
Chapter 310 Three What Do You Think I Want To Do?
"A Sheng, hello... good... sex... love... ah!" Gu Xiaobai said with a red face.

"Really? He asked back.

Suddenly, he put his head in front of her, and the corner of his lips was only less than 0.1 centimeter away from her.

She closed her eyes and waited for him.

However, after a long time, she didn't wait for his action. She was puzzled and opened her eyes.

"Small sex/female." He whispered, but there was an interesting smile on the corner of his lips.

She was furious.

Just now, she thought that he approached his head just to kiss her, and she was ready, but...

But... But this man was deliberately playing with her.

Gu Xiaobai gritted his teeth, feeling ashamed and annoyed, he simply buried himself in the quilt.

Jing Shengchen directly opened her quilt, with a playful smile on her lips, "Honey... Did you think I was going to kiss you just now?"

He looked at her with a wicked smile.

Gu Xiaobai looked at him, and said, "Ah Sheng, people are tough!"

However, later, she added another sentence, "A Sheng, if you are not married, you must pay attention to the orphan series."

My wife is so embarrassed, and even said it directly, isn't this... just to make my wife annoy him?

Gu Xiaobai also doesn't understand Jing Shengchen, saying that he is full of love talk skills?Indeed!
Call him "nasty talk" as soon as he opens his mouth, that's right!

But, it is said that he is betting on the orphan series, that is also true!
Because Jing Shengchen sometimes looks like a "straight man with cancer" no matter what he says or does. Many girls reject such a man.

Jing Shengchen didn't feel ashamed, and didn't hear Gu Xiaobai's implication. He nodded and said in agreement, "My grandma often said that."

"I told her I was married, and she bluntly said that any blind girl would fall in love with me." He blurted out when he thought of what his grandma said.

Gu Xiaobai raised his forehead!
"A Sheng, are you so straightforward?"

"Hmph. I'm not a series of orphans. I have a wife now." Jing Shengchen said angrily.

Looking at the childish Jing Shengchen, Gu Xiaobai suddenly felt that he was cute.

Jing Shengchen lowered his head, looked at her, and said softly, "We..." He hesitated to speak, "We... come to play and kiss."

Gu Xiaobai rolled his eyes at him, and directly refused, "No."

She thought he was going to kiss her just now, but he was playing with her, and now he wants to kiss her again?Do you really think she is easy to bully?

"You wanted me to kiss you just now." Jing Shengchen said unwillingly.

"You still dare to say?" Gu Xiaobai gritted his teeth.

She retracted her head into the quilt, turned around, leaving Jing Shengchen behind.

Jing Shengchen was taken aback.

This was something he hadn't expected.

He just wanted to tease her, but he never thought that... he would shoot himself in the foot.

He wanted to cry without tears.

However, he didn't want to give up so easily, he began to pester, with the skill of a rogue.

"Kiss one?" He shook Gu Xiaobai's body and said coquettishly.


"Kiss, hug, hold high!" He continued without giving up.

"Didn't you want to kiss just now?" Gu Xiaobai opened the quilt, sat up directly, looked at him and said, "You want to kiss now?"

Jing Shengchen was like a chicken pecking at rice.

Gu Xiaobai said lightly, "It's late."

"I told you to tease my old lady just now, and my old lady has a temper." Gu Xiaobai thought angrily in his heart.

 Good night!Thank you all for your votes! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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